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interlude [L2OFF] L2Mid


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To many bad steps SkyLord. NPC loading 3 times and lag fixed soon 3times, already to many bugs found. guard dont working properly, I have already pk every new player with 1 hit. 


PS: i forget to say insane lag spikes.

Edited by ZOUMHS
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3 hours ago, SkyLord said:

30 minutes left!

The time has come for us to launch the patch, we have prepared some websites from where you can download our files:
Step 1)
Account Registration: Link
Donate Page: Link


DONATE PAGE? are you kidding me? hahaha so basically what DonateLord suggest is "create an account because you cannot donate else, and then donate".
PS: server full of lag, ovh hosting with cheap ddos protection. gl
Edited by heisen
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According to comments server barely works and the dude sends a donation page link.

Like I said, zero self respect, zero expectations.

And ofcourse, karma is a bitch.

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32 minutes ago, L2 OvC said:

According to comments server barely works and the dude sends a donation page link.

Like I said, zero self respect, zero expectations.

And ofcourse, karma is a bitch.

What about ur h5 ovc donates?u was selling top s84 weapons from 1st day..so dont said anything about donates.

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58 minutes ago, BolvEk said:

What about ur h5 ovc donates?u was selling top s84 weapons from 1st day..so dont said anything about donates.

Yes, I had donations for S84 gear on a server where you start with S gear and a very cheap S80 gear, the donation prices were so expensive that the amount of people who actually donated for it can be counted in a single hand, so what's your point exactly?

2 facts about l2ovc donations:

* I never, ever, promoted my donations, especially not in times where the server doesn't work properly like now with l2mid, its much more important for me that the server will be balanced / stable / populated than how my donations goes.

* The prices and donation options have never changed since l2ovc first started in 2013, so many features were added to the server that make the gameplay so easy for non-donators that donators many time request me to increase donation rewards, yet i'm not willing to do it, i'm happy with how it is - not to mention many stuff are not even donateable such as item / skill enchants and augments.

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9 hours ago, Rèvenant said:

To Be honest why u put

2 Different items as Premium Rune & Bag Premium Rune



cuz he is a greedy guy and he wants your money :) 

nice fail l2mid :) again and again and and again, better quit l2 :)

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