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Everything posted by Mart

  1. u can resize it by npcgroup in system
  2. is funny but this things destroyed L2;/
  3. well link dead or not, an idea xD if poossible to add some "protection" time from killing the same char like i kill someone, and i can only sweep again after xxxx minutes (from same char)
  4. AWESOME!, really amazing job this mob carring the caravan is from l2 or u get him from another game? i don't remeber him in l2, but anyway, very nice
  5. this //reload quests, already includes all scripts or just the quest ones?
  6. where did u get this bow? i loved*-*
  7. i liked but it looks more like wood than bones and skin
  8. beutifull wings keep sharing^^
  9. yes, i made then at gracia final, maybe the sql can't work but this npcs only has the htmls changed ^^ so no scripts, it shall work
  10. L2JEmu, but most of the packs already come wifh fake_pcs, but if u haven't no problem u can use the "original" skin from npcs
  11. @GeRi i don't know if it works in epilogue, i use then at Gracia Final and there is not reason to client crash, because there no include any "Client MOD" file
  12. Added: Download Link of NPCs SQLs (NPC, FAKE_PCS, SKILL_LEARN) http://www.4shared.com/file/211605107/eeef6f07/SqlNpcsByMart.html for who can't add the npc by TXT file, but i don't know if the sql command will work in all packs
  13. this "top nobless" is about noblesse chars or players in olympiad? i know that has the Monument of Heroes but it would be cool if u could add an option for olympiad players, and top olympiad points ^^ just idea, i love'd ur work thx
  14. @scarpinici hey man i don't forget u :P i'm not having much time to do the delever npc, and all i tested, isn't working or its a lot buggued there is one made by another guy, there is a lot of bugs like, u cant back from lvl 85 100%, or if ur adena is not enough u get a message error about "not enough adena" but try to test it is better than nothing=P, hm it is in portuguese, but u just need change the html i don't remeber if it is in L2Emu import files, so maybe u need change de init file http://www.4shared.com/file/79343354/d75a3b3a/NPC_Regredir_Level.html
  15. it's not impossible, just need to chance the buttons wifh the "interlude" config, but interlude buttons sux (blue thing)
  16. lol man u did what i asked for xD thx ^^
  17. some of the mobs already have in gracia final, the third and the last one about the height u just need change the height wifh shift in the npc and u can up him from ground or make him down
  18. im working on delever, i don't know python/script xD im getting from an other guy and trying to modify, i think tomorrow it will be uploaded about scheme buffer.-. it's not in my projects for now
  19. which colors? from bottons? is real, and is based on "elements bar"
  20. nice something different i liked^^ thx
  21. in a next post u can teach how to use the "enchant" line in multisell
  22. so post the credits in the main post.-.
  23. u get this from elder scrolls IV oblivion?
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