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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. It was the point I was defending. With the same hardware, I don't think you can handle the same population. I agree the "100 server population" exists only with home host. About coyote, 80% of the first post talk about OS and hardware, so what if I point on it ? I suppose there isn't problem with Java, the only restriction in programmation is ofc the program itself. As Blackmore said it right, I'm not sure those days you can handle a lot of players of any MXC shared custom packs :P. But still, when you see L2DC project, and they say they use 25% less than any L2Jxx server (no idea if it's marketing or no), you can think about optimization of the "mother" project itself. Btw, it's no because a 100mega inet line will give 100mega... Or a 54mega wifi can use a 54mega connection. There are limits, whatever you think. If it's not OS (your 16kk clients), it's program, if it's not, it's connection, if not, hardware. And I don't even talk about environnement (physical etc) which add latency. The goal in a server isn't to reach 50k players, it's to make it playable aswell lol. ----- By default, L2OFF uses more ram, but can handle more players at EQUAL FEATURES and HARDWARE. But I agree some servers (check their server specs, and make a approximative cost lol - 4 dedicate inet lines, etc etc) haven't to be ashamed about population. And what only 2 exemples which reach 3K+ ? On 1000 L2J/xx servers ? :P It's not a good proof about limitations ?
  2. Lvl 8 to 10 is too lol. Try to find 140 members in your 100ppl server lmao. It's possible to make any lvl, at least at the max number, which must probably be a int 10... PS: int 11 in IL... Aka clan lvl 99,999,999,999
  3. Not a myth, someone show me a L2J with more than 2k ppl on (+1k shops), but hardware was so expensive you could raise 2 L2OFF just with the price of the server lol. So forget for the same performance :P. Same amount yeah, but not the quality. And basically a program can limit network... You just advance theorical things (like I do). Nothing is explained (except some wikipedia stolen infos lol, what the big deal MS server can handle 16kk connections, in your server you can do 5k max... You see, the program limits the OS.).
  4. It depends what exactly you want to do. totalPrice += item.getReferencePrice() * count / 2; is probably the easiest way. Remove the /2 to see if it does something IG. I don't rem if "sell" is 50% of the worth of an item, but if yes, you got answer :p. According to what I read in the code, it should sell back at original price (removing the "/2"). After you can mod it as you want /10, /4,... If you haven't this line, say the chronicle :p.
  5. It's core related and if you want to add from database, you will have a lot of work, adding 2 columns. A fixed amount or according to mob - lvl or HPs - is a lot easier...
  6. I hope I have understood your question. By "selling price", I suppose you talk about the "Sell" option on some merchants/fishermen, where you can sell back for 1/3 of the value (or something like). If yes, it's in (network/) clientpackets, RequestSellItem. ---- If I'm wrong, explain better. If it's not the good loc, this post has never exists :P.
  7. I adapted it on L2J archid (the old free one), and all is working fine, except some errors than I didn't agree with (guards kill you, you're still under bounty but the guy receive a msg like you are dead and there is no more bounty on you), but I corrected it. All is working fine, I suppose you missed something. if(Config.ALLOW_HITMAN_GDE) Hitman.getInstance().onDeath(pk, this); got it on the doDie of L2PcInstance. L2Character doDie isn't used. onDeath isn't supposed to be changed, it's called from hitman.java (model/entity/...). Here it is (modded) : public void onDeath(L2PcInstance assassin, L2PcInstance target) { if(_targets.containsKey(target.getObjectId())) { PlayerToAssasinate pta = _targets.get(target.getObjectId()); String name= getOfflineData(null, pta.getClientId())[1]; L2PcInstance client = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(name); target.sendMessage("You have been assassinated. You haven't any bounties on your head now."); if(client != null) { client.sendMessage("Your request to kill "+target.getName()+" has been fulfilled."); client.setHitmanTarget(0); } assassin.sendMessage("You assassinated "+target.getName()+", his bounty will be converted in adena !"); assassin.addAdena("Hitman", pta.getBounty(), target, true); removeTarget(pta.getObjectId(), true); } } addAdena is used on many others .java (under IL anyway), and written in L2PcInstance. It's why you got addAdena erros, when you try to change to L2Character. Btw, why to change on L2Character ? The finality is to kill a player, so... L2PcInstance. I agree the killer haven't to be a L2PcInstance, as there is summons too. Just give a decent error ^_^", with non modified code.
  8. Have you opened ports in your router ? Dunno for epilogue, but there is 3 ports to open on UDP : 2106, 7777, 9014. You say nothing about your topology dude. Is the server is your dev PC, distant, are you using a router, etc, etc. Avoid to use 1-999, only kids does. If you client revision isn't the good, you got a GS log message on it, and it says which revision you are using. Anyway on IL, it works like that. I think it's IP based problem, I had more than once too. And each time I forget the answer lol. Here are my configs, they are working on distant aswell. LS and GS are on the same PC. I can log in from the same PC, and ppl can login from the internetz. First, LS and second GS. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: ExternalHostname = # Default: InternalHostname = # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs # Default: * LoginserverHostname = * # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # Default: * LoginHostname = * # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: False AcceptNewGameServer = False # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Game Networking Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: * ExternalHostname = # Default: * InternalHostname = * # Default: LoginHost = # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # Default: * GameserverHostname = * # Default: 7777 GameserverPort = 7777 Hope it will help. If you want a hint : I would first check configs to see if they match, if not correct. After that, I would check ports on router. And after that I would cry cause answer is known only by aliens so /emocry. And check firewall dude... It's sad to use a firewall.
  9. I don't get how you have updated the geodata without updating files... All are from 2007, 2 are from 2008. Which means this geodata is pretty old (L2J one) and surely not updated. ---- The tool used (L2J synchronizer) is a synhcronizer to get last geodata from L2J website. And all know their geodata isn't under devleopement since some years. Here my sources : http://pjondevelopment.50webs.com/articles/l2jGeodataSynchronizer.html ---- This post is like selling a miracle potion and in fact it's whiskey. PS : and the geo_index.txt is full of bugs, here an exemple (normally it goes from xx_10 to xx_26) : 16_10 16_11 16_12 16_19 16_20 16_21 16_22 16_23 16_24 16_25 16_26 17_10 17_11 17_18 17_19 17_20 17_21 17_22 17_23 17_24 17_25 17_26 18_13 Should be dekarmaed.
  10. I got another from coyote, which is apparently the rip of the L2JFree one (I use myself a custom version of it) : http://pastebin.com/jPYZG2A1 You have to add 2 tables and related HTMs, just check L2Jfree datapack they are shared. FdlP one : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63437 About Laikeriz aka... azaila-something, it must be on the forum. XD
  11. As someone said before me, nothing show you it's a L2 related website. Interface is too much modern, that's just not L2. You could put "vacuum cleaner website template", will be the same :p.
  12. Just use another faction system, Laikeriz one is the best. From the patch there is no special thing, so I suppose you focked your server in any way. If you have problem only with MAGIC, and not with physical, you focked your code 100% sure. If you haven't any project/timeline, gg, you have to find your error in 1200 files :D. And this faction system is pretty primitive, so it's simple :P. There is at least 3 others faction system shared over MXC, and they don't bug. Most advanced is Laikeriz one. And no, I haven't actions in Laikeriz shares lol. This one is really nice. if ((target instanceof L2PcInstance) && (this instanceof L2PcInstance)) + { + if (((L2PcInstance) this).isTeam1Member() && (((L2PcInstance) target).isTeam1Member() && Config.ENABLE_FACTION_ENGINE)) + { + ((L2PcInstance) this).sendMessage("You Cannot Attack a Player From Your Faction!"); + sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); + return; + } + else if (((L2PcInstance) this).isTeam1Member() && ((((L2PcInstance) target).isTeam1Member() && Config.ENABLE_FACTION_ENGINE && (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.BUFF)) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HOT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.COMBATPOINTHEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HEAL_PERCENT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.MANAHEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.MANAHEAL_PERCENT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.BALANCE_LIFE) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.CONT))) + { + return; + } + if (((L2PcInstance) this).isTeam2Member() && (((L2PcInstance) target).isTeam2Member() && Config.ENABLE_FACTION_ENGINE)) + { + ((L2PcInstance) this).sendMessage("You Cannot Attack a Player From Your Faction!"); + sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); + return; + } + else if (((L2PcInstance) this).isTeam2Member() && ((((L2PcInstance) target).isTeam2Member() && Config.ENABLE_FACTION_ENGINE && (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.BUFF)) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HOT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.COMBATPOINTHEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.HEAL_PERCENT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.MANAHEAL) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.MANAHEAL_PERCENT) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.BALANCE_LIFE) || (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.CONT))) + { + return; + } + } If you remove this code and you still got problem, consider reinstalling. I'm perhaps blind, but it's the only part referring to skill use.
  13. I said to you, remove the actionFailed packets in L2character. You're in the bad mood if you just ask a patch. Go in the code and remove conditions. Actually there is 2 places where "you hit your faction" occur. Just delete them to get normal, if you really fear to delete something just delete the sendpacket stuff and let all the structure like it is (even if it's not optimized). You got 4 lines to delete at minimum, compile, test, and if it's doesn't work (I read the patch 2 times, but I suppose it's from those packets) just come back. You got answer, now develop. And I was answering to Onix about the "feature" stuff. His method haven't any way to fix your error. You are logic, as you find the solution, but don't hope for someone to make the dev for you. Ppl are so damned lazy sometimes... That make me cry.
  14. Hum dude, according to Coyote post, it's a FEATURE. Members from same faction cannot use aggressive skills against each other. The character will stuck and will need a restart, as a punishment. It's far easier to find than a bug. And Onix it's not the good solution, even if I think it's related with actionFailed packet. I think Coyote didn't know how to block attacks, so he put that and it was a "better than nothing" solution lol. Solution is in L2Character.
  15. Buhaha. Btw, you should make the message more friendly, cause actually you know you got error in "x" files, but which exactly are them... Or show only useful infos, like bad tags and the total numbers of files, cause if you got 150 bad tags, that shows 150 errors ? Not rly exploitable in a GS log:P. And the big numbers I don't get the use :D. About the pos, it's the file which have been loaded ? So you know it's the 1849th loaded file which bugs ? Not rly exploitable ^^. (Ok with notepad ++ you search for the bad tag in the folder, but still :p.) Works fine on my Archid custom, you have to disable the Lazy cache.
  16. The thing you forget Vago, it's some ppl makes L2J for free, and you use it to make money on it. Without this teamwork, I don't think you would dev or make money. Just think a lil. Anyway, ty for the -FREE- share. And death to this capitalist conception of coding (and no I'm not a Linux fan). BTW, showing some codes sometimes just show he got talent, just show his programmer skill and make him publicity. You missed a marketing lesson... I don't defend Intrepid, and I have nothing with you Vago. :). ---- Have you taken the idea from your old anti-L2W commit ? It looks the same :D.
  17. The vote system exists already for pvp/faction (change map etc), it's nothing new, but the calculation for farm places has never been made. I don't get how you got your values. From a file / database table ? Cause players just vote, so how you find a "decent" point to calculate ? Cause with a random point you can go in a river... Or mobs spawn in the river ? Even if the "400" thing will avoid you to jump in a mountain. I'm impressed as I hate math formulaes.
  18. Your kick option cannot be made without a zone, about the teleporter you said it but wrong, you have to edit the core of your teleporter, not the htm. Without a zone, you can do a timer (jail timer if you want a code). And the condition to don't reach the area comes with the teleporter core. But if someone goes by foot to your area he won't be kicked. So in fact, it's easier to add a zone lol.
  19. MXC isn't a supermarket, and bad for you, but I couldn't attach files to my post so no answer from me. I just can say you have to add 4 files, 2 in knowlist, 2 in actor.instances, and edit L2AttackableAI.
  20. When exactly your problem appears ? In the last "old & free" L2Archid release, there isn't such a problem. I'm using Archid too. If Sethek is cute ( all Celldweller fans are, aren"t they...?) , he can perhaps share the old timeline. You miss around 200 commits (last version of Archid was 1292).
  21. ...the author should burn in a hot place. Heretic. Anyway, I'm surprised someone had the idea to revert-engine Gracia. I don't know if it's faster to make the 3k commits from L2J timeline or your way. The problem of your idea is your pack will have mainly useless stuff. By many, it's around 20% code which is totally useless. I don't talk about datapack lol, so many useless HTM etc. I dunno if you had geodata up, but 1k ram used it's just loling (30mo free on 1011mo, seen on one of your picture). My *custom* server uses (exactly, and I'm proud) 100mo w/o geo on. L2J Teon uses 300 w/o geodata on, and Archid custom version (old one) used 350mo, the free old version was lower - around 270 if I rem. Too much crap loads and slow your server. It's a full rework, and IMO it's not very far than trying to copy-paste all timeline of L2J (except this way you got the handbook lol, in your path you have nothing to show you). Anyway gl, even if it's a paid stuff.
  22. As Seth, if you have really 0 errors in your GS, I suppose it's your links which sux :o. You have to add a "Buff my pet" link with PetBuff command in the NPC html. Find the HTML, copy paste the "Buff" line, and replace command and the button description. I don't know this core buffer, so if there is no html, the html must be hardcoded too in the NPCBufferInstance. It's not shared in your link, so I suppose error comes from here.
  23. Just test it, it's 5 lines feature... Bunch of lazy asses.
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