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Everything posted by dejvis

  1. it only works on several servers, most of servers patched it
  2. hay yaa nab us search button, it's at sticky....
  3. u didn't saw other 2 post about that?? why the fuck u made another?? use brain...
  4. for what?? nothing from above is working, first is l2j old "buying many items in one slot" method, second is "casting spell end enchanting" method, the rest is about false enchant... btw. Logan2 look at date of this post
  5. maybe sharing such thing isn't good idea? maybe keepeing for yourself is better?
  6. yes, iam sure, it's l2off, ppl with +25 weapons?? it's donation lol, and before making such clan try to find one exploit which is working there... ps. they are using cypher's ampedx so no hlapex there, nor other packet program btw. why it is always when some guys saw many ppl with +25 weapons they think it's exploit or corrupted gm's? can i know? cuz they are morons??
  7. read full thread and u will know it's not working anymore....
  8. ohhh my god...
  9. let's think, u must know C++ programing and hacking a little, you must know Java also, u must have dualcore procesor and 2graphic cards, that all, now u can download hlapex.... btw. use SEARCH or google u dumb!
  10. hlapex isn't working on l2revenge...
  11. ehhh i can tell it 100 times... l2monster is PATCHED, AmpeDX64!!
  12. :p let's get back to topic^^ On L2promisance there was some korean guy (NERUS? i dont remember) which main was arcana lord (summoner) and he was using necro skills on olympiad (dark vortex in eg.) ppl got mad and told it to GM, but our lovely GM announced in game that he checked his skills and NERUS is clear O.o.... few days later he got banned for using exploits XD btw. L2promisance is L2off wit AmpeD, hlapex isn't working there....
  13. umm yeaa u r right, thanks
  14. it wasn't 7x i think, site is http://www.gameup.com.ar/ so can u give me link to patch (or host) and reg? i must check wtf u see in this hlapex on l2j...
  15. NinjaShoes i don't get your point... IMO playing on l2offserver with many players, good community, most of things working and helping yourself by exploits is better than what some ppl do. It's just a big lol for me, when i see post about hlapex, where ppl are searching for servers on which hlapex works. For them the main thing is working hlapex, they can play there 2days, kills some x number of players (with comments like xaxaxa me own) and they are changing servers. -beep-en lame, don't u think so? Btw who are u to talk us which server we can exploit and which we can't? and if we are talking about some old servers tooo.... l2revenge is UP with old database (no wipe!) http://www.l2revengeserver.com/
  16. you want my yahoo e-mail screenshot? and the item i spawn was Dragon's Tooth (1F 58230000 01 00 00 00 ED000000 01 00 00 00) just to check if it's working, and i got server messege about blablabla illegal action^^
  17. I yesterday got banned for using multisell (it wasn't 30k dagger ol lance) on gameup btw. made e-mail account on yahoo and activ code e-mail was there after 2minutes, on other mail I had problem with recieving activ code mail too
  18. sry for ot but as I see Koyfo u r the best mod here, the forum needs more mods like u btw, this isn't asslicking.... ;p
  19. dude wtf? check youreslf, it's so big problem for yaa? and there is post about thet, so u can ask there: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2333.0 btw. did u saw "HELP SECTION"?
  20. O.o God ppl... wts brains 1kk each!
  21. this isn't working anymore, server on which it was working are down or protected now
  22. 3.0 version was already posted: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=1950.0 but ty anyway btw. screenshot translation: http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=43&t=36321&s=
  23. Copy-paste from PP "LA2Monster can be used in-game or along with bot programms (L2walker/L2hepler) Features: LA2Monster makes its user immune to all atacking skills, such as "Sleep", "Drain", "Hurricane", "Stun shot", "DeadlyBlow", "Shield stun". As for usual attacks it protects against about 90% hits. By the way, attacker can see the damage he deals, but HP is not decreased. The programm protects characters with 0 HP from the spells that can kill them - all kinds of heals, vampirism, poison, bleed etc. These features can work either automatically (protecting against magic and physical damage) or manually. Except for that the programm can: - show HP of another players - show those who targeted you - immediate resurrect - LVLUP-hack - make you ride strider/wyvern - teleport you immediatelly to the closest town without SOE even during the combat - protect you only against critical hits (on demand) - grant access to the luxury shop or warehouse through any NPC As it was said before the program is compatible with any L2 client and bot Version 1.3 Hides you from the damage higher than predefined level. Some SS function added which makes adena from nothing. Version 1.5 "Fake enchant" feature added. You should define the number of attmpts and the rest the programm will do itself. Server freezing feature. Version 1.6 You can define skills and magic the programm will protect you from. Items duping (not only stackable) Characters textures changing (for fun) Version 1.7 Character invisibility. Protection from death. Means even if protection against skills and magic is disabled the programm will still keep you alive. Other characters kicking." btw. most of servers on which l2monster works are down or using Cypher's AmpeDX64
  24. well try to use windows START--->open, type there cmd and use dos window to open gen...
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