Iam near sure that it's that old enchant exploit, but only for servers WITHOUT enchant npc (with tradeble/dropable scrolls), I can't check it because my serv has enchant npc :/ so check it please:
1. spam ss, pots, what u want, to see that item lag occurse
2. enchant your weapon, if it success just leave it like it is, you are lucky, if it fails drop or trade SCROLL (i think that u must have only 1 scroll in your inventory)
3. your weapon shouldn't breake
Ofcourse, it's not checked, but if u have not tradeble/dropable enchant scroll on server it will not work. On L2extreme on titan/kastien i tryed to "make" item lag and exchange scroll for token with enchant npc, but it always disconnect me and doesn't work. I tryed to sell enchant scroll but it doesn't work too, and give me message like "no html". I can't trade, drop, deposite scroll to WH... :/ so anyone have idea what could i do with that fucken scroll?? don't flame me if it doesn't work :)
edited: i cant give scroll to strider (or any pet) :/