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Everything posted by isaiahbone

  1. isaiahbone


    In order anyone to win , another must loose.
  2. Beta test is starting in couple of hours(4-5h).I saw on forum that 2-3 clans with 30+ are coming :) Spread the word hehe
  3. GRAND OPENING 14/06/2012 19:00 GMT +2 RATES: Exp: x20 SP: x20 Drop x15 Party: 1.5 Spoil: x10 Quest Exp: x5 Quest Drop: x5 RB Drop: x5 FEATURES: - Territory Wars. - All epic Raids. - Olympiad retaill like. - Vitality System with retail formulas. - Improved Pets. - Retail skill formulas - olympiad every 2 weeks - Auto Learn skills. - Item Broker, working. - Instances in Castles and fortresses. - Instances Seed of Infinity, Seed of Destruction, working. - Working Chambers of Delusion - All Kamalokas. - All Pailakas. - All Castles and Fortresses siegable. - H5 Items and skills and quests. - Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance. - Olympiad Quests Working. - Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5. - Nevit's Blessing, Hunting Bonus working. - Spoil Blue Mobs - Yes - Sel Mahum Training Ground- Retail Like - .changepassword voiced command (In game account password change) - .atod 1000 voiced command (Opening Ancient Tome of Demons) - GM SHOP - NPC BUFFER > Manual or Scheme support. - GLOBAL GK - EXPon exp / EXPoff - PvP Weapons & Armors - Subclass Skill Certifications. - Quests for class/Subclass change Free. - Quests for Noble Hi5 Changes. - Geoengine/Patchnode system. - Cursed Weapons. - Team vs Team. - Seven Sign Epic Quests With Hi5 Changes. - Agumentation System (Weapon/Jewelery) - Masterwork Working. - Enchant: Safe +3. - Offline Trade/Craft. - Retail like Newbie Guide Buffs till Lv 75 - Fish 100%. - Manor system 100%. - Skills 80+ working. - Skill certifications. - Hellbound. - Territory wars. - Epic bosses in system Freya. - Pets Freya. - Fame Points System - Augmentation - Events organized regularly by GM. www.l2nexus.com www.l2nexus.com/forum
  4. Character Donations Instant level 85 with 3 subclass level 85 Noblesse Enchant Donations 1 Blessed Enchant Armor / Weapon S Grade 1 Blessed Enchant Armor / Weapon A Grade Character Item Donations Giants Codex Any S/S80/S84 Recipe
  5. thanks for the site ;p
  6. Log in beta :) Lots of things to test cmon. its with boosted rate aswell lvling is kinda easy P.S:Soulhounds are OP again.
  7. x15-x20 rates max vitality lvl 4 must give max x3 so it wont be 1 day for 81+.. High english-speaking community Not more than 5 days on POST FUTURE PROJECTS TOO! NPC Buffer + Gm shop till b/a :)
  8. Try the server out its cool.. just needs +100 online and the fun would start
  9. Finally something that REALLY worths to play.
  10. u say it worths to play dafuq? u need 1 hour to get to lvl 81+ and with that spoil rate u will be with vesper in 3 days so in 5 days full server with vesper and fuck the sh1t then .. fialed
  11. nabbie :) click at the website troll
  12. can you tell me with which system we can connect? i downloaded the freya system from "downloads" and when i log-in it says incorrect pw/acc .. ? P.S; fixed.. the acc was in use or w/e
  13. There are a lot of stupid people ..........server is off because there is people to stupid and he don't like something he destroy it but is ok ..........was fine till stupid child was admin on server and he thinked he is god ...!!!!!!!! I remake server at me and it will Work in few Days......!!!!! I wait in Forum Your oppinions P.S : Check the website.
  14. Any PVP Weapon 20 Euro; Any PVP armor set 10 Euro; 1 CEAS = 1 euro; 1 CEWS = 2 euro; Baylors earing = 10 Euro; Frintezas neclase = 10 Euro; Zaken earing = 10 Euro; Ring of Ant queen = 10 Euro; Freya Necklase = 10 Euro; Beleths ring = 10 Euro; Ring of Baium = 10 euro; Earing of antharas = 10 Euro; Necklase of Valakas = 10 Euro; Blessed Freya Necklase = 10 Euro; 2kkk adena = 10 euro; 100 atribute stones = 10 euro; 50 atribute crystals = 10 euro; 25 atribute jewels = 10 euro; Any cloak = 5 euro; Any belt = 5 euro; Any Braclet = 5 euro; 4 top l2 84 = 1 euro; Change Main Class = 5 Euro; Change Name = 5 Euro; Caln full skills = 30 Euro; Fighters Crown = 45 euro; Mages Crown = 45 Euro; Gods Crown = 90 euro; Server is called Rage cuz u lost money?
  15. update this post please with numbers of players that have been on opening and on next few days :) thanks
  16. yes but it had overpowered donations in the first day too.. like +10 found dyn sets .. 85 lvl .. noblesse.. and etc. and when u start u see some jerk walking with a dyn OE found set and u are happy with ur no-grade :) thats why i asked if it will have the same OP donations like before
  17. yeah advertising server that have started at 11th may dude.. thats bout 18 days playing and on freya even a normal player that plays 3 hours a day can gear up for 5 days making subs and noblesse lets say 1 week for all .. and those guys have played already almost 3 weeks and u advertise server just now..crappy :) Maybe if u had advertised it at 10th may i would have joined but now.. with such advantage i see no worthiness.. P.S - How many online ?
  18. post here if its going to have +10 found dynasty sets for donating again please and the other donatable sh1ts
  19. Yes but as many ppl said in the forum it would be the only freya server that worths to play in..i mean to spend your time and it seems nice because x15 is not too high neither too low everyone can lvl up easily just it will be an eternal fight for grandbosses
  20. if such a server pops up post it here immediately -> thanks
  21. Low-rate (with adjusted buff-time buffs) or Mid-Rate Hellbound,GraciaFinal,GraciaEpilogue server based on official files or just not L2 java. x5-x25 rates Is there such a server?
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