[Gracia] NPCs Mart By Legion
This is some NPCs that I did and decided to share too, hope you like
Download Link
PASSWORD: martlegion
Includes NPC:
* Augmenter (ID 246900/247000)
> Remove Augment and Augment Item
> Includes Multisell of Gemstones and Life Stones
* Attribute Master (ID 246901/247001)
> Remove Element Weapon
> Includes Multisell of Potions/Stones
* Symbol Maker (ID 246902/247002)
> Draw and Remove Symbol
> Includes Multisell of Dyes
* Warehouse Keeper (ID 246903/247003)
> Private/Clan/Freight all in one
* Wedding Manager (ID 246904/247004)
> Change in some HTMLs
* Clan & Alliance Manager (ID 246905/247005)
> All the functional features of Clan and Alliance in one NPC
* Skill Enchanter (ID 246907/247007)
> Enchantment Normal/Safe and Change Enchantment Route
> Includes Multisell of Giant's Codex
+ File with the appearance of FAKEPC same as in the photo
To install just need to paste the folder over the date so that your server will automatically install all multisell and htmls
(except the html for wedding in some versions is elsewhere, like L2Emu)
The files that are out of "data" folder with name "(Navicat)" just need copy and paste into Navicat under the name of the table, which is the same of the file
Example: the file "skill_learn", copy and paste the contents in Navicat after the last line, the same method for the others
Note: IDs that start with 2469 ... are in Portuguese
and starting with ID 2470 .... are translated into English
Credits: Mart Legion
Thanks to:
Friends, for always being behind me and praising the work.
SL2 Server, by providing free software and where i could got the pictures.
NCSoft, for creating this game.
Everyone who has ever shared their work in forums like this.
Please do not remove the credits when posting elsewhere
just do not want to see my work around with name otra person
they are things like this that discourage people like me and others who are hard to make something decent
and still not being paid not to it