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Everything posted by dejvis

  1. are u a moderator?? nah?? so gtfo
  2. evil-x is reading russian forums... :)
  3. omg i was using Simpson's 10.6.0 for ael2 something like 2 weaks ago and it was working good. Maybe u get packets error?? Try to restart your computer, or u are doing something wrong.
  4. http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=515 jake this tread is old as hell, but i dont understand what u want?? To buy weapon which costs 1kkk u need 1kkk lol
  5. vis uciekaj na strone clanu, a nie po takich forach sie obijasz ^^
  6. stuff for customizing l2 from http://dstuff.l2wh.com/
  7. http://rapidshare.de/files/16543112/l2_c4.zip.html It's patcher for C4 GameGuard, it disable gg whan u start l2 and disable gg check. U MUST have decrypted l2.ini (text file) before patching. My L2 is opening fine, i cant open L2.exe process in artmoney now, but i cant login on server. I think that this patcher is only for server that are using any loader or patche, my server (eternal hate) is using Host file so if anyone can help me with that shit i will be happy...
  8. Omg subclasses are disabled on this server and will be disabled to the time GM's fix exploit. I don't know how they disable it, but i guess that if they only turned off only NPC opition it's possible to make subsclass by artmoney.
  9. lekaneee: just restart your computer, this error occures sometimes
  10. no, enchant rate is 50% on this server and to +20...
  11. i didnt checked this bot, it's logging good, i dont know how is 10.6.0 working, u can make +20 items easy with it
  12. Working bot (everything is inside): http://rapidshare.de/files/16011971/EternalHate10.6.0.zip.html Check Simpson's post about ael2 working bot to know how it works and how to run it. http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=515 Thanks to Simpson.
  13. Gm's, developer team, one shiit :D But the true is that they search hack forums to get information of possible hack/exploit their serv and patch, fix it. And yes, you will get more information if u'll search web than if u'll post some stupid question/request. My opinion ofcourse... :D ps. Gm's and dev teams aren't shit at all.
  14. many items in one slot
  15. yes but you can share it through pms. orelse whats the point of writing in this forum??? you never know who you are pming, GM's are looking in hack forums too... I can share bug which is well known but not for all, just to spread it. Omfg u don't like russian guys, cuzz they are making good shit, but they dont want to spread it. On forums like this there is lots of ppl asking, begging licking asses for bug/exploit but they are doing nothing. For who u want spread new bug?? Maybe for GM's to help them patch it?? Or for fucken noobs?? half of posts are like: "plz help me i need adena plz say bug for l2extreme plz" Imo it's not worth it... It's only my opinion...
  16. lol just make some adena, like 700kk (it's easy), than log by L2walker, buy 15-25 the same weapons (they will be in one slot), login by l2 client, buy many enchant scrolls and enchant that weapons (they are in 1 slot) you will break few before making +25 but u have many weapons left. Now u can login by walker, if u have like 17weapons left drop 16 and pick up them, one will be +25 and 16 +0. Sell 16 cuzz of weight limit, now u can sell +25 for like 1,5-2kkk or keep it. Or better when u enchant weapons to +25 stay in client and go to WH. Deposit your weapon click okay. U will have +25 weapon in WH and 16 +25 left in iventory. Deposit it 16 times more, u will have 17 +25 weapons in WH. Now sell it, trade for other +25 items, fuckeen easy server :)
  17. omg u can't read?? http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=563 try to use brain!!
  18. Iam near sure that it's that old enchant exploit, but only for servers WITHOUT enchant npc (with tradeble/dropable scrolls), I can't check it because my serv has enchant npc :/ so check it please: 1. spam ss, pots, what u want, to see that item lag occurse 2. enchant your weapon, if it success just leave it like it is, you are lucky, if it fails drop or trade SCROLL (i think that u must have only 1 scroll in your inventory) 3. your weapon shouldn't breake Ofcourse, it's not checked, but if u have not tradeble/dropable enchant scroll on server it will not work. On L2extreme on titan/kastien i tryed to "make" item lag and exchange scroll for token with enchant npc, but it always disconnect me and doesn't work. I tryed to sell enchant scroll but it doesn't work too, and give me message like "no html". I can't trade, drop, deposite scroll to WH... :/ so anyone have idea what could i do with that fucken scroll?? don't flame me if it doesn't work :) edited: i cant give scroll to strider (or any pet) :/
  19. iam sure it's possible, i was reading about it on allcheats.ru, but ofcourse thay don't want to post it for everyone :/ extatik i dont understand u :) what are u saying?? about irc??
  20. Anyone know how to make it?? how to split few weapons and put them to one slot?? it can be made by a bot, but i heared that it's possible without a bot too... anyone know way without a bot?? ups I should write it in help, sry :/
  21. it's hard to use eyes and brain?? it was already wroted... http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=302 http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=213
  22. other ways?? 1)by commands like /block 2)by html 3)by .u files 4)by website and more :)
  23. item lag ----> than i enchant ----> message about Fail----> reset my computer but whan i log in my armor disapear so it broke :/ i will try one more time... edit: it broke second time, so it doesn't work (with restarting) anyone know if succes/fail decison is on server or client side?? next idea :) : maybe bofore enchanting just turn off internet connection for 2sec, enchant, if it break leave it, but if it succes quick turn on internet connection. I don't know if it work, propably server will disconnect you but maybe we can cheat server, maybe server will take it like lag. But qucik turn off/turn on is hard, anyone know program which can do it by clicking one button??
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