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Everything posted by dejvis
okay we know that even whan we enchant with item lag it always take "first" enchant, so if it fails first time you can enchant 5 more times, drop/trade/deposit, you can even pray but it will break :/ But item lag show, that decison of Succes or Fails is on client side. If we make item lag ( or it occurs :) ) and we enchant item in the same moment it say if it succes or fail, but + or break is when item lags end. I don't know if I'am right about client decision but i think so. So idea is like that: make item lag, if it succes just leave it, item lag will end and we have weapon +. But if it fails we have message about it, our weapon is still in inventory. Client not send information about break to server yet (i think). So maybe we should do something to stop it?? i dunno what. Maybe kill client by ctrl+alt+del, or restart, shut down computer. Maybe there is program which stop sending packages to server, any ideas??
yeah Greece is free country I think... Ok i tried all!! item lag enchanting dropping and exit, item lag dropping enchanting exit and what?? nothing :/
checked, it's NOT working...
It's another method of fake enchant. You make item lag, drop/trade/deposit item than enchant it. It says Success ir Fail but item isn't enchanting. Any other ideas??
if enchant is succes you don't have to drop it or trade to WH niezły pomysł 2Fast sprawdze to później :))) And yeaah ppl you have right, if u have Fail first in row you can do what you want but it will break... :/ Going to check more ideas later...
ok i will do screenshots later, and OMG 9 Fails :/ in a row whan trying to enchant dark crystal helmet from +6 to +7 and I broke it :/
i made other post about item lat enchant but this guy is flaming me in all posts :))) he don't understand that I only wrote new method, i didint say it's good or ia'm using it, whan he ask what fake enchant is for i just wrote one situation and... no comments. I think that if i will wrote some adena bug he will try to kick my ass too :shock:
ah yes putting 4 enchants in 5 minutes piss of cake :D but MAKING 4 ITEM LAGS in 5minutes little harder... i want to say that the method is good. SO what you mean by your post?? it's well known that enchanting to +7 isn't hard, my post was only for show how it works. SCREENSHOTS say all. And you are commenting: "if i buy 3 damascus..." but it's not about who can enchant to how much but only to show by screenshots how it LOOK. "Until +3 is nothing. after that you have to put 4 scrolls. If your server now has 95% possibilities of enchant.... " Yes sure... first time I wanted only to post screenshot from +3 to +4 and i was be good too. Cuzz it show enchant message 2times and few times bss activation. Now you understand?? I said that enchanting to +7 isn't something big! READ IT 5 TIMES. It's only to show how item lag looks god....
yes I wrote the same like in previous post :D
and so?? i bought 3 damascus too, but i didnt break anyone. just because if it would breake by my mistak i won't to go for next one. "Maybe it's nothing big" you read that?? "Maybe i'am lucky??" and that?? i know that enchanting it to +7 is nothing big but on this screenshot YOU SEE HOW ITEM LAG WORKS!! 2 messeges about enchant and few about using bbs. do u understand now?? or should i wrote it 5 more times??
lol what a guy. read cerfully... did i said that iam using it?? gallaki wrote old method of fake enchant, and i wrote the new ones which works on some servers, ia'm not using it. u can get even 10 F in a row. I said "some people". If u don't like it, just don't use it. "What you say is completly wrong." what i said that is wrong?? i miss something?? i dont said that after 3 F u will get S but some people are using fake enchant like that. so think first and than leave commens like that... "It works but it's fake enchant, it will only say if enchant could fail or success, nothing more..." you read it?? iam wrong??? lolol
For pple who dont believes i just made +7 damascus (b grade) in 5min. Maybe it's nothing big, but screenshots say everything about item lag, i can make it, i can enchant weapon and deposit it before item lag disapear http://feb16.imgshare.us/xvwfcx.jpg http://feb16.imgshare.us/ssznkc.jpg http://feb16.imgshare.us/gpfblx.jpg http://feb16.imgshare.us/aksmei.jpg http://feb16.imgshare.us/tmwfue.jpg Maybe i'am lucky?? But you see that weapon is enchanting two times!! and after item lag disapear bbs is activeting few times without equipe/unequpie weapon. It would be hard to do it if i can't make item lag and it just occurse, u don't think so?? i made 4 item lags in 5minutes, and it weren't 5secunds lags... It sometimes take me 1-2minutes to make item lag, i must pick up somthing like 15items sometimes...
you can see how many Succes or False you can get, for example if you are Fake enchanting weapon you've get: S F S S F F F S F F Some people are waiting for 3 fails in a row and enchanting normally (not fake) weapon than cuzz it's very unlucky to get 4 fails in a row. It helps to enchant but it's not 100% ofcourse
Fixed on several servers?? On L2x they made NPC with Scrolls and Tokens in Heine :) So next method for fake enchant :D (only for servers with Enchant NPC) 1. Go to Enchant NPC (heine or...) 2. Buy one scroll from him 3. Subscribe scroll to F1 4. Open inventory 5. Open conversetion window with NPC 6. Choose Exchange Scroll for Token (or something like that) 7. Now drag NPC window on Inventory window (you must put first window on second window) 8. Click F1 (scroll will activete) mouse cursor must be in inventory window or scroll will cancel 9. Exchane your scroll for Token (you can make it cuzz it's in the same place like inventory window) scroll will disapear and you've got token 10. Click on item to enchant It works but it's fake enchant, it will only say if enchant could fail or success, nothing more...
no, you MUST enchant to the momen it say SUCCESS, than trade or deposit in wh, maybe you are too slow. Next method to make item lag: 1.drop like 15 potions or arrows 2.start spaming bbs/ss 3.pick up 1 potion/arrow and spam pick up spam still 4.item lag!!
my server is down now, so try this, it's just idea, i don't know if it will work but it sounds good :D You want buy some weapon for free??. Go to shop with your friend, open NPC shop chose weapon but dont buy it now!! Open trade with your friend and give him all adena you have. You must confirm transation, but your friend must wait. You should still have adena in your inventory so you can buy weapon. So simply buy it :D Now pm you friend to confirm trade, he should get all your adena so you buy weapon for free!! I don't know if it works!!!! P.S. If it doesn;t work maybe you don't have to confirm trade before buying weapon. Maybe just put adena in trade window buy weapon and now confirm and pm your friend to confirm. Check it.
occurse?? am i missing something?? shit everybody know what i mean. In l2x it's named "spamming ss" and GM's are banning accounts for that, hmm maybe they are banning for occurse item lag?? i don't think so... and your post isn't helping me and other ppl, a made this tread to find the best enchant method not for make useless comments...
ohh and you can try making item lag by spamming any potions or other thinks, just try and write here what you found. We can work for better method...
pr1me why not?? just wait it sometimes take more time. It's better working when there is more people on server and server is working for 1-2 hours without restert. People are dropping items and doing other thinks that helps lagging item server. DeSerT you must do ITEM LAG, than start enchanting, if it fails just enchant one more time and one more time to the moment it will say Succes. Not you must quickly place item in wh to save it...
Ok I just test it on L2extrem and it's working!! It's maybe not 100% because it depends on lag but u can make nice item with it. 1. You need to have item you want to enchant, one or more scrolls and lot's of spiritshots or blessedspiritshots (like 1000). 2. As I said it depends on lag, but not server lag, you must do ITEM LAG. We need to go to WH. But watch out, you must go to city where aren't many people. Making item lag is illegal and u can get banned if someone (gm or other player) will see you. 3. If you are in WH you must do some things: -talk to WH NPC (don't open deposite item now, just wait...) -open inventory -subscribe any weapon to F1 -subscribe spiritshots or bbs to F2 (if F1 weapon is C grade ss and bss must be C grade too :D) -subscribe enchant scroll to F3 4. Now you must make ITEM LAG. Just keep hitting F1 and F2 very fast. Your character will wear off and on weapon and use bbs or ss. After some time you will see that bbs or ss aren't working, it's ITEM LAG!! 5. Now you must hit F3 and enchant your item. If it fails scroll and weapon will not disapear! you can enchant it few times, end when it will succes. 6. Now click on DEPOSITE ITEM, chose enchanted item and confirm. Your enchanted weapon is in WH, you are fucken cool!! BUT WATCH OUT!!!! You MUST be very FAST!!!! If ITEM LAG will end when you are enchanting (you didn't get succes only fail fail fail) your weapon will break. ITEM LAG must work to the time when u click confirm (or OK??) deposite item to WH. And you must to know that enchanting from +3 to +4 is easier than from +14 to +15 because when u enchant to +4 you get S S F S (more succes than fails) and if u enchant better weapon (better than +13) you get more fails and it take more time, ITEM LAG can end before you succes and deposite item. It's all about your speed and item lag duration!! EHHH SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH!!