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[Discussion]Any good ideas.

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Ech, can be something more complex like another rank (not hero or nobless, let's  say: General, Capitan) etc :)) And for that 3 vs 3 will be picked 3 players from all wich got the best score .. idk im just sayin :D:D



About that Punish system , yes, players wich they report must be online..and a person can vote only once per few hours ...or to make some protections agains that "enemy clans" but even so..it has to do with whole serv so if all serv hate someone, than he get punished :D

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This is the vip system.



Well you are free to post your ideas, but remember the rules. I will only do what is worth doing. Also it will be shared for free.

And how im going to add it to my frozen pack?
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Other idea can be Heroes by hour.

Someone tried to make me one but as it seems, it has some bugs..

It take off hero from player on a random time without any reason...


So would be great a full working Hero by hour (let's say 6-12 hours)command or Coin. ^^

The time will be static, not the time spended in-game.

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Here is something for you :)


Make new character be spawned in fantasy island and not be able to leave it.

You can buy nice items in there, for example effects that help you in the next fight, accessories, upgrade for soldiers etc

Add special npc in there, you should be able to register to fight by it. When 9(number of the castles) players are on the list, they are getting message that in 120 seconds, match will start.

Your character is now gone, you are looking at the world from the sky, moving by the keyboard arrows and zooming with the mouse scroll.

The camera is now above the random town - your town(castle nearby is also yours :P), there are working civilians(fake pcs) in it. They have got some tasks that player dont have to worry about. After opening community board, you can see info about your kingdom, the budget, how many people are working, how many taxes we are getting.

After clicking "Buildings" page, you can see what we can upgrade(for example grocery store, forge, castle doors, dark elven guild) or buy. After clicking on the building that we own, we can see things we can buy(for example new type of armors, greater healing potions). If viewed building is a guild, we can buy a new soldier(human warrior, orc mage etc), or upgrade things in it(increase lvl of the building, buy upgrades for soldiers).

When we decide to spend some money for new warrior(lets say elven warrior), he is lvl 1 with almost no equipment. We cant force him to do anything. He is just fake pc with awesome AI, he can buy things in shop, kill monsters, we just might choose class for him :P

We can set a Flag on the ground. There are 4 types of them - defend the position, fear the position, attack the position, scout the position. If we want any of our soldiers take the task, we need to put x amount of money on the flag. Daggers like to scout, tanks likes to defend, archers like to attack, mages likes to hmmm.. dont go near fear flag? Btw, thx for every tl;dr message :P

If we will set scout flag somewhere and put 1k adena to go there, dagger classes will be more happy(they need less money) to go there, than tanks.

We collect the money from taxes, more buildings and bigger upgrades of them - more citizens in town that pay taxes. Soldiers doesnt pay them. There are monsters near each town, that soldiers would like to kill.

You can force soldiers to create a party, then they wont go alone to locations(and flags) anymore, but leader will decide where they all will go.

Hmmm what else, to win the game, you need to destroy the enemy villages and castles. Kingdom doesnt get more money by destroying the enemy, but your soldiers get a lot of exp. If soldiers dies in fight,  you can ressurect him(if you have such spell bought in magic guild) for just first seconds after death. After that time, soldier is gone, you can get him back by paying x adena in the graveyard(super extra place in community board).

There are many skills that you can use, after buying them in guilds, like that ressurection, shield, super blast that kills enemies etc.


Soldiers get skills automaticly just after getting needed level.

Upgrading building like forge can give you access to better type of items(like armor), you need to buy prototype of armor first by money from kingdom, after that soldiers will try to get the new items from forge - just if they have the money to buy it, that is gathered from monsters they kill.

There are few randomly created quests that kingdom can finish. For example go to location and kill something, protect caravan etc


I think thats all, thx for reading, have fun coding it.

I doubt somebody will do that, but maybe i will try it in 12312 years :D

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GOod job an4rchy i just saw the coast guard event :) do i have the permission to use it in zodiac?

Of course :)


Vampir, i tell you, we 2 should open a server some day. Believe me.


As regards your idea, it's something like Rome: Total War inside lineage 2 ;p. It's pretty amazing, but i doubt watching everything from top is possible. You need client modifications for that, or i haven't searched l2 packets very well ;p.


I can make it like observation mode(i think so ;p) but you can speak to building managers for changes you mentioned.


Wooow ;p it's like modifying the whole game, but i will surely search in more depth about the functions you mentioned when i'm at home.


Just a note here, i think sharing this will be either useless, or we will start a new age of l2servers(if it's properly coded). This thing should be done as a project. For the fact, you really made my day so anyone with java knowledge is accepted to work with me on a svn for this. If i find at least one person i will start working on it, i got limited time to do it on my own, or it will be shared in like months(if i don't ragequit :D).


Thanks again mate. I must say you have given me some of the best ideas on l2j (like in religion system). :)

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Here is something for you :)


Make new character be spawned in fantasy island and not be able to leave it.

You can buy nice items in there, for example effects that help you in the next fight, accessories, upgrade for soldiers etc

Add special npc in there, you should be able to register to fight by it. When 9(number of the castles) players are on the list, they are getting message that in 120 seconds, match will start.

Your character is now gone, you are looking at the world from the sky, moving by the keyboard arrows and zooming with the mouse scroll.

The camera is now above the random town - your town(castle nearby is also yours :P), there are working civilians(fake pcs) in it. They have got some tasks that player dont have to worry about. After opening community board, you can see info about your kingdom, the budget, how many people are working, how many taxes we are getting.

After clicking "Buildings" page, you can see what we can upgrade(for example grocery store, forge, castle doors, dark elven guild) or buy. After clicking on the building that we own, we can see things we can buy(for example new type of armors, greater healing potions). If viewed building is a guild, we can buy a new soldier(human warrior, orc mage etc), or upgrade things in it(increase lvl of the building, buy upgrades for soldiers).

When we decide to spend some money for new warrior(lets say elven warrior), he is lvl 1 with almost no equipment. We cant force him to do anything. He is just fake pc with awesome AI, he can buy things in shop, kill monsters, we just might choose class for him :P

We can set a Flag on the ground. There are 4 types of them - defend the position, fear the position, attack the position, scout the position. If we want any of our soldiers take the task, we need to put x amount of money on the flag. Daggers like to scout, tanks likes to defend, archers like to attack, mages likes to hmmm.. dont go near fear flag? Btw, thx for every tl;dr message :P

If we will set scout flag somewhere and put 1k adena to go there, dagger classes will be more happy(they need less money) to go there, than tanks.

We collect the money from taxes, more buildings and bigger upgrades of them - more citizens in town that pay taxes. Soldiers doesnt pay them. There are monsters near each town, that soldiers would like to kill.

You can force soldiers to create a party, then they wont go alone to locations(and flags) anymore, but leader will decide where they all will go.

Hmmm what else, to win the game, you need to destroy the enemy villages and castles. Kingdom doesnt get more money by destroying the enemy, but your soldiers get a lot of exp. If soldiers dies in fight,  you can ressurect him(if you have such spell bought in magic guild) for just first seconds after death. After that time, soldier is gone, you can get him back by paying x adena in the graveyard(super extra place in community board).

There are many skills that you can use, after buying them in guilds, like that ressurection, shield, super blast that kills enemies etc.


Soldiers get skills automaticly just after getting needed level.

Upgrading building like forge can give you access to better type of items(like armor), you need to buy prototype of armor first by money from kingdom, after that soldiers will try to get the new items from forge - just if they have the money to buy it, that is gathered from monsters they kill.

There are few randomly created quests that kingdom can finish. For example go to location and kill something, protect caravan etc


I think thats all, thx for reading, have fun coding it.

I doubt somebody will do that, but maybe i will try it in 12312 years :D


That's an idea for a whole server :D So mby Anarchy can to take just some ideas from all this and try to make them :D depends what he likes.

I doubt if many ppl will read what u was writing here xD

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If 3 or 4 guys from here will work under same project, for sure will be the best one..

And im talking about xdem, elfo, anarchy and vampire.  And outsiders with testing/ suggestions :D huh but will be smthing awesome for sure.

All of you created unique things and can do w/e u want from this game o_O

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If 3 or 4 guys from here will work under same project, for sure will be the best one..

And im talking about xdem, elfo, anarchy and vampire.  And outsiders with testing/ suggestions :D huh but will be smthing awesome for sure.

All of you created unique things and can do w/e u want from this game o_O

I doubt Elfocrash will work on this or vampir, they both seem to be off from l2j ;p. About xdem, i actually saw him the last few months, i don't know if he was using another name before ;p


Thanks mate :)

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