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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Formulas.java if I'm not wrong, else in the backstab file itself. It's about lethal, if successful the dmg is *2 (for example).
  2. You will NOT get any access to the main SVN. Else, you become a IC member, highly doubt :troll:
  3. Like always :troll:
  4. Server without bots = low online, everyone complains. Server with bots = fake online, everyone complains. Oh you ppl :3
  5. Lmao :p
  6. Ehh.. there is like 3 types on body part for accessory. Wrong slot may be the issue, if I'm not wrong.
  7. No, I would not play on an fa(n)ction server.
  8. Textures problem or wrong body slot.
  9. There isnt that much. The guy states that he had a car accident and he is in hospital (huehue, like I am now) and no further contact. He was supposed to send him the program and instruction how to use it as well.
  10. Mixed version of frozen and aCis, should be op.
  11. L2jfrozen gameserver Build lmao. ACis use java 8, frozen 7. Period.
  12. Use clean system folder.. It's reading l2.bin instead of l2.ini as you said.. Ohh my gosh :P Once again, use clean system.
  13. Another professional server on it's way! :D
  14. You can go for it. If there will not be any interest, you can stop the developing. You could even get your section on aCis if you are going to base on it. I guess Tk wouldnt mind, more or less, cuz of the free cycle/your project upgrade (delayed upgrade following free cycle?) :p
  15. But are not accessible just like that, like int or h5. You got the point.
  16. Sens the packet to learn skills. Even tho its already sent.
  17. No files,and thats good.
  18. Dildo in your (bed)room. Interesting.
  19. Aha.
  20. Not a vanilla aCis bug.
  21. There is, acbp ! Server with bot protection, ppl like achylbot will not play on it. So, your online would drastically decrease. Sad, but true.
  22. Read the error and turn on your brain :3 "specified classId 131 is higher then max one 118". Also why you bother? Frozen has a skill enchanter by default, so..
  23. Fix the query? Add it by hand?
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