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Interlude Auction Shop


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-stm = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO items VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

+stm = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO items VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

stm.setInt(1, playerId);

stm.setInt(2, IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId());

stm.setInt(3, itemId);

stm.setInt(4, count);

stm.setInt(5, 0);

stm.setString(6, "INVENTORY");

stm.setInt(7, 0);

stm.setInt(8, 0);

stm.setInt(9, 0);

stm.setInt(10, 0);

stm.setInt(11, -1);

-stm.setInt(12, 0);


Edited by Tony360
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  • 1 month later...

What if exception is thrown in add/delete when trying to update database?
Correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't these operations act as transactions or otherwise you will have possibility of duplicated/lost items?



ah I see it was updated

all fine for me now



Why is no one complaining about missing IconTable?

Edited by bistabil
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On 7/17/2017 at 11:44 PM, bistabil said:

Why is no one complaining about missing IconTable?


Because everyone can make IconTable i think...

Edited by Tony360
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I am testing this and reading the code.


Seller will lose adena if sum of price and adena he currently owns exceeds max adena amount.


Also, way the pagination is implemented worries me.


Another feature that this auction should have is expiration otherwise list could get full of trash fast.




First I thing that bothered me about pagination was performance but now I see that it wont work because order of inserts is not preserved thus one can't predict end result.

Edited by bistabil
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, how would you put it to sell also the weapons with skill of argumets to sell?


I can put some of my girlfriends there so you can argument all the day.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi guys.
Sorry for my English.
My Java is bad too.))

I am using 382 aCis.

There is no XMLDocumentFactory.java 

(which, as I understand it, is used for parsing icons for an auction.)

ACis 382 have IXmlReader.java method

is there an option to use IXmlReader.java?.

Pulled with (368)
XMLDocumentFactory.java.  the norm works

And please tell me.
How to limit items allowed for sale at auctions?

Edited by alexmaghym
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Regarding your XML issue, it's not really used in this code, except for the icon table which I basically don't have anymore in order to provide a fix/help for you. But IXmlReader is much easier and cleaner to use than previous methods for reading xml (on aCis always). Try to see some examples in datatables.xml.


As for a limit on the items one can add on the shop, it's quite simple really, you just need to add a method in AuctionTable to read how many items a player has for auction like so:




Then just add a check under else if (command.startsWith("addit2"))

to check if player exceeded the limit: if (AuctionTable.getInstance().getNumberOfAuctions(player) >= YOUR_LIMIT

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On 4/8/2020 at 6:44 AM, An4rchy said:



Что касается вашей проблемы с XML, она не используется в этом коде, за исключением таблицы значков, которая может предоставить вам исправление / помощь. Но IXmlReader гораздо проще, чем предыдущие методы чтения XML (всегда в aCis). Попробуйте увидеть некоторые примеры в datatables.xml.


Что касается ограничения на количество предметов, которые можно добавить в магазин, то можно просто добавить метод в AuctionTable, чтобы узнать, сколько предметов у игрока на аукционе, например:




Затем просто добавьте проверку в  else if (command.startsWith ("addit2"))

проверить, превысил ли игрок лимит: if (AuctionTable.getInstance (). getNumberOfAuctions (player)> = YOUR_LIMIT



my English is not very good ((( thanks a lot !!!


I want the auction to have only certain items in inventory.

For example - armor weapons jewelry



Error: for (AuctionItem item : items)

Error: Can only iterate over an array or an instance of java.lang.Iterable


  1.     public int getNumberOfAuctions(Player player)
  2.     {
  3.         int i = 0;
  4.         for (AuctionItem item : items)
  5.             if (item.getOwnerId() == player.getObjectId())
  6.                 i++;
  7.         return i;
  8.     }




Сan tell me a piece of code: to charge for the services of an auction?

For example, adena



Edited by alexmaghym
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  • 10 months later...

Everything that @Tryskell cited has not been done yet, I organized a few things and redid AuctionTable, I still need to paginate the pages and optimize the AuctionManager.


AuctionManager - https://pastebin.com/YGmT4Uv2

AuctionTable - https://pastebin.com/TnXjWFdi

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