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high five [L2J] L2Tales


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wtf, im boting still and never get teleport, you are retard if you pm him back 

AchYlek everybody knows that you can't be stopped while botting.No need to take him that serious. :P

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Just got banned my bots using adena exploit and all my customers on this shit and adena exploit was fixed thanks to me. GF tales. Just to tell all there was a huge adena exploit i was using


edit: and not only me as i see on skype lot of ppl banned. Better wipe server economy is fucked up

Edited by AdenaDepot
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dead tales confirmed



funny , random clan got random zerg of 50 ppl like jok3 sad.

they might have 104 (many box/bot  chars also on)

so 50 ppl is zerg on tales?

and no opponents?  :D :D 

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Just got banned my bots using adena exploit and all my customers on this shit and adena exploit was fixed thanks to me. GF tales. Just to tell all there was a huge adena exploit i was using


edit: and not only me as i see on skype lot of ppl banned. Better wipe server economy is fucked up


unlucky, u cant sell more adenky

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mah frend got ban bcuz 2bot in gem dragon



i will put me bots with achylek bots, so stalonky dont gonna ban me, best tactic 2k17

Edited by Anitah
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