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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. From the stickied topics in this section And secondly, i already answered in a post past about it, about solution and about how to resolve. If you're lazy, just forget to develop your own server. And if it wasn't you (which would be exceptional, as error is the same), go search the guy topic about mutlsell bug.
  2. Or "how to nerf the imagination of your players". I mean those are good players, except if you got a OL server I don't get the problem. The best idea is to remove mobs in your server if you fear it breaks pvp... And you can have more players like that. Or as others said you can begin to unbalance things, which fock classes, so you have to find another nerfs for others classes, blablabla.
  3. Some of the common errors (like this one, database connection, etc) should be pinned off. Have you already checked problems 4 years ago in this section (I did for fun, reading "Interlude new version" made me smile) ? This is all time the same problems. That will avoid problems AND those sort of guides.
  4. a void is a type of method. And it's the type of method used to call those sorts of "extras". Like (public/private) void, (public/private) boolean, etc etc.
  5. There's like 0 reason to make a config for mmocore. And L2JTeon is perhaps the last pack to copy things from. Basically you have to mod the mmocore itself (SelectorConfig), gameserver.java, config.java, and surely others things in mmocore. --- About the guy calling me stupid, I don't know what you get in I have no idea where the project can be found (didn't search) , perhaps the "didn't search" part.
  6. No worries. I explain why your code still bug, like that you can use it for nay of your future problem. As I said getRace() is a method stored in L2PcInstance, when attacker is a L2Character. if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance) { if (((L2PcInstance)attacker).getRace() == Race.Dwarf) damage *= 2; } The first line is a null check, to avoid NPE. About ((L2PcInstance)attacker), it modify the type of attacker to a L2PcInstance. If your different actions on the player were a lot, you could rewrite it like that for easy read : if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance) { //Change attacker from character to L2PcInstance, and store it on player variable L2PcInstance player = ((L2PcInstance)attacker); if (player.getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { damage *= 2; player.sendMessage("Dwarves pown"); player.doSomething() } } As you can see, it is far easier to read like that. Well don't implement it, because sendMessage will be send to each hit lol. ---- About if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && attacker.getRace() == Race.Dwarf) damage *= 2; attacker is still a character type so your problem isn't changed.
  7. This is the point of this topic, share ideas and let developers code if it's possible (and when it's good).
  8. I hope you joke, I have given solution higher. And no, what you have written isn't what I have written.
  9. attacker is a L2Character type, when getRace() method is applied to L2PcInstance (on IL, but I see you use higher chronicle as "Dwarf" should be written "dwarf", so it's only a supposition). Try that: if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance) { if (((L2PcInstance)attacker).getRace() == Race.Dwarf) damage *= 2; } And post errors if there are.
  10. L2JDot isn't supported. Ask on their forum. On topic you got a NPE (NullPointerException >> google it), basically at line 489 of L2GameClient.java, in onForcedDisconnection method. The funny thing is error can be anywhere else, as there mustn't have NPE check. The fact the mmocore is under L2J name doesn't mean it's the last one, or if it has been unmodified by Dot team.
  11. I have to agree with Matim, you're the sort of ppl doing a pack only to edit credits and put 10 commits to modify your pack name instead of l2j import name, after that you lack of ideas and the project is given up. Don't worry there are at least 10 projects before you which did the same. On the topic, use the search function of Eclipse and replace all "l2jxxxx" by "l2jroxxor". And correct errors after that.
  12. NPE error, and L2JEqual isn't supported on MxC forum. On the topic, you should check the MultiSellChoose packet, there is surely a missing check if (something != null) I invite you to check current L2J packets to find a fix. And if you're too lazy to do it, ask on their forum.
  13. I don't think you get it, test your damn links, when you got the error on logs you got a location to search. This will cut research time by 10 or more. If that can help you, someone got exactly the same error, so I dunno if he used the same script or if it's Freya bug. Anyway you're alone to fix it now, I don't come back on this topic.
  14. Funny, JoeDaFlow got the exact same problem with a python NPC. What chronicle, which NPC are you using ? It's a custom NPC you surely added which bug. Joe is making a Freya server, so this bug can come from Freya update aswell if you're using Freya.
  15. Do a search, this problem is recurrent and solution have been already posted.
  16. I said to you higher to do some tests to define when errors come, I'm willing to help but I won't search your damn code for yourself. Your problem if you don't want help helpers.
  17. The 5th statement was about House serie I was watching and there is no more episodes with FR subtitles (season 7, number 8 ) :(. Give GS error if you have. And a link to gatekeeper (edit your first post), the only search result for fallenfalcon is your last post lol.
  18. Gratz to commit back a code which was good in 2007 (and even before :P). Take care of commits next time, and thx pcalin to report it, I just helped him.
  19. First = this is english section (in "[Request] Dev Help [L2J] En", it's why there is a "En"), second = what do you want we do with a client error, we're not Mary Poppins, post gameserver errors only third = post pack/chronicle/buffer, personally it's the last time I say that fourth = I understood gatekeeper, navicat, spawn... So wtf it goes with client error ? fifth = everybody lies.
  20. I just pickuped the content and copypasted it on a clean IL L2J SiegeManager.java, and the files are 100% the same except imports. Anyway I'm stupid as this file can't in fault, as sieges tasks are launched from Siege.java. ---- PS : as I tought they focked up code. Ask them to correct Siege.java, at the "coded" line. Search public class ScheduleStartSiegeTask implements Runnable and replace the whole method by the ancient method (pick it from L2J IL pack). Why the heck they changed that, only Mulder & Scully know. There are like 0 reason to change this part of code, as it works since many years without problem lol. I got the L2J clean method under the hand, so enjoy... C/p the name of the method and when you found it, c/p the whole method below on the L2JBr one. public class ScheduleStartSiegeTask implements Runnable { private Castle _castleInst; public ScheduleStartSiegeTask(Castle pCastle) { _castleInst = pCastle; } public void run() { if (getIsInProgress()) return; try { long timeRemaining = getSiegeDate().getTimeInMillis() - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); if (timeRemaining > 86400000) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining - 86400000); // Prepare task for 24 before siege start to end registration } else if ((timeRemaining <= 86400000) && (timeRemaining > 13600000)) { announceToPlayer("The registration term for " + getCastle().getName() + " has ended.", false); _isRegistrationOver = true; clearSiegeWaitingClan(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining - 13600000); // Prepare task for 1 hr left before siege start. } else if ((timeRemaining <= 13600000) && (timeRemaining > 600000)) { announceToPlayer(Math.round(timeRemaining / 60000) + " minute(s) until " + getCastle().getName() + " siege begin.", false); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining - 600000); // Prepare task for 10 minute left. } else if ((timeRemaining <= 600000) && (timeRemaining > 300000)) { announceToPlayer(Math.round(timeRemaining / 60000) + " minute(s) until " + getCastle().getName() + " siege begin.", false); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining - 300000); // Prepare task for 5 minute left. } else if ((timeRemaining <= 300000) && (timeRemaining > 10000)) { announceToPlayer(Math.round(timeRemaining / 60000) + " minute(s) until " + getCastle().getName() + " siege begin.", false); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining - 10000); // Prepare task for 10 seconds count down } else if ((timeRemaining <= 10000) && (timeRemaining > 0)) { announceToPlayer(getCastle().getName() + " siege " + Math.round(timeRemaining / 1000) + " second(s) to start!", false); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ScheduleStartSiegeTask(_castleInst), timeRemaining); // Prepare task for second count down } else { _castleInst.getSiege().startSiege(); } } catch (Throwable t) { } } }
  21. Open an new topic instead of spam a resolved case. You surely got a problem in your gameserver logs, give more infos about pack too, what you tried, etc. It should be write in the damn rules, it's boring to ask the same thing over and over.
  22. I didn't understand one word, but yeah I think it's enough for 500-600 players. And the ram is really fine, even if you uses geodata. It depends of your distribution too. But I would be scared, because except if you pay really hard, I don't think this hoster can be trusted. Too many features. (I'm pro or not ?)
  23. o_o You're welcomed, even if I haven't help lol. If that comes back, post on their forum to report, because I'm not far of the truth if I say they add as much bugs as good commits. You can too search about SiegeManager.java, comparing L2J one with your.
  24. This is an anti-cheater protection, if you log and you have higher enchanted items than the config says, you're supposed to be a cheater so you're (by default) kicked/jailed/banned.
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