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Everything posted by dejvis

  1. and it's not working anymore if i'am right so stop bumping this thread
  2. old one was better imo
  3. what? adriahu is l2 dev, L2PHX is useful not only for exploiting servers you know??
  4. google? http://www.l2aim.ru http://www.d3scene.com/forum/lineage-2-hacks/1128-l2aim-full-files-demo-version.html
  5. try to copy file L2info.dat (or l2infoA.dat) from other version of walker to your working walker
  6. oh are u sure it's still working? can't find it too lmao >.<
  7. oh well, sometimes i wanna be russian, it's pain in ass that every teh exploit is "for russian only" or eventually posted here after few months...
  8. http://www.4shared.com/file/25021602/69188334/ES-1064.html was working like 1-2 days ago you must configure it like l2gold walker (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10052.0) oh and yes, use SEARCH!
  9. working OOG 10.6.4 (with script) http://www.4shared.com/file/25021602/69188334/ES-1064.html
  10. it's easy, go for spoiler (on x2 server)
  11. nope, ppl still (today) bot with this method, i asked ingame
  12. virtual map didn't lag for me O.o buff yourself and check your home cloak lal, maybe i will try to make 10.7.1 working....
  13. http://www.4shared.com/file/24652754/2c752324/Walker1063_superpack.html use patcher.exe and token.exe, chose l2v from list in walker
  14. it was working very good for me when server was C4 (i have the same problem with walkers as you), i checked it and it's connecting good (i only changed protocol to 709 cuzz of c5) lag? huh? just check it
  15. i will upload 10.6.3 working for you, wiat a minute
  16. 10.7.1 will work on your pc
  17. Okay, it's working but not for everyone. I did everything okay (set.ini and options.ini), walker proxy, WP proxy and script set, walker is connecting to WP (I can see ip, server name and script name in Proxy P-C) but it's stopping for 30sec and i get timeout Walker log: 20:44:24 Link LoginServer Succed. 20:44:55 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. WP mini log: 20:35:34 open: lh:1777 > ES-L2 scripts: 'ES-L2.fsc' 20:36:04 close: lh:1777 & ES-L2 20:41:31 open: lh:1777 > ES-L2 scripts: 'ES-L2.fsc' 20:42:01 close: lh:1777 & ES-L2 20:44:24 open: lh:1777 > ES-L2 scripts: 'ES-L2.fsc' 20:44:55 close: lh:1777 & ES-L2 pic of my settings: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8418/walkeraf3.jpg http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/6096/walker2sw5.jpg http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=walker3tz0.jpg http://img215.imageshack.us/my.php?image=walker4zs5.jpg in WP Packet Converter i'am trying with Port on and off (i don't know how it should be exacly), i tryed with Walker 10.6.3 and 10.7.1, same shit so if anyone can tell me what i'am doing wrong or what i should try pls help >.< btw. i tryed even with my firewall/antivirus off and i tryied Walker Proxy for login and game server and only for login server
  18. this guy ain't cheater, he's got only 1 post and know admin of this server: "Dear Clox, this is a little gift for your debt to me." so actually he was/is gm or someone who had access to this info ;)
  19. dude it's not exploit, it's just script for l2walker so this exploit (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8630.0) will work faster.
  20. well can anyone share l2gold walker not on rapidshare pls?
  21. well l2gold bot ain't working for me, i've got it from http://www.4shared.com/dir/1279887/60245db5/MaxBastards.html cuzz i've got problems downloading from rapidshare, so if 4shared isn't the same version as in first post pls upload it
  22. lethal strike don't work at raids (in l2off)
  23. should be in russian, maybe u don't have russ lang set in windows
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