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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Probably another home maded and hosted crap with lol admin calling his work a "server" :)
  2. Searching for Highrated server with easy enchant rates possibly with 30-60 online abd without Certification Skills Thanks!
  3. Flavio


    Watched, its amazing :)
  4. Flavio


    Watched trailer its kinda sick and its funny b/c how can someone make a movie with story of a murdered killing women for perfume or w/e. Im not gonna watch it but thanks for suggesting me.
  5. Im newbie DUDE! So there's no way i wont be killed in Eltnen ? Omg jesus fucking lol rift system, didnt thought so much while creating them.
  6. But if they die, they must go back and theres no way back to Eltnen i guess :P
  7. 2hours or 26 mins lol? Which one to listen
  8. Flavio


    I dont use it too, and i understand ProJect, come one dont pretend you dont. Jesus, arguing without reason to ^^
  9. You didnt answer my question, for how long this rift can be opened? I wanna finish those quests near Eltnen City. P.S InfiniteAion, not official
  10. Flavio


    What about your english? Anyway, i dont like b/w but its nice
  11. So, i am doing right now some quests in Eltnen, and i was getting killed by some guys... So i figured out, in Aion, only one's who are possible to kill you out of duel are Asmos. I asked some guy he told me the Rifts Randomly open in places and Asmos can come here, on Elyos Continet. And my question is for how fucking long will this be opened? Cant do fucking quests with them killing me. And Elyos lvls 55 are sitting in town chatting. So when is this going to fucking closE? Im so fucking pissed i cant even kill 1 quest mob without getting killed by random people. Fucking god, retarded Rift or w/e
  12. Thanks guys! But is it worth playing WoW with around 2-3k around? I wanna see the people all around too but idk how big is wow map.
  13. What ^^ ? Anyway, im out, dont wanna go off-topic
  14. Oh ok, i dont like to start a server if its old too. I know how are you feeling
  15. Oh ^^ I remember BL from long before :P
  16. If those are your 2 accounts then you should get a help (shrink or something, sorry if wroted wrong)
  17. Thats why I'm asking, i might join on WoW server with 3k people with my bro's so i was wondering is 3k much for a wow server... I mean its big map isnt it. And yeah, on InfiniteAion its like wherever you go, there is like 10 people at least. I fucking love that, but i hate when people are unfair trying to get boss or quest mob killed, they always go like before you and steal your mob when its your turn -.-
  18. What the fack lulz :D Fuck you guys :D
  19. Interesting... and about the karma :P ?
  20. You are Magaki? What happened to your other account, and wtf karma -1 O.o ? On topic. I dont even know what the hell are these. I guess i vote for some chinesse shit :D
  21. Anyone knows how much are daily online on InfiniteAion lowrate (East Lumiel - is that what it calls?)? Thanks
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