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Everything posted by dejvis

  1. it's not working with wh, never was you can't open wh while trading and you can't trade two persons in the same time but... i never tested it, just had idea, you can try it with regenant pouches (or how it's called, those items from which u can get mss), instead of giving 1 regenant pouch to pet just open one regenant pouch
  2. if it's not fixed than you can use EVERY item that stuck
  3. lol i knew about it from feb, firstly admins removed pet's from their servers to protect (some still have them removed lol) but later someone made fix on postpacific and iam 99% l2j have it fixed too
  4. damn i wanna get banned, rly just ban me from this forum guy called hazkz0r with more than 900 posts discovered malaria and cholera and think those are exploits Oo damn this forum is nearly like allcheats.ru, rly lol
  5. ofcourse tomasasaz is right... this pack is swiming over net for months, you can google it in 5 sec but you guys know nothing, you just write "omh man goood share!!! +1" those files are most bugged/backdoored ever lol yee but give this guy +1k for reposting link.... :)
  6. and it's NOT bake ice bypasser....
  7. +1 karma, very interesting huehuehue :) i love you guys ty
  8. shortcut to host on desktop, but ty :)
  9. simply it's not true
  10. wtf are you talking about you stupid spammer, those files were DELETED so you even didn't download this walker, getting +++ post count huh? reuploading.... edit: http://www.4shared.com/file/37308288/9c74370d/eL2Walker1074-FULL.html better check it with antivirus software :)
  11. it's program for server admins, not players you can search log files with it, server log files ofcourse, useless for players
  12. no it's not wrong section btw. site is up, post can be closed
  13. any idea why allcheats.ru is down?? and will it be up in near future?
  14. bake ice was made by guy which has this server http://www.l2oasis.com/
  15. let's check edit: lol, it's older then me, and ofcourse fixed on 99,9% of servers
  16. dupe isn't working on frozen :)
  17. let's see it
  18. thanks :)
  19. and? what we can do with those?
  20. it's ENGLISH section!
  21. so what it's exacly doing?
  22. interlude with bake ice - mayhem http://welcome.l2mayhem.com/ but it shuld not work with bake ice, bake ice launcher is sending some encrypted kay to server, so u need it....
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