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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. You check existing quests (around 200+) and you do your own with existing ones ? Come on, ask logic for Christmas. You don't have even a problem.
  2. Type jdk in google, first link (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) Press Download JDK. Install. People will answer if question isn't dumb... If you already need help to install jdk, what about server itself, his customization or if you get any type of error (and yeah my words are rude, but they worth it). If someone want to help installing your server for you, their problem, but don't dream too much. My last word on the topic, promises.
  3. I have no clue what do you ask, you know what to do and where to do it (the line in red) so what ? You want help to delete the line ? o_o ? On your keyboard there is a special button : It allows you to *ta-da* delete caracters, but only those before your cursor ! So take care.
  4. Inventory.java : if (it instanceof L2Weapon) { // Remove augmentation bonuses on unequip if (item.isAugmented()) item.getAugmentation().removeBonus(player); If you ask what to do with that, just forget to develop a server. And think more. -- Tk.
  5. Is in my posts I have use "pkkills" term once ? Consider I understood what you said then. I don't understand your problem, and if there was one, I answered in my first post. In both pvp kills and pk kills there are victim and murderer, a victim and a killer, so I don't get your last post. Even mob is a victim and you're the killer... It's how java see the thing. About fame it's exactly the same than pvpkills add. I don't see the problem, it's related only on the killer caracteristics. If you can pvpkills from the mob death method, you can reach fame. And dont change of idea like that, you ask for pvp or for fame, make a split, it's 2 differents codes, even if it's exactly the same solution. You expand too much, make the idea clear in your head. Which error ? Post it if you want help too, I'm not you, I can't see it... And post your question because there aren't questions, you just expose mod idea. It's "help" section, not "suggestion" section :P. I say that if you want help, I won't post anymore if you continue like that.
  6. Dude, re-read the whole topic, even my intervention details what to do (if you can read through sarcasms). Except a spanish translator, the only other thing you need is a brain. You got all explanations already written.
  7. If you read correctly your error you could find yourself : The method getStatsSet(int) is undefined for the type GrandBossSpawnManager You miss getStatsSet, surely setStatsSet and surely the initialization of the variable. BTW from what share you try to add this ? To what chronicle ? I suppose you try something which is bigger than you figured out in first time... And I have to add some things didn't exist if you use old chronicle like interlude. So add the whole system. Compare files too.
  8. You need a guide to copy/paste ? If you think you need this sort of guide, you will need : - the guide to change IDs in your xmls. - the guide to change IDs in your AIO buffer (python/java related). Take care it's 2 differents guides ! Except if someone really skilled is ready to post you those 3 guides, I think you're stucked. You already have the guide to turn on your computer, the one to launch internet browser and another to post to MxC, it's not so bad already... PS : I voted Buffs Skills in your usefull vote.
  9. Well from your second answer I have no clue if I have answered your question or not lol. And you can judge pvp kills are supposed to be *only* related to players, so you don't have to earn anything from mobs. And the problem is in fact the 10% of pvpkills. Your system don't work correctly if the killed have between 0 and 9 kills. But I agree it's a good system to balance big pvpers and low pvpers. If the killed have just 0 kills, you can say the killer won't earn anything (and code it that way, put just before the reward : if killed.pvpKills() == 0 return; Or you can do like CRPs, put a negative number. That means pvpkills can be negative. Anyway gl whatever you do.
  10. - Delete empty buylists on your data folder, it will be more clear for you, even if it's just warnings. - It's obvious than NPEs make your weapons load fail. You should check inside mis-loading files, and see how weapons are written. If some weapons are loading (I mean, if some of the files are laoding), there is surely a change of format in files which don't load. You can too search from the "-" symbol, but if some wepaons load and all your weapon XMLs names are written like that, it's not the good way. Is it a clean datapack or you modified weapon stuff...? All errors related to "reference price" are surely your own customization, so I suppose you began customization by your own. If you modded weapon xmls, pick fresh weapon xmls. ---- The funny thing is you got 2 different NPEs, so... This is massively weird. ---- I suppose Epic armors are Freya invention ? I stopped to Interlude :D. If you use L2J, check their bugs tickets. It's stupid to ask for errors you got when a dev team is working on it.
  11. subs switch are related to L2VillageMasterInstance normally (if I don't say bs). Compare your file with L2J one as exemple. In the case you use a custom command to give sub (voiced for exemple) you have to correct here too. And in future, make a more explicite title... This is the help section so all need "Help"...
  12. So from what I understand, when you kill an enemy, you steal (or just got, not a big deal) him 10% of his pvp points. Ex : you have 10 pvps, you kill someone with 70 pvp, you earn 7 pvp so your total pvpkill = 17 ? ---- Now you want to add a similar system to mobs, but based on their experience (as they don't have pvpkills...). If you made the XP balance yourself (aka 7k xp is a lot for you), I suggest you to simply add a fixed multiplier. You can take in consideration the mob HP multiplier, if he is champion type, or simply his level. Mix all or pick up only one formula as you want. Easiest will be to take only the level, but the most accurate would be a multiplier of all values. I let you imagine the end formula :). Just think the result haven't to be too much or too low compared to player kill. I dunno your server, but taking a "normal" retail environnement, the value should be around /10 compared to what you eanr killing players. And gratz about idea, it's funny, even if I haven't the use of it, it's still clever :D.
  13. The common excuse :P. It's nothing about noobiness, it's about noobitude (noob attitude = I don't want to do the effort to search/do). If you see first line of Trance file, you can see it's MultiSellList.java and MultiSellChoose.java files. About where to search in this file to add "+" lines, do a search (ctrl + f on eclipse) with "-" lines. Or use CTRL + F on eclipse because changes are really minors.
  14. Search from cabal buffer when seven signs comes. I made my own NPC spawns each time a faction is winning, so... Possible. You will have to use AutoSpawnInstance (if interlude, no idea about higher chronicle but surely the same). And forget Python.
  15. I have no clue how it's supposed to work ( I develop only on interlude ) but : EnableCommunityBoard = False Enable it perhaps ? o___o CommunityServerHostname = locallhost localhost dude, localhost... CommunityServerPort = 9013 Port opened...? Check with a website to see... CommunityServerHexId = 123456 if it's the same than gameserver hexid, you got another track... You got only that as error ? It's not an error for me... It tries...
  16. You forget a </table> as others said. Instead of second code, put <?php // Make sure you change the IP address and port number below to match your server. global $FORM; $FORM = "<table width=100% border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"font-size:11px; font-family:verdana; color:#999999;\">"; $flogin = fsockopen ("",2106, $errno, $errstr, 1); if ( $flogin ) $FORM .= "<center>Login Server<br><img src=up.jpg></center><br>"; else $FORM .= "<center>Login Server<br><img src=down.jpg></center><br>"; $fgame = fsockopen ("",7777, $errno, $errstr, 1); if ( $fgame ) $FORM .= "<center>Game Server<br><img src=up.jpg></center>"; else $FORM .= "<center>Game Server<br><img src=down.jpg></center>"; $FORM .= "</table>"; echo $FORM; ?> I don't think this is the only error you get anyway, it's already made me the same error in the past. It was related with " symbols, dunno why. I just tried my code on my own server, the script is fine now. I launched my LS, you got my own script top of yourself (I changed your pics for text for my own test, it's not modified in your). If you get same error with a part of the script which isn't taken in consideration, it doesn't come from your script but from your webserver environnement. I made the test to change my index.php to index.html, and any PHP script isn't taken in consideration. So forget the track .html/.php, it shouldn't bug like that if it was an html file, it will just "forget" the totality of the script. I think there is a problem in the end of this line (for your webserver) : And I think it's related to the chain \">";, because your server think it's not php anymore from ";. My own error was the same than you, and each time I tried to deleted the \", it will bug in the next one. I don't remember how I have corrected the error w_w.
  17. Well I bump the topic with the solution, found the 25th, but I wanted to wait for any other solution which could be lighter. Ofc the NPE was related of my last post. That means I had to change the complete way of thinking, as the code won't offer me a "click & play" solution. I decided to change the question to : make a test on the faction of the clan. Which obviously don't exist before I implement it. I added a new variable in datatable "clan_data", factionId, which is written at the creation of the clan taking the leader.getFactionId(). So in "Datatables.ClanTable" I add in the createClan method clan.setFactionId(player.getFactionId()); After that, I just put 2 methods getFactionId and setFactionId on L2Clan.java + variable initialization at top. public int getFactionId() { return _factionId; } public void setFactionId(int faction) { _factionId = faction; } Then, in my L2CastleZone, I modified my check for this new type, as my clan got now a factionId : if (activeChar.getFactionId() != clanOwner.getFactionId()) activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 1); else activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 2); And finally it works :).
  18. Test and see omg. L2J doesn't need 64 bits proco when L2off needs. This is the only answer you need.
  19. If you "really" use L2J than do a ticket. But I really think you focked yourself something, or you use a distribution pack. Even based on L2J that doesn't mine it's L2J. And seriously I doubt you use L2J (or C2 chronicle perhaps).
  20. Akken stop saying bs :P. 1 - it's not an NPE, it's an IOException error. 2 - it's not Archid, it's l2jmod. ---- About problem you got at line 128 as the topic creator said : The second line means if the "file" doesn't exists, then throw an error. If you refer to the first line you got the name of the file, "dimensionalRift.xml" To correct, you have to add the file to the good location : data/dimensionalRift.xml, so to the root of data folder. To be simple you miss a file in your datapack named dimensionalRift.xml, and the gameserver doesn't like it and says to you "Hehehe, you miss a file noob ! I powned your ass !". Add the file and it will be fine.
  21. The worst is I wanted to do exactly the same thing (more or less), but more backgrounded and less custom shitty (and less WoW). And IL ofc. PS : there is no sources, so what is the point of share ?
  22. He wants to create an area, not transform an existing one. My redirect guide is fine.
  23. You got 5 solutions : - keep the skill like it is ; - nerf it to go back to the normal ; that means java dev, and depending of your failed pack (because I assume it's a random distribution) it can be *big* for you (rework of spoil chance). - delete the skill, easiest solution if you don't have any clue how to do second possibility. ---- - ask to the dev team to correct their failed pack and wait for the fix. - change of distribution because those sort of bugs mean nothing more you will have more problems in the future. Today it's the craft, tomorrow... ? Why devs have to fock things which work, when they could correct things which don't work ? ---- The more appropriate question would be : if this useless skill is buggy, what about others ? :D.
  24. This guide is nice for noobies, it gives decent way how to proceed to add things. @ The guy talking of patches Ofc the patch way is far easier, but not all shares can be patched, mainly because of the difference between packs. Currently if you can patch your own project with any made patch, I don't give a lot about your own skill (aka you just SVN the L2J stuff and didn't dev anything). To give you an exemple, my own project got -150 java files (around 10% of source project), and more than 300 files edited. I deleted 15 datatables, and 80% of HTMs files. What you want I patch lol, it will just fail. Patches are fine to keep your current work safe (coupled to a timeline ofc), if you bs your local copy, you take back a copy from your SVN and re-apply the patch and you got clean work back. ---- The only thing I regret in this guide is there is no real problem. You should show too how you should proceed if, for example, you miss one line (different pack for example), or if a variable miss (happens very often than variables names are modified from chronicle to another). People haven't logic nowadays, but they continue wanting to dev servers. They don't know what to do to resolve their own problems when you could teach them methods which are easy to self-learn if you are logic. Why to give a man a fish when you can give a polefish. It's too much clean to be true. Developement can't be this way. Sometimes you have to show how hard it is, because a guide is nice, but people shouldn't believe it's SO easy.
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