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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. Ok, but this doesn't change much. My problem is that there are so many high rates that are stupid. The gameplay is poorly realized. Every PvP server i've been on I spent more time lvling, buying gear, enchanting, adding elements, tracking consumable count and whatever I am missing. For all I care I should fkin spawn with all that. My inventory should have an armor set with 4 parts with 3 elements + additional stones for my last armor part for me to choose. I should have generic consumables in my inventory. A damn pop up should appear asking for class changes. I shouldn't have to look for an NPC. I'm not talking about what I am entitled to - these things are common sense. People advertise a PvP server. You log in and it's not really a PvP server. It's create char and quit server.
  2. 5s and 35s to max MP is same, right? 500MP = 3-6 skills 70 = 1 or less. If you had 0.5 delay or 0.3 or 0.1, it would still be hard to keep mana up if you actively spam skills, because there are skills that use way more MP than 70. There is nothing same. 500 MP - click and forget. 70MP - you can't always click and expect to use skill right after/ you have to multi task/ get EE which restore 200+.
  3. so, l2 is this now? Random stuff + DDoS protection = win? Enjoy yourself.
  4. The difference is that only noobs will press it like crazy. Ideally you'd be using it when you run out of MP, you are in a bad situation. Manage your MP and you won't have problems. And it's a lot different between 500 instant and 500 over time, even if it is 2-3 seconds. You can spam MP potions, but the task is run one at a time, not instantly. Some skills have high MP cost. That is supposed to be felt. With MP pots at 500 - no point to have mana system all together apart from oly, which is a different game.
  5. Your huge sig is lol. Dominators play, just like everyone else. Since when does everyone need MP pots with 500MP? L2p.
  6. Those are the words I was looking for. But then, it doesn't mean people shouldnt agree on what makes a server good. If the community transitions to one attitude of playing, give reason to transition to another attitude. I played your server, after I tried other server and when I had to press 1k times to set up my char with full gear/skills/attribute on I just about have had it and quit. There are so many ridiculous things in every other server I feel overwhelmed by the stupidity. But the point still stands. Opinion and standards are malleable. People may be stupid but they could always realize that when elements are free but you have to enchant them 1 by 1 there is something wrong.
  7. Won't comment on mana potions. Maybe instead of adding quest items to shop add them to all mobs drop list? Like literally to all mobs or perhaps to a certain level. Since its 30x, by the time you get to your sub level something something (whatever quest req) you have enough or almost enough and you can just get along with the quest. Not having lvl 76+ buffs in buffer doesn't achieve much. IMO add one generic prophecy into buffer (PoWater) since it atleast gives the common to all prophecies patk/matk/pdef/mdef. And keep the HP/Crit Powing/CoV out of it. Loads of raid bosses AROUND the world - why is this a good idea? Unless there is some list that shows whether the bosses are up or not, people will just spend time running around the world looking for whats up - it's annoying and eventually you just drop it. This leaves plenty of bosses up for those who do it. They also get a hint of the next respawn. It doesn't help PvP. Imo there should be a general boss area or better yet have bosses spawn inside your generic farm/pvp area. Keep together. People will know where to expect the bosses and will be on the look out whilst going on with their usual stuff. Also, nothing here present opportunity for PvP. L2 is long not in that state where players PvP for the sakes of PvPing. Now it's just oly/events/ganks. Even raids are not PvP oriented. People just drag them around trying to shake competitors off, or grief as much as possible (overbuff, debuff) or drop wars just to avoid PvP. Also, vesper isn't a big deal, bonus wise dynasty has better effects, so vesper only offers higher def. But if dynasty is more common than vesper, it may also have higher average enchants between players than vesper. So imo start with dynasty because it offers beneficial bonuses for all classes (because of shoulder pad effects) and add in vesper as some sort of perk (not necessarily drop, perhaps rewards for winning events - it's not a continual chore like farm but complimentary reward for playing and pvping [or whatever your events are]) Enchants - Keeping enchant rate low and enchant rate high has been done a lot. Why not do something different. Besides it's just another lousy way to prolong gameplay. I hate clicking many consumables and then fail a bunch, farm again, enchant again, and hope for luck so I don't have to farm again. I can accept failure, but if it leads to more grind - not bothered. Make enchant rate high, but scrolls not very common, this also helps your gear situation - higher probability of more common items with higher enchants than rarer, stronger items.
  8. They are not suggestions. But proposed standards. I don't expect people to accept them, cos this game is so old people have opinions that will never change. But IMO, you have to agree that it does NOT make sense to log on a PvP server and waste 1 hour to get gear from GM shop which is free. I made over 1000 clicks to get full gear +16 (safe was +16) and elements 150x3 on all armor on a server recently. Then went PvP and delogged in 5 minutes. Waste of time. And it was a typical template = <exp, sp, adena rates; blah blah; max enchant; farm zone; balancado classadaes; more blah> It's so obvious what happens when you open a thread and you read that. How come people are so dumb?
  9. Which features do you think all PvP servers should have? We are an old community of a game - we know what it could be like. But there are established ideas that make PvP servers -beep-ing terrible. Those established ideals are like lowrate gameplay with higher rates. Well if I am lvl 85 in 3 mobs I don't expect to have to buy newbie gear (below S grade) 3 times. IMO, every PvP server should: *Have fast attributes if attributes are enabled and are free/easy to get. No 5 per level/per click. *Have fast enchants if safe enchant is high (no 16 time clicking for 20 armor/wep items if safe is +16 and max is +16 (lol)) *Have reasonable way to obtain MP in PvP without making SE/EE useless. It's part of the game combat system to lose MP. I don't mind MP pots. But not 500MP per potion. WTF. 70MP is lots. You can spam them. I never had MP problems on servers without MP potions. Why listen to kids that are afraid to lose MP? *Easy to use GMshop if you have one. Why would I look for D,C,B,A soulshots? Why would I want to make more clicks to get to consumables to get soulshots? Add soulshots to weapon category so when I buy my weapon I get soulshots right away. Add all PvP items (stones, ores, elixirs, potions, talismans). No bad to add talismans with everything else, just order it and not make it random. *Don't make your own currency. That's a cheap shit to increase farm. Instead make adena scarce. Perhaps reward for events. *If you have PvE and you can't make it short duration but challenging, make it easy. We don't come to a PvP server to /attack mobs. Not even for a second. No excuse. Real l2? Real l2 is on retail. Now fk off with real l2 on your private PvP server. *Keep local. Why open world? Why retail spawn? You server has 4k player before its open? No. So don't make open world. I come to servers with 300 players online - they are empty. Outside of town there are max 15 people. Because carebears farm out of sight because you have farm on PVP server and open world. Think. *Don't nerf cancels/make useless - add features like buff restore or out of town buffer or item buffer so we can rebuff in PvP (perhaps with cast time like 3-5 seconds, plenty to interrupt) *If custom items (armor/weapons) don't make them a higher tier (no better stats than existing). Instead make them have same stats but offer different bonuses. Where is tank heavy, support light elegia sets? No where? Want to make custom items? Well make some that have sense and reason. *Class balance is a shit word. People talking about it almost think as if you are making SPS buffer and tank into dagger. Talk about what skill changes you made to keep things in order. *High buff count is bad. If you even considered it - stop making L2 servers. It's part of the game to choose which stats you need to increase and which to sacrifice. High buff count make PvP bad, some skills deal extremely low damage (PDAM with power of 3k-7k). Other skills deal really high (curse of divinity) or affect PvP way to much (cancels). What do you think PvP servers must have? (ignoring reason to PvP, this is just template since all PvP server behave like lowrates with faster level [high rates lol])
  10. YES YES VERY SPECIAL WITH UNIQUE FEATURES We have dismissed that claim...
  11. Lol. Then you fail at searching. And if you fail at searching you will fail at making a server. L2j has good setup guide. If you don't understand what they mean by saying anything in their guides - google. Hopefully no one will help you here. Tired of stock servers.
  12. Rates will give you a bigger community? Fucking wake up. Next you are gonna talk about how all retail features work and how you have a bugless server.
  13. You are barking up the wrong tree. The question was "What will get me more players and in return more donation money?" Can't blame him cos most players that actually JOIN servers think alike. What chronicle will have more noobs to pawn, quit and then server hop.
  14. "max armor" was a dumb idea for L2. everything below Elegia should have it's pdef increased to match so that there were more variety. But NCSoft makes all grind opportunities come true.
  15. Tanks are OP without it. Just generally. TK may not kill you, but you will never kill one. The rest will smash you Elegia or not. 2 Flame icons, 3 cancels with great damage, crazy crit dmg from SKs with their epic vamp. Dunno who proved to you that Elegia is what makes tanks OP. Not adding it though screws a bunch of other classes who could make better use of elegia than tanks.
  16. Oh yeah? So does everyone else. Delete thread.
  17. I regret to say there is a small incentive to actually log in and test. Considering that for most part you'd want us to test your custom features, please make starting level max with enough adena to buy necessary items. I am also unsure what would fuel actual gameplay. Like what would anyone want to play for. The server seems uneedingly large and vast. I feel that if it were more compact and straight forward (had to remember where to level, where to buy stuff, what to prepare for, etc... rather frustrating) it would be more reasonable to test.
  18. I think the Group mobs are for lvling up. More strong mobs would make the farm boring.
  19. It's up now but constantly crashing and apparently full of bugs. Considering how much fuss was made - not really impressive. The CB is tidy, but not neat. Has everything, but it's not obvious. So people run around not knowing wtf is going on. Old and new buffs in buffer - prolly gonna be imbalanced as fk. But wth.
  20. Well, I couldn't hit anything by throwing items on the ground. I'm unsure how it's supposed to work. Specific items? Skill? What is counted as a hitbox? In the client you are allowed to set CollisionRadius and Height of an NPC. I assumed that would be counted as a hit box and hitting stuff wouldn't be hard. Or am I missing something?
  21. Do you go shopping and by every fucking thing you see? No, you judge. And so far, every server I played with the same features ended up crap. They are not different. Porting items from other chronicles isn't spectacular, its fucking 4 years old now. Congratz, you kill whatever is left of L2.
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