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Everything posted by dejvis

  1. nope, i need this http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5534.0 but someone closed this topic so it will die in trash, /care about that now :)
  2. yep, had 5 and now i have 0 lal, well i'am still looking for help :|
  3. Hi! I'am looking for someone with 50 post count on allcheats.ru and can copy-past me some info link: http://allcheats.ru/bhody_ntibotov_skriptami_dlia_wp_ppc-t28719/index.html i need Argot's replays that are hidden, send me pm or post here thank you
  4. "Argot" is author of l2fakelogin script but he is selling it, not sharing for free, oh he is member of allcheats.ru
  5. hmm this is a lil video made by some russian guy, he is showing how to break Hint's protection (on some russian server) http://www.megaupload.com/pl/?d=OHG11UGJ well i can't find this script :/ let's just wait, maybe someone will share it somewhere ;p
  6. just wait, there is script to circuite protection from Hint but it's not public, some russian guys are selling it, so just wait...
  7. So we need to get someone who knows how to crack files. I know how to open these files but i dont know what to do with them. I know it was abit stupid but i deleted both of the files and tried logging in and of course i couldnt login. But when you delete hguard.dll, you can still login and play on a legit client. Im going to read up about cracking and such and im going to see for myself. Most likly im just wasting my time :P actually there is other method, working on some other servers with that protection i'am testing it on pvpx without results yet, it's crashing l2client don't know why (yes u need to open l2 with that method). iam gonna try it on ohter comp, l2pvpx clien is fucked up last days will post more info later
  8. Not true, cuz Any Admin of a L2 server can change the enchant rate How much he like (70%, 80%,100% succsess rate). and the rate of enchantment for normal weapons warriors and mages Is the SAME. not true, in most servers
  9. it's hguard.fll and fire.dll, made by Hint. 2weeks or lil more and we will have working l2waler on pvpx
  10. allright, i don't wanna cry etc but this forum (especially l2 exploit section) is biggest crap i ever saw. 5thousnd nabs are making 5thousnd posts each day with some stupid questions. 90% posts are: moved, locked or "mi want bag for l2revenge plizzz" so i must spend 2hours to find some usefull post :/ so u mods rly can't handle this? by moving/locking ur only making bigger trash :( just delete those useless posts! find some other way.... next thing: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=4566.0 ekoice wtf is your problem? 1. I answered this question so i don't see any use of u repeating me, i don't think that adding something from me (my opinion about server, cuzz iam sure this guy was considerning playing there) isn't something wrong 2. so why u locked that topic? i saw u doing many many offtopics and u didn't saw there any problem, i didn't saw any flaming/racism w/e in this l2gold topic so what's your problem? maybe there was lil otso what? rly rly this forum need MOD POWAA!
  11. L2OFF, c4 with many custom stuff and many changes (they aretrying to balance it) one of the best server atm, nice dev team, gm's etc. rly very goooood
  12. Well for the person calling me a f@cking spammer, you spam more by "adjusting" me That was my first post asking about the TOKEN. I found it in the meanwhile, not thanks to you. And use search for what? I have not found an answer to my question? Why can't I open the DICTION.ARY after filling it with the keygenerator program included. it's post about l2brute u dumb :/
  13. hey u "superhacker", u r so pro that u didn't notice HELP SECTION? rly that forum need -karma and ban for 11year old kiddies aka "hi mi nid hackz plz" :/
  14. terrain exploit is when you are killing mob and standing on ground were that mob can't reach you, e.g. your archer is standing on a hill killing RaidBoss, RB can't attack you because he can't get on hill, so u r doing dmg to RB and it isn't doing dmg to you, easy way to kill something, on most server it's illegal btw. there is HELP SECTION!!!!!
  15. well tbh i don't know what to think about that exploit, it's kinda lame, u got something and somone else lose something, and now every 12 year old kid will "own" l2 server (well there is fix already so it's not true) :/ but it's true that some lame l2 amins which are olny making $ on server will get owwwned (let's prey, maybe fix will not go to the public)
  16. lal english tard.....
  17. read topic... now try to think, and does this work for C4?...
  18. nah, iam not owner of a server, just don't like ppl using so funny trick to get something lal, better go beg dude
  19. nah he will not, btw not all servers are patched or maybe u checked everyone? pffff
  20. http://postpacific.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6979 ;D
  21. Even with cypher's 154 - 156 patch? as someone on postpacific said enchant skill exploit is fixed by cypher's patch (dunno which version, but i'am sure that not public one, so 150+) btw. Anarchy can I pm ya? i'am sure u have full box now...
  22. in Lineage II Exploits section, next "very clever" guy...
  23. i know this program, it's called "donate"...
  24. nice, thanks
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