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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. I thought there's admin and you.. what GM ^^ Anyway -.- .. I spent 40 mins killing that sh1t >.>
  2. No we didnt, we killed Boss from Special Boss Zone and it took us like 30min+ They cant lie, i would of seen the drops, i was in pt.
  3. Now its on, it wasn't on earlier today. Also the site messed up, now its back to normal. Anyway, RB didnt drop anything, i was killing it with few people and one of them said that here are no drops (since they killed me when RB had low hp - retarded kids)
  4. Thats not "easy" and "fast to get" at all. We dont ask for your "Perfect Server's rates". I ask you about your opinion on Safe=Max or something like Safe+3 Max+10 with blessed 100% (from mobs,rb or whatever)
  5. WTF Welcoming yourself? :S WC
  6. Powerleveling low chars? Rate is x5000 lol, should be set to 1mob kill if you want instant max lvl ^^ .tk site, probably home hosted?
  7. Hah, no problem =D Still waiting for someone to reply what's going on (server off). I told them they need to get forum and/or supporter fast - English speaking one.
  8. 10 Daily, server is off atm, i dont know why. Funny thing is 9 out of 10 people are in 1alliance -.-' Booooring..
  9. 1. You cant see it 2. Its not working anymore (fixed in 99,9% servs)
  10. Its not broken. I can download it: http://www.4shared.com/file/ru9w-iDj/SentalL2_V_12.html <Edit> Aina uploaded patch to another upload site (Megaupload), here's the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPXKZA9N
  11. Okay, btw advertise your server on vote sites like hopzones, hopzone, topzone, pmfun (not just add the server, register and post server's info into adzone). And btw, until you got some time in real life, you can hire a guy to help people and answer them but w/o any privileges given. I just saw, my "friend" wants to be that kind of person, see hopzone forums Staff Recruitment section and you'll get it ;)
  12. She told me that lol.. You dont speak perfect English but you are understandable.. But we both agree (and some players i guess) that you need 1more active GM (with fluent English). Some help wouldn't harm :S
  13. He's right in one thing tho (or more :S), no English speaking GM/Supporter.
  14. We can make 10matches in 10days i guess. But ok, whatever..
  15. Cause.. Never saw HR serv with 1month.. Its end of the month anyways lol, so they will see heroes earlier if its 1month then 2weeks. Month period will be in 10days and 2week period will be in 14 =D And btw, how's forum going? Admin told me he have people working on it (whatever?).
  16. Sorry for db... I heard from some players that oly period is 1month? Is that true? If so, why dont you make 1 or 2weeks? Again, ask people for opinion.
  17. He's actually making a server similar to "Easy one" (the one we are discussing in this topic all the way). And no one called you a spammer, chill =D
  18. Stop advertising your server. He said NO CUSTOM and 120ppl+ You have customs and there's like 10ppl.
  19. Well, why not make 2 Customs, i dont see the point in 3/4 different types of armors. The first one is kinda unnecessary imo (Dynasty). But whatever. About Support... heres the Topic She doesnt want to be a GM, only Moderator or/and Supporter. Read the topic please so i can spare my mouth saying what she said.. As soon as you get forum/web let me know. I saw plenty of epic server's info but they failed, im so curious about yours =D
  20. Again, you're right. You should hire someone like .. hmm.. For example i got a "friend", he posted topic @ hopzone forums. He's looking for Mod / Supporter part in some IL server. Supporter means, help people in-game and on forum and w/o any privileges. You can see yourself there. This should prevent corruption and it can be helpful. If you're interested in him contact me, since he doesnt give his e-mail to anyone -.- About the play... Time my friend, time.. =D I cant play since it requires time and i dont have it (I said this like thousand time^^), but hey, i might find some cause i think your server will be something. We'll see :)
  21. Yeah, 4 is enough, well hire GMs and look for trade/drop/game log if possible to catch corrupted admin. Yeah, good point, im bored to see every1 in same armor too. But you need to be sure u made that custom armor stats balanced if you'll add the armors. Actually i smell good serv here i guess, but im afraid i cant play it -.- damn
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