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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Like people cares that much about formulas, quests or skill power. They just push the button. Fandc maybe is good, but sources costs a lot. So, Mobius or sunrise is a better choice. L2jserver, sadly, has issues even with basic things, skills.
  2. As I said, first of all decrease the AltOlyWPeriod to like 3 days instead of a week. Then, about the configurable period, all you need is to take a look on l2jserver or l2junity files and c/p the code, calendar related. Take a look here, on setNewOlympiadEnd, see how it's done and voila. 1 = Period will be in months. 2 = Period will be in weeks. 3 = Period will be in days. Multiplier config is obvious, I guess. So, no need to explain. https://bitbucket.org/UnAfraid/l2junity/src/d4e5e5ba7a96d89eb9081b897ba59c6024ec78e0/l2junity-gameserver/src/main/java/org/l2junity/gameserver/model/olympiad/Olympiad.java?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
  3. You must code new item handler. There is no ready handler to do the thing you want.
  4. Weekly period is about 'points addition', if I'm not wrong. From memory. So yeah, if that's the case you should decrease it. Must be lower that the oly period.
  5. No, those are configs, so it goes under Config.java located in gameserver package.
  6. Everything under npcs.
  7. Paste it under notepad or so, copy it again and paste into eclipse. That way you can avoid encoding issues. I had such issue recently and that way helped :)
  8. Professional admins, gms everywhere :D AchYlek, shame on you.
  9. God.. That's the "successfull state". grantRebirth(player, (currBirth + 1), firstBirth); // Player meets requirements and starts Rebirth Process.
  10. Think a little bit and add the line in proper place aka "successful" state. Read above ^.
  11. By adding line player.addItem(...);
  12. Executing command without selected db, perhaps. :D You have rdy working query, everything is in your hands.
  13. By default it's set to true (you can trade/sell/destroy) and false to stackable, so you can remove those lines from XML. There is no reason it's not working, else you added the lines, did a reload items ingame and you did not restart character / restart the server.
  14. Nop, as I remember there is some (how useles..) config for that. You have to find it. Hail frozen.
  15. It's just a warning, not an error. Yet, no warning description, no help provided.
  16. God, mul is *, add is +. What don't you understand here? Find similar skill and use it's syntax. Not sure? Check in game.
  17. Dunno how it's coded, but I doubt it's as simple as that, still you have to edit core. So simply search where it is loaded and how data is parsed. Ps: didn't read whole topic just few first posts.
  18. And the error is?
  19. He was clear, it's client, crystal type row. Change 1 to 0. Xml no grade is not using anything, from memory. Be smart, take a look on xml of no grade item is there crystal type? No? They you don't use it as well. What you recently trying to do, already exists with over 10000 id's or something..
  20. Kinda true, but here is the point, if nobody works on it, do not contribute why to give them latest just like that :P It's not something special or so, just a matter of fact. Look at vampir, as he mentioned, he is working on lucera pack, he took what is legit from aCis and soon he will release his pack for sell. He could easily share with Tk his fixes, reworks. He could even get paid for that. But it's better to create your own pack and get all the cookies for yourself. So you see, there are capable people who could rework, fix things, but they prefer to work on their own account. Making aCis public won't change that. Eventually, things would be worse.
  21. Still, if someone is interested in acis, would post fixes. It's not like Tk use github and bunch of new contributions pops up :p
  22. You have the free rev and what? No contribution, while it has more possibilities to post fixes. Making latest public won't change that. You have to deal with it. People stopped helping long time ago, they work for themselves. Talking here about people capable of fixing, reworking things. Other people won't contribute as they lack of knowledge. So you have your answer. Why don't you post some rework, fixes? Bcs you don't want to, you prefer to do it for yourself only. As most people out there.
  23. Did you report him? I would ban him :D
  24. Search for a wepon/armor that uses such stats, you got the id, you know the syntax.
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