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simple solutions like this will still filter big bunch of botters who can't handle proper configs, so it's better than nothing, but wouldn't base own server on such solution.

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Skills as aoe attacks how they will be handled?

e.g sps aoe /wl earthquake

Aoe skills return a List of targeted players, you can check if the target is Invisible and take actions i think

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Aoe skills return a List of targeted players, you can check if the target is Invisible and take actions i think

Wait... What do u mean with invisible target?


If i make agro a group of mobs as warlord and after that earthquake,will i die or not?

Same with sps with aqua splash(iirc).


The whole thing is fcked up when it come to AoE ...

If he tries to make them non agro and non damaged with aoe,then everyone will bot with aoe.

If he ban AoE skills,then everyone will flame him

If he lets AoE skills ,then everyone will die when they will use them


Well,its like u r trying to bot with a keypresser Kappa

Edited by bravetobe
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Wait... What do u mean with invisible target?


If i make agro a group of mobs as warlord and after that earthquake,will i die or not?

Same with sps with aqua splash(iirc).


The whole thing is fcked up when it come to AoE ...

If he tries to make them non agro and non damaged with aoe,then everyone will bot with aoe.

If he ban AoE skills,then everyone will flame him

If he lets AoE skills ,then everyone will die when they will use them


Well,its like u r trying to bot with a keypresser Kappa

AOE attack/skill can be exclude if u want on config like some npcs for example

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Wait... What do u mean with invisible target?


If i make agro a group of mobs as warlord and after that earthquake,will i die or not?

Same with sps with aqua splash(iirc).


The whole thing is fcked up when it come to AoE ...

If he tries to make them non agro and non damaged with aoe,then everyone will bot with aoe.

If he ban AoE skills,then everyone will flame him

If he lets AoE skills ,then everyone will die when they will use them


Well,its like u r trying to bot with a keypresser Kappa

When you hit with earthquake or any other aoe in code it get and return a array/list idk of the objects to do also the proper checks if is instance of L2MonsterInstance and no player so in that part of code i guess he exclude if the object is AntiBot so the aoe damage won't hit the AntiBot mods. 

Edited by AccessDenied
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