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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Didnt find something, collection of L2 Renders are way too low, so if you request another time, request Theme L2. Good luck! :P
  2. Haha, why you think there are bitches in hell :D Maybe.. but what if they are 80 y/o ^^
  3. Then its 100% i would fack him ^^
  4. Huh.. I thought he is :P Ok then what the hell, changing vote to f*ck Ventic ^^
  5. Whats that supposed to mean >.> ? I saw you are kidding so i dont want to argue with you ^^ But answer please :P
  6. I know i was just mentioned it, dont call people idiots, better keep the 20 karma then have 19 right? And yeah I dont give a sh1t for karma even if i have 1 worthless, its just a number for me ^^ . All i give to people who share and helps out others is respect, not some damn karma. Anyway, im still loling :P Lets spam on-topic. Ventic is EMO Oo ?
  7. ROFLMAO! You got played dude ^^ I was just kidding rofl! I dont give a sh1t if someone tells my life is boring. I have no respect for like all members on MxC (there are some exceptions) so you dont need to have respect for me neither ^^ By the way you would lose this discussion, punishment for yaa! :) Peace dude. Haha laughing out loud!
  8. Again calling me idiot? No I didnt start the abusing, IDIOT is abusing (you said that to me 1st). I said this in metaphore: you sit on mxc all day getting karma, and i dont see you said just kidding in a post where you called me idiot. IN every my post, but seems he got to call me idiot.
  9. LoL! I didnt call you idiot you called me an idiot... Thats why i putted ( ) and the word in. Meaning > If i report your abusin get it now?
  10. Forgot to say, you are a little pathetic (this is not abusing btw) cause of hmm... this? : "I'm feeling my life is 100000000000x better than yours" Well nice for you, got a complex there or something. Nevermind... Peace and Spam!
  11. The option says Nail Human / Stay at your Boring Life + you said booooooring sorry if you meant on sex, i though you are saying for my life. If i report this abusing (Idiot), i will get -1 karma b/c of ... nothing?, so no point to argue with you cause I'm the only one who can get -1 karma in the discussion.
  12. Never kissed your mom :O ? No dude, seriously, dont tell my life is boring except you dont know.. still you cant tell it even if you know me cause you would know its not "boring" or w/e.
  13. And what you do hum? Sitting all day on MxC getting ur karma up? No offense, dont tell my life is boring if you dont even know me. Peace
  14. Yep, pretty much gays, Human - stay normal =/
  15. Flavio


    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166126.msg1259519#msg1259519 ED's Rule.
  16. I will try to find that render and give it a try, cause i must learn to cut from images ^^ By the way wrong section, Photoshop [Misc] is right one :)
  17. 4+1 Server they play on is opened today so it has like 5 people on ^^ So they dont want to invite much members so they dont own the server from the start. But i guess you can apply, that +1 means one guy didnt decided will he play the server or not.
  18. Its a fu*king sad truth! =/ Well, i'll wait so we'll see what happens, hopefully more people will come form those home laggy crap servers -.-'
  19. Can someone explaine me why is there 20-50 people onnline on home maded LagAsHell servers and there are 3-5 people on Normal (I guess) server with dedicated? God i cant believe this.
  20. nothing much, just woke up.. you?
  21. They spoke about that with xDrac and Syndicate, Drac said its okay, reason of copying is cause it was well-maded form. Read a post before you reply :) (If you can see it, or search Syndicate forum)
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