There isnt S-80, S-84 armor
There isnt Giant Codex
There isnt Epic jewelry
There isnt Adena
There isnt S-80 armor
In donation shop will be:
S-84 armor for Pro Coin - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item)
1st and 2nd dynasty shoulder - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item)
S - Grade recipes
Items for entering to Epic RB
Items for increasing clan lvl (11 lvl)
Items for learning clan skills
hats and other accessories