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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Nah, i wont. Facking sh1t, i only remember it has 4letters and Username and Psw were same... but cant remember :P Can admin check on which account is char named "OmGLoL" for example... ?
  2. Nothing... Jesus i forgot my alt account and i transfered all the gear to him. Ok thats a sign, i quit l2 100% now.
  3. Hmm edit a post without having the info msg, post has been edit etc. Hmm how .... Edit: Oh, normal edit.
  4. Bug or something, since theres black over 2lines of buffs on 1picture :P
  5. Yeah well, everything is fucked up about staff promotions, demotions and so on on mxc... Just a opinion :)
  6. Chucky VIP my ass haha, bought with adena or...?
  7. Thats sick dude, 150 euros on facking small add for 1month? Fuck no, there's like 10000 other stuff that are more worthy buying than this :P
  8. Guys who the -beep- would give 150 euros for this banner :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=160032.0;topicseen For month i guess :S
  9. ehm nah, it doesnt work like that on MxC, i must say everything is about Staff members (no offense). Few features etc. Not in this case, i dont say Erol is guilty or your thread shouldn't be locked, but generally i think this is the deal.
  10. and what will they do? after you report him
  11. hahaha Chucky VIP member, what a dumbfack
  12. www.lineage2lunatic.co.nr Hmm IL Faction, i saw it somewhere, but no ppl.
  13. Well we prefer highrates due the lack of time we have (members inside the clan too).
  14. We heard its unbalanced. Tillate is out of option i guess. Thanks for report or w/e. Website: http://faded.webuda.com/
  15. Where can we get blessed? Farming? People online..? Many bad reports, archer/tirant servers, donators with 10+ augu skills etc. >.> Midrate so No. _________________________ @Snelka Read posts a bit, i said something about Rampage / Akin etc. We wont play this one. Cant see features if not registered? WTF, thats a fail so fix it if you're staff.
  16. We are thinking of L2Tillate, i personally didnt like something in it but i think we'll try it. Edit: Hmm got some pretty bad comments saying its unbalanced. I dont know we are still looking for one, i'll see who will reply into our topic at request section and then we'll vote :) P.S You can consider applying even if we didnt choose one, if you dont like it, then you quit or stay in clan or w/e... Website: http://faded.webuda.com/
  17. Hmm, dont think we will wait that long. @Finito Its a mid rate but idk, we'll consider it.
  18. Ehmm, we dont actually want 1k+ servers (just example). Around 70-100 would be high enough for us. We'll maybe join those high populated when we grow a bit
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