L2Mid Gracia Final OFF x30
OPEN BETA TEST : 27-28 July 2013
( You can find a note at the bottom of the post how to join closed beta test. )
www.l2mid.com > Main Site <
http://l2mid.com/community/ > Forum <
- Experience (XP): x30
- Skill Points (SP): x30
- Drop (Adena): x20
- Drop (Items): x20
- Spoil: x20
- Seal Stones: x10
- Drop (Raidboss): x10
- Drop (GrandBoss): x1
- Drop (Grandboss Jewelry): x1
- Drop (Quest Item): x15 / 100% Chance Drop
- Quest Reward: x3
Seductive Whispers
A Game of Cards
Delicious Top Choice Meat
Seekers of the Holy Grail
Guardians of the Holy Grail
The Zero Hour
- Drop (Quest Item): x15 / 100% Chance Drop
- Quest Reward: x1
Legacy of Insolence
Supplier of Reagents
The Finest Food
Relics of the Old Empire
Gather The Flames
Alliance with the Ketra Orcs
War with Ketra Orcs
Alliance with the Varka Silenos
War with the Varka Silenos
Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force
- Safe Enchant amount: +3
- Real Chance (for Regular Scrolls): Retail enchanting formulas
- Real Chance (for Blessed Scrolls): Retail enchanting formulas
Barakiel Respawn + some info about epics
- Flame of Splendor Barakiel: 4-8 hours
-Epics will have greatly decreased RANDOM spawn time .. but it's not 100% decided how much yet. afaik +-6-12 hours.
- Hellbound: Open Max Level
- 100% working all GF features
- Full working skills
- All Quests fully working
- Working Fortresses, Clan Halls and Castles
- Full working Raid / Grand Bosses
- Working cursed weapons
- Buffer 2 hours buff time
- Buff slots - 20+4 : Dance/Songs - 12 slots
- First class 100k, Second 1kk and Third Class 10kk + 100k AA
- Sub-class questable / buyable
- Nobless questable / buyable
- Olympiad Period Retail (1 Month , Noblesse people accumulate points )
- Protection against L2Walker and others softwares of BOT
- Offline Shops Working
- Autoloot system, Autolearn skills(excluding 81+ forgotten skills)
- Mana Potion ( 500 , 4-5s reuse )
- Agumentations System
- Mammon NPCs added to Giran Castle Town
- GM Shop up to Top B-grade
- Materials recipes added to GM Shop
- Skill: Anti Buff Shield
- Full Working Geodata
The Gracia Final Server will open on 29th July ( Next Monday )
The Interlude Server is considered for opening in the next month or start of September.
NOTE: If you want to spend more time on beta -> You need to make accounts on the Main Site and on the Forum -> Go to forum -> PM kA3Do with the account-name created on MAIN SITE and it will simply be activated during closed beta test.