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L2Jpes Interlude Project

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when ppl join to your forum , they watch the next revs [Fixes] which are not available, it's kinda strange, i know how the system works but anyway is unfair.


No matter how revs you're behind. Bug section is still open, so focus on dat :dat: Also, even if you report already fixed bug, you make attention about your person.

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Guest Elfocrash

No matter how revs you're behind. Bug section is still open, so focus on dat :dat: Also, even if you report already fixed bug, you make attention about your person.

+ there is always someone to leak the files

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Aa you see , he made "free" the project, no matter Customs (My opionion)

But the system you have compiled, ok its a free for -10 revs , but when ppl join to your forum , they watch the next revs [Fixes] which are not available, it's kinda strange, i know how the system works but anyway is unfair.

If you think aCis isn't "free", then you're definitively not the sort of people I try to attract. You're free to use L2JFrozen or that pack.



Regarding Boorinio's remarks, my pack reflects my ego, and my ego makes my pack moving on. Having a big ego is ok if you use it correctly. If you got a big ego, barking on others projects without having one, criticizing without giving any type of answer, then it's pointless ego.


Powerful men on History got big ego. I don't compare myself to any of History's name, but I just prove you than big ego makes the world moving.


If you got no ego, if your pack isn't a part of your own proud, then you're either coding for fun (aka, the pack you code isn't important, even for you) or for money.


Finally, if you were reading my message instead of jumping on it just because you saw me writing a message, you would know than I fully agree with Pauler's move, and I even offered him website support if he needed (which he didn't reply back, btw). So stop pointless hate, and busy about your pack, which, tbh, shows you lack any type of ego (did you make it for "fun" or "money" ?).

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If you think aCis isn't "free", then you're definitively not the sort of people I try to attract. You're free to use L2JFrozen or that pack.



Regarding Boorinio's remarks, my pack reflects my ego, and my ego makes my pack moving on. Having a big ego is ok if you use it correctly. If you got a big ego, barking on others projects without having one, criticizing without giving any type of answer, then it's pointless ego.


Powerful men on History got big ego. I don't compare myself to any of History's name, but I just prove you than big ego makes the world moving.


If you got no ego, if your pack isn't a part of your own proud, then you're either coding for fun (aka, the pack you code isn't important, even for you) or for money.


Finally, if you were reading my message instead of jumping on it just because you saw me writing a message, you would know than I fully agree with Pauler's move, and I even offered him website support if he needed (which he didn't reply back, btw). So stop pointless hate, and busy about your pack, which, tbh, shows you lack any type of ego (did you make it for "fun" or "money" ?).


finally, a guy that deserves the title of a developer. Like you said great man of history fought for there believes, they defied others and continued. Like Thomas Edison said "I have not failed. I;ve just found 10,000 ways of not making a lamp."


Good luck to Pauler.

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If you think aCis isn't "free", then you're definitively not the sort of people I try to attract. You're free to use L2JFrozen or that pack.



Regarding Boorinio's remarks, my pack reflects my ego, and my ego makes my pack moving on. Having a big ego is ok if you use it correctly. If you got a big ego, barking on others projects without having one, criticizing without giving any type of answer, then it's pointless ego.


Powerful men on History got big ego. I don't compare myself to any of History's name, but I just prove you than big ego makes the world moving.


If you got no ego, if your pack isn't a part of your own proud, then you're either coding for fun (aka, the pack you code isn't important, even for you) or for money.


Finally, if you were reading my message instead of jumping on it just because you saw me writing a message, you would know than I fully agree with Pauler's move, and I even offered him website support if he needed (which he didn't reply back, btw). So stop pointless hate, and busy about your pack, which, tbh, shows you lack any type of ego (did you make it for "fun" or "money" ?).

it's whole other story having a healthy ego that motivates you and keeps you movin and another to be an asshole ,lets stop spamming gl to pauler if you want to answer me or any other thing try{ pm } catch {fuck you tk with love from me <3}

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it's whole other story having a healthy ego that motivates you and keeps you movin and another to be an asshole


Looking at your reply, you're the guy who owns this 2nd type of ego, asshole. Why so much hate..  :poker face:

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Changeset 16:


Separated server.properties to two files.

Added more configs for l2databasefactory.

Added .online command with configs which can also check individual player's status.

Minor modifications.



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If you think aCis isn't "free", then you're definitively not the sort of people I try to attract. You're free to use L2JFrozen or that pack.



so do not expect a big community...  :dat:

btw didnt ask you what to use.. :)

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so do not expect a big community...  :dat:

btw didnt ask you what to use.. :)

I'm not interested (and never been) by a big community, I'm interested by developers, and to have a decent pack in the end. I got active people sharing (I can even told you, without being wrong or lying, than I have TOO MUCH atm : I got at least 10 commits of shares), with more than 60 ppls sharing since project creation.


No offense intented on the "developers" part, but a difference must be made between people who are blocked on server launch && can't properly read Announcements section, and ppl who can understand and fix bug reports.


L2JFrozen got a big community (40k members, need to erase 30k bots but w/e), does it help to have a lot of shares ? Answer is "nope".


I must add a big community is harder to manage, and with a bigger community you got also the bad side of the community, which doesn't help to get an healthy community.


You could speak about aCis when Maxtor will decide to come back from holidays and create the Tavern section I asked him :P. For now, I won't answer regarding aCis on that topic anymore.


PS : for the fun information, I managed to name L2JFrozen project my "firewall". Try to guess why :).

PS2 : quality > quantity.

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Changeset 18:


Added a gatekeeper. Npc Id: 50101 (Credits: KDerD64)

Added a buffer. Npc Id: 50100 (Credits: DarthVader)

Removed PNGDecoder.


PS: You can find a great example of ImageGenerator usage at L2BufferInstance.



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