GRAND OPENING 14/06/2012 19:00 GMT +2
Exp: x20
SP: x20
Drop x15
Party: 1.5
Spoil: x10
Quest Exp: x5
Quest Drop: x5
RB Drop: x5
- Territory Wars.
- All epic Raids.
- Olympiad retaill like.
- Vitality System with retail formulas.
- Improved Pets.
- Retail skill formulas
- olympiad every 2 weeks
- Auto Learn skills.
- Item Broker, working.
- Instances in Castles and fortresses.
- Instances Seed of Infinity, Seed of Destruction, working.
- Working Chambers of Delusion
- All Kamalokas.
- All Pailakas.
- All Castles and Fortresses siegable.
- H5 Items and skills and quests.
- Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance.
- Olympiad Quests Working.
- Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5.
- Nevit's Blessing, Hunting Bonus working.
- Spoil Blue Mobs - Yes
- Sel Mahum Training Ground- Retail Like
- .changepassword voiced command (In game account password change)
- .atod 1000 voiced command (Opening Ancient Tome of Demons)
- NPC BUFFER > Manual or Scheme support.
- EXPon exp / EXPoff
- PvP Weapons & Armors
- Subclass Skill Certifications.
- Quests for class/Subclass change Free.
- Quests for Noble Hi5 Changes.
- Geoengine/Patchnode system.
- Cursed Weapons.
- Team vs Team.
- Seven Sign Epic Quests With Hi5 Changes.
- Agumentation System (Weapon/Jewelery)
- Masterwork Working.
- Enchant: Safe +3.
- Offline Trade/Craft.
- Retail like Newbie Guide Buffs till Lv 75
- Fish 100%.
- Manor system 100%.
- Skills 80+ working.
- Skill certifications.
- Hellbound.
- Territory wars.
- Epic bosses in system Freya.
- Pets Freya.
- Fame Points System
- Augmentation
- Events organized regularly by GM.