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Everything posted by isaiahbone

  1. DBSK, on 22 Feb 2017 - 9:08 PM, said: was gonna play but x2 unreal lol gl with it x2 with vitality,vitality items,PA,runes and all kind of boosts etc is nowhere near x2 "xD"
  2. X4 is perfectly fine since nowadays there are much more soloplayers , not too hard for them and still not 'that' easy for cps/clans , but yeah poll on forum is ongoing so that's what matters i guess
  3. What about ingame and in forum? English?
  4. wow!
  5. no forum?
  6. Selling adena on rpg-club(H5 x3) server 40kk+ in stock Assuming you can sell: top lifestone in regular shop 1kk Green soul crystal(lvl11- around 2kk) DCR set - 7.5kk~ in luxury , can be sold for 6.5 to someone Valhalla(acu)- 10kk~ in luxury , can be sold for 8 to someone MJ unsealed jewel set- 10kk~ , can be sold for 8 to someone +All the mats and common weapons it's like additional 5kk Contact me on skype : wnhweather Prefer paypal payment Proof:
  7. -LVL 77 58% -3rd class - PREMIUM ACC -DC set,Valhalla(acu),Full A jewels -20kk adena -Pailaka 73-77 still available -The char is in an international clan if that's a + for you , since server is russian. -+6 Boxer(unicorn) Contact me on skype : wnhweather
  8. guess nope :v
  9. still thinking to play there? you dont accept on skype
  10. Joining with 5 friends there , looking for more english speaking players to form at least 1 pt. Added ya on skype kustosz
  11. well whats the point to advertise on EU forum if you won't even have an option to change language on site?
  12. Will dynasty stay for donation in shop?
  13. cause server can be good with big enough community but they dont know how to optimize things.
  14. Is dynasty donation going to stay?
  15. Why would you put dynasty with donation? Even masterwork dynasty for 5 euro , thats just stupid. Is it going to stay like this on live server so i dont waste time? Even neolithic crystals,gc,books,cloaks,top lifestone with donation and its so cheap.
  16. I got few questions cause there is too much information. 1.Town buffer includes 3rd class buffs? ( What about warsmith buffs/noblesse buff/cat/seraphim etc.) 2. Mana potions? How much mana do they refill and do they have cooldown? 3. GM-Shop till what grade? Includes dynasty? 4. Whats BBS buffer? 5.What is this pvp-farm zone or unique location or whatever it is? 6.Why would you make spoil chance so low on a midrate? 7. Whats the point subclass to be done with full quest on a server that is oriented mostly on new areas? Thanks for your time
  17. Quad is kinda right about the international thing , but it's still worth giving a try. Pretty sure everyone else is tired of those interlude/h5 opening every month with great disbalance and stuff. At least you can find something else (gracia epilogue) here and the rates are also pretty good. You get top nograde stuff at beginning + enough shots and XP/SP rates are boosted till lvl40. ( 1-40 is like 1h30min~)
  18. What's your opinion about the server? @Lineage2GoldenAge I mean even if the population is low , that's still okay. Some people prefer playing on not so crowded servers/zones etc. But my question is like are there 10 clans with 10 people inside or like 3 clans that bring some competition.
  19. What does aio weapon mean? Is it something you get through donations? Since the normal character etc buffs are 20 mins im just asking.
  20. In which phase is the beta at the moment?
  21. Sounds good , you will need some heavy advertising though :) Good luck
  22. oh that makes sense now , alright
  23. 1 week srv and heroes already?
  24. Any guesses on opening date?
  25. When did the server start? Didn't find this info edit:Nvm , 23 january. :P
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