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Everything posted by isaiahbone

  1. :y u no?:
  2. Would be nice if you share ATOD drop rate :} and HB trust points X?
  3. There will be offline shops? P.S : What kind of donations are you going to add :) ?
  4. Advertise hard! Get good amount of ppl cuz this server can rock :}
  5. L2Infernal is a new server developed to bring you the best Lineage II private server experience. Our server packet is private and carefully developed to meet your needs. We've also balanced many aspects of the game to bring you a confortable gameplay. Behind the project stays java developer who can sovle any problem, webmaster who will keep the website up to date, GameMasters that will help to players so they can enjoy the game by the best way. Rates: - Exp: x20 - Sp: x20 - Drop: x10 - Spoil: x10 - Adena: x20 - Raidboss: x3 - RB Jewels: x1 - Quest Drop: x5 - Quest Reward: x4 - Manor: x2 - Enchant: 66% - Max Enchant: 16 - Attribute Stone: 50% - Attribute Crystal: 30% General Features: - All High Five features are working. - All bosses/instances are working. - All quests are working retail like. - Classes have been balanced. - Playable Swordsinger & Blade Dancer (they have been balanced). - Champion Mobs (several verieties of them). - Bonus Mobs (normal mobs with bigger drops). - Global Gatekeeper. - Complete community board - Scheme Buffer. - GM Shop up to low S-grade. - Olympiad every 2 weeks. - Max Buffs/Dances: 24/18 - Anti-Bot protection. - Anti-DDOS protection. - Many more features are waiting you ingame. Voiced Commands: .castle/.siege: Show castle/siege information. .cfg: Opens the character configuration panel. .clan: Set custom clan privilegies. .offline: Sets your shop to offline shop. .online: View how many people are online. .password: Change your password. .repair: Repairs a character that is stucked on loading screen. .date/.time: Shows the current date/time of the server. .engage/.divorce/.gotolove: Wedding mod voiced commands. .openatod: Opens the specified number of ATODs.
  6. Server is not bad .. but it's uber easy :) zaken/7rbs are dying in less than a min and u don't need to spoil on this srvr .. LOA rbs are dying for 2 min ( LOL ) -> And im talking about a party that doesnt even have 150 in weps -.-
  7. The x7 will be good , lets hope for ppl.
  8. x10-15 rates with buffer + gmshop is better than those x20 that are actually x100 with vitality and all the runes and boosts they put.. gl
  9. Donations: There isnt S-80, S-84 armor There isnt Giant Codex There isnt Epic jewelry There isnt Adena There isnt S-80 armor In donation shop will be: S-84 armor for Pro Coin - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) 1st and 2nd dynasty shoulder - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) S - Grade recipes Items for entering to Epic RB Items for increasing clan lvl (11 lvl) Items for learning clan skills hats and other accessories
  10. call 911 people will be arrested :-beep- yeah:
  11. lf clam ig nick : xXxBrazilESnumeroUNOxXx
  12. another dead project
  13. looking forward about this server and waiting for its opening :) best wishes and try to advertise it more
  14. why am i seeing the facebook of L2 Dubai in your forum ?! and btw u need more advertising
  15. Rune of exp/sp second chance ( unban ) :not bad:
  16. when i saw the buffs .. just :poker face:
  17. are you going to open beta agian?
  18. make advertisements in hop/top zone and other forums etc u need more page viewers + forum warriors
  19. do you mean the party xp is x9 which means x90 in party or ?..
  20. when is the srvr opening?
  21. this worths your time more than any 1-week-high-five-midrate
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