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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Any idea how much people daily online you got there? By the way i like it so far but i need a server with many people :)
  2. I didnt say you need to care about me ^^ I found out what i want to do, help someone with ideas about server. So im looking for new server with enchant rates similar to yours so i can play and suggest things in which are people interested in. So good luck mate ;)
  3. Didnt know that... I dont like the idea. I hate servers where everyone can be hereos, change color names (for example). - Why i QQ? I saw 1v1 pvp and panter owned 1chick in few hits (she said it was 700dmg per his hit). And thats not normal. No one plays summoner but whatever ^^ - Look above, there are few things u should really work on. - Btw why i cant see my Cokes after downloading new patch? Nevermind, i quit, my type of server but i dont like few annoying things that you wont change. See you then, GL with serv :)
  4. Sorry for double-posting... Also add spawn protection 30secs. You got to work on server if you want people, damn it. <Edit> Cant believe it, no GMs all day, suddenly 1player got hero status (out from nowhere?).. Cant believe i wasted 2h on this serv.
  5. Topic is not about what is your idea for perfect server, its about your opinion about Safe=Max (Oly,Instance... everywhere)
  6. The fun is PvP and RBing as always. Even if its hard to get gear and enchants what do you do? PvP, RB, Siege... Same here, but u get ur gear fast. I Would never emoquit because someone plays better.
  7. You are GM or admin? Any English speaking GMs in game ^^? Still: - Remove Pet buffs, Pet hits 700dmg (as i heard from complaining's) - GMs/Admins should be more active - Decrease price of Armors (5kk Ancient Adenas for 1part armor is more than hour farming, i thought this is supposed to be easy pvp serv)
  8. Maybe, depends on the person who plays :)
  9. -You should fix , if possible, coke number in inventory, cause we only see Coke in inv, not Coke(23) - for example... - Where to buy Cardine's Letter? - Remove Pet buffs, Pet hits 700dmg (as i heard from complaining's) - GMs/Admins should be more active And btw did you make your choice about getting dedicated or not?
  10. And didnt ask you what you think is the best Safe/Max/Rate, im asking about your opinion on Safe=Max since no time in real life. Read the topic again :)
  11. Might be, but Look at general discussion, topic Enchant Rates? And you'll get it why am I searching for serv like that :) Too high enchant rate and Customs Me too, i would even join a new server of that kind.. even if theres like 30people cause I desperately need this kind of rates ^^
  12. Maybe its best in general, but its not best when i dont have time to play l2 for sure.. Safe 3 Max 16 or...?
  13. Exactly, i just posted serv request with these features + IL Client. But i dont expect the answer cause i know there is like 1% chance of someone making that serv You're right, disables hard work for items/+enchant. But if i had time, i would surely play one of normal servers.
  14. So i was always looking for server with Safe=Max, without Customs. Is it really that bad? I mean Safe=Max Enchant? Some people (very very low % of l2 players) love those kinds of servers or should i say ideas since there is no Safe=Max w/o customs servers (i guess). I personally love that because some people dont have much free time in their lives, someone studies for exams, someone is real busy at work and so on... since lack of time, Safe=Max w/o 1month+ farming is perfect for that kind of people. IMO Safe=Max isnt that bad since there are no donators with donated, overenchanted (lol,lame) items... No lucky dudes with max in 1day to pk you even if you think/are better player etc. So I'm asking your opinions.. Is it so bad? I guess i will hear a lot of: "Noob features, rates, servers", "Only noob would make that kind of serv" but nevermind, i want to hear your opinions :)
  15. So... Interlude - Highrated - Easiest enchant rate - (Dont advertise your safe 3 max 30 servers),(By easy i mean really easy, like Safe 3 Max 10 or so... i'm really busy in rl),(Forgot to tell, if Safe is 4 and Max is like 16 if blessed are easy to obtain and 100%, you can suggest) - About Customs: Possibly without any customs, if customs, balanced... AND PLEASE > No 1week farming, 1day max or so - I know its too much to ask but there was/were server(s) with this criteria but they were failed homehosted :/ So a mother-beep-ing HUGE thanks if someone make/find server(s) like that.
  16. Tittle says it all. Safe = Max Any Client - L2 Meredith - If someone can upload system files, cant connect with their updater - -
  17. Forget it, i didnt ask what are your imaginations i asked about the name :S
  18. Haha next try -.- Nic Eng
  19. Furiosus did you ever played that game? About GW2, maybe, but i didnt play GW1 so i'll feel kinda dumb not knowing everything about it and so on...
  20. Any suggestions what should i play...? I want a new MMORPG, most likely to be like Aion (or L2). Thanks.,.
  21. Where do we get blessed scrolls? Bosses? Farm Mobs? Events? GM Shop?
  22. Can someone upload the patch files? Updater is not working for me..
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