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high five [L2J] L2Tales


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Server short description:
The Good vs Evil will be a highly developed x20 Mid-Rate style server, with 2 factions and constant competition about every single objective as farming areas, castles, instances, raid bosses, grand epic bosses. The server will be premium and the price per account will be 3.9€. The server will have NO Donations for any kind of equipment/enchantment, only services you could buy on store will be Accessories, Quests Items (Baium,Antharas,Valakas quests), Noblesse Quest, Clan Services (Leves, Clan Skills), Recommendations (255 Permanent), Account Services (Transfer Faction, Unban, Unjail).

Platform: High Five
Mode: Faction Midrate
Faction IDs: Good vs Evil
Rates: [EXP x20] [sP x20] [Adena x12] [Drop x12] [spoil x12] [RB Drop x5] [Epic RB Jewel Drop x1] [Quest Drop x5 - with exceptions] [Quest Reward x6 - with exceptions]

Server features full description here.
Server System Patch, Choose one of the following mirrors: Mirror #1 - Mirror #2 - Mirror #3- Mirror #4 (Mirrors links will be working from 18th June)
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I really hope this server to get 400-500 at least players online, since i entered their close beta and help vampir on some stuff, the work they did its worth to be paid and the best way of doing that is by their p2p system, they will make alot less money than a normal server makes with donations shop but they are targeting higher life on the server and even with this small ammount to make people take it more seriously and not jump server after a week, also the fact that they will get alot less haters and bad kind of players in game, makes the server so worth to be played. I guess also there will be a tons of pvp, i cant imagine what will happen on tezza/freya entrance zones or on dv/loa :) 

Good luck Vasilis to your project, i will join together with your cousin to have some fun :)!

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I really hope this server to get 400-500 at least players online, since i entered their close beta and help vampir on some stuff, the work they did its worth to be paid and the best way of doing that is by their p2p system, they will make alot less money than a normal server makes with donations shop but they are targeting higher life on the server and even with this small ammount to make people take it more seriously and not jump server after a week, also the fact that they will get alot less haters and bad kind of players in game, makes the server so worth to be played. I guess also there will be a tons of pvp, i cant imagine what will happen on tezza/freya entrance zones or on dv/loa :)


Good luck Vasilis to your project, i will join together with your cousin to have some fun :)!

400-500 real players? maybe in vercetti dreams xD

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400-500 real players? maybe in vercetti dreams xD

ye, vercetti made his dreams come true i believe, in the end who are you the guy that posted 4-5 times l2world server topic here, and i guess you were some kind of staff in l2world? i can understand why you are so dissapointed and desperate to hate so much this guy, btw :) xD :P and all this kind of smileys you post, wont hide your feeling and your anger you never managed to do anything like that. Hate it little bulgarian you will never reach it :)

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alright, and you continue spamming and spamming after dont ask why you are chat banned or banned  :)


Locked till it gets cleaned by G Mods.

Edited by Celestine
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alright, and you continue spamming and spamming after dont ask why you are chat banned or banned :)


Locked till it gets cleaned by G Mods.




Avoid spamming and try to behave properly!

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- Finished Global Gatekeeper. Global Map used by Global Gatekeeper allows you to see all possible teleport locations on the map. It also allows you can also see number of Good and Evil players around spot within 2,5k range.

- Made completely new Clan Hall Auctioneer. You can open it by talking to Auctioneer in any town or choosing "Services" from ALT+B
- Introduced Pay to Play system. Each player after creating character will see "Account Unlocking" dialog. You can get access by either donating or receiving in game mail from a friend.
- Added .gotobase command, it teleports you to your faction base(Rune or Aden).
- You can now install all Attribute Crystals or Attribute Stones at once!

- Website Ranking is now correctly updated by the server.
- After payment and faction choice, you will be teleported to one of three starting locations of your faction.
- Alliances can now be created only to get Ally Crest. You will not be able to invite any clan to your alliance.
- Disabled getting PvP-Flag after hitting member of enemy faction. Killing those players will not get you karma, but pvp point.
- Secondary Password was replaced with your email. Put real email that you will not forget, in other case GM Team won't be able to recover your character.
- Improved Faction Balance algorithm to ensure both factions have similar strength just after opening and 2 months after.
- Selected Private Store and Offline Buff Store zones. Only Rune and Aden will allow this kind of shops.
- Added Change Faction service in Donate Shop for 15DP.
- 1 Clan Hall of each city is now unlocked every week. Decreased number of available Clan Halls after Grand Opening will make new clans in future to be more comfortable on L2Tales.
- Weekly Fee for Clan Hall is now 25% of your winning bid.
- When one of the factions takes castle in Faction Siege, whole faction will defend it. Scroll of Escape to Castle will teleport each member to inside the castle, they will also be able to use Siege Teleporters to get in or out.
- Added error message while attacking low level member of other faction.
- Improved design of donation shop, added Confirm Question while buying any service from main page.
- Our .party system now shows faction of party leader.
- Death Penalty max level is now 3.
- 255 Recommendations from Donate Shop are now permanent, they will not be disappearing over time.
- Queen Ant is now stronger than ever before.
- Pride of Kamael buff is now Self Buff
- Premium Account is now available only for streamers.
- Clan can have now only two Order of Knights, limit was set to enforce new Clan Size limits.
- Duelist and Grand Khavatari has now PvP Skill Damage lower by 10%
- Dreadnought PvP Skill Damage was increased by 15%
- Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter & Adventurer has now 5% lowered PvP Skill Damage
- Sagittarius, Ghost Sentinel & Moonlight Sentinel will now make 5% more Physical Damage.

- Fixed problem with keyboard that some windows 10 users experienced on beta.
- Members of same faction can no longer hit themselves on the siege.
- Only Clan Leaders who are online 30 minutes before Faction Siege, will be visible in Faction Leaders Poll.
- Faction Balance Manager no longer allows you to change faction while having a clan.
- Fixed Faction Leaders Poll announcement.
- Fixed Scheme Buffs sometimes being lost after server restart.
Edited by AchYlek
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