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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. A quick solution would be to filter chat type. If it's 1 or 8 then send it along with the message to broadcast to all user
  2. Here is your “informations”: If you do it for profit, please stop and get a job. Don’t even bother, because you also sound that you don’t have a clue. No offense
  3. There aren’t any problems or “secondary” effects by using an extender if it’s done/made right. Client side is one limitation I guess and then main server functionality like sharedfactory limits and stuff like that
  4. Why is this in shares? And also a guide? How hard and crazy did you search for 2 months without finding nothing ? It’s all over the place. And also if you can’t remove they key from the sources then consider NOT to open a server. Vang is out since 2016 or so
  5. I’m not sure for hi5, but in gf you have to have premium server running, enable it in the .ini file and also enable the button to show in l2.ini at client side
  6. It’s garbage, don’t even bother ( it was useful when dawid fixed it back in the day and it’s main purpose was to extend client functionality, like auto potions. Antibot became popular and bypassed quickly)
  7. Lineage2 is almost 17 years old. And it doesn’t look like it is dead, but definitely not where it was a decade ago. I’m not going to mention the official servers, because I stopped playing there on gracia final update in 2009. What is happening is normal as the time goes by. Players know how to play, what to do how to rush to end game where they believe the game starts, and then it is boring because there is no extra content. But in my case this is not true. Playing lineage2 is about the feeling, your fellow friends that they will help you gather all the key materials needed to craft a blue wolf breast plate inside lair of antharas. (C1 era). It’s about killing those monsters to gain exp while you are on teamspeak with your friends and having fun. Its about doing that quest and learn the skills! It’s about that feeling before the siege that makes everybody to try their best. It’s about those epic fights and zergs that will make you stay awake all night guarding the port for antharas or whatever. It’s about learning to play that class you picked and play your role in the clan or enjoy it for yourself. This in my opinion stopped when some of the private servers in the past like L2 Paradise vanished. Server owners were different back then. They had actual knowledge on programming, RE, debugging and of course the structure of the server and know how to fix shit. Everybody had their own extender trying to develop it and provide better experience. Guess what, before C4 leak, they had C4 full of bugs but huge online and players didn’t care much. They were taking care of their players. It didn’t feel that they wanted to grab your money and reopen a server in 2 months and do it again. This is not happening right know. These guys grew old like me, got a family and have to move on with life. Lineage2 became business in the eyes of people that they don’t have a clue on how to operate a server and deal with all the responsibility that comes with it. This is were services like AdvExt64, Kation and others did their part in this mess. They provided a ready to go product where clueless people were able to open their servers and call themselves “admins” when all they did is to edit the configs. Well these servers ruined the game in the eyes of the players and make other knowledgeable server owners look bad. Also the new era of server owners is not willing to learn shit on how to deal with server files. This is where L2j crap (no offense) kicks in. Java projects, free shares, ask for the solution and that’s it. We are ready. Again they are wrong. So what they do is fake promises that they can’t keep up with, they pay money prizes for the first clan that will capture Aden castle, they ask “Are you ready?” before they open, they write the word “informations” on their website, they help “big” clans so they stay while they take player’s money. If they are lucky enough their project lasts for 2 months. I think I wrote too much !
  8. Paradise


    No difference, he’s looking for a way to make money quick
  9. Where did you see the share ? Because all I see is a nonsense request for l2j crap who’s short on “development” time!
  10. @xeL i'm surprised to see you here too! haha
  11. Maybe it’s here? It has some c3 “packs” but haven’t checked it https://maxcheaters.com/topic/222526-l2off-megashare/
  12. First you have to question yourself if l2off is the right thing for you. Then I would suggest you to read a guide on how to setup the server, because you don’t have a clue how things work. Also my post count doesn’t really matter since I got less than 200 in 14 years. And btw, AuthD address in l2server.ini has to be not your external ip. GameID in confit.txt from authD has to be 8 and ReadLocalServerList has to be false unless you wanna load the serverlist from a file.
  13. Looks like your setup is messed up. What’s inside the SQL Network Configuration ? What ip do you use there ? did you read a guide before trying set up your server?
  14. There is a problem with cacheD. It crashes, and when cacheD crashes then l2server crashes as well. That’s why you get the error cacheD socket closed before the crash. I asked you what’s happening in cacheD console
  15. What’s happening with cacheD? What errors you get there? ? L2server crashes if cacheD socket is closed
  16. Yeah, I won’t be surprised if I see @mcbigmac around! Hahaha
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