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Everything posted by Mart

  1. Well first of all you will need Visual Studio 2015 Community version at least to compile. You must configure for both L2dotNET.GameService and L2dotNET.LoginService projects run (or execute the .exe from bin folder). You gonna need a MySQL Database installed too. The config for DB conneciton are in the app.config file For better support and fast anwers join gitter at https://gitter.im/Elfocrash/L2dotNET
  2. @l2alterkdos Easier method:The easier method is to download the project at https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2dotNET/ and make a "Download ZIP", unpack the file and double click on "L2dotNET.sln" file (at src folder), it should open as a project, then all you need to do is run the solution (usually F5). Also you need change some configurations at app.config (both Auth and Game Service projects, and at Datapacks\Game\config change server.json to you current MySQL credentials. MySQL scripts can be found at: L2dotNET.Game\Datapacks\sqlscripts. Just run it. Contributter method: You first will need "Fork" the project at: https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2dotNET/ (below your username there is a button named "Fork") then you go to Visual Studio "Team Explorer" (right panel, if it is not showing go to "View" tab at visual studio, is the third item) then you put your GitHub credentials. If you don't have the GitHub pluggin installed go to tab (Visual Studio): Tools> Extensions and Updates > Search for GitHub Extension , then install it. Note: this method is to contribute with changesets.
  3. To me, it looks better with the "+ " icons are very colorful , drawing attention from the real function of it. Perhaps with simple icons stay good too . But the last image pleased me .
  4. You can't execute .exe programs from browsers through javascript, it's now allowed by language neither by browser. What you can do is make the user download some ".exe" on page load and pray to him execute. Or create some ActiveX, but it will only work on IE (or better, not work...lol), and since java is not being more supported on Chrome, you don't have much options. The simple solution is install some client program on user machine that runs a service everyday/everyhour to update some files based on launcher.
  5. Well guys...I wish good luck to you both in this project/implementation, I bet that myself and a lot of others are interested in this work. Is good to see new implementations here from good developers in my opinion As request/suggestion, you could post a "youtube video" of how to use this file/config Like... Eclipse with Acis > Jar added > Config Modification > End I'm just asking this because i didn't understand very well yet how it should work. I liked the app version ;) good job!
  6. Well...from what i remember there is already a table in database to config this things by classId/itemid, its similar, but don't automatic equip the items on creation Just a question, this one, equip the items when the char enter in the world or already equip in the lobby room? Too much configs is a bit complex, maybe you can do 2 versions of this A basic one +By Fighter/Mage Class And a complex one with a lot of configs +For All +By Fighter/Mage Class +By Race +By Specific Class Id And a tip, try to use arrays/maps like the others said, If you don't know what this means, just do a little search and make some tutorials You can simplify this code with a for loop and switch/cases based on a built array My english is not my "forte" too so i hope you understand, i'm just trying to be nice :)
  7. There are more but i don't remember the names, You can change "Wind" string for "Fire", there is more another 5 colors following this rule
  8. finally a good effect on weapon good job
  9. it would be better if u use some declare @ statements so people can edit easily
  10. is easier to find if u decript the skillsname-e from the client and use a ctrl+F
  11. maybe you could put all languages available until now in the beginning of the topic, for people that want help in translation, translate the "TODO:" languages
  12. except for the black lines, this work is very good! would be cool if u do that for more weapons, especially bow that i love it xD
  13. well i personally dont like "texture changes" but this swords became awesome with this textures congratulations and thx for the share, very nice job
  14. red fits better than the original one lol, thx for the share
  15. finally someone used the same work as i to do this buttons xD, very good job PS: who doesnt knows, the button colors is the same as the attribute elements from weapons
  16. at least is original, very nice animations and criativity
  17. assassin's creed on shield! next time try to make a shield wifh assassin guild symbol would be cool to ^^
  18. Best Shields Everrrrr, Keep "sharing" dude xD
  19. awesome npcs man, really nice i already done a pack of my npcs too but very simple congratulations
  20. awesome, try to copy the characters in next as npcs
  21. awesome bow criticalerror as always! =P keep sharing
  22. a bit huge.-. try to resize to turn it into a little smaller
  23. very bright but still awesome keep sharing
  24. awesome bow, one of the best bows shared here PS: just looks a little strange because he is very height
  25. pikachu gives + 100% Chance Stun XD!
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