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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. No reasons, even if you do search and find, dont post on forums neither tell anyone =D At least thats what i would do.
  2. Highrate no Custom Cause of instant PvPs / No Custom = No 1month farming and again - instant PvPs Lowrate (no custom i guess Dont know exactly, didnt play one in a while
  3. You got the point about stealing mobs and pking. If you set mobs drop blessed scrolls how's that 1week farming :P ? Mobs are difficult or.. ? If they are they will again cause stealing and pking again (as in Blessed from RB's Case) By the way... Customs on your server?
  4. I understand you i guess. Anyway, what about Safe,Max low number (like S+3, M+10) and Blessed scrolls 100% from mini RB's (1healers+2attackers to kill it in 10min). What do others think? I want to keep this topic active ;S
  5. For weapons only? Uh.. my hopes are gone ^^ Mages with + on jewls +0 (at least newbies since RBs are hard and there are no ppl) ____________________________ Next one? Thanks
  6. No lifers are fine by all enchant rates =D I hope you'll have some players. Btw planning on dedicated and website or .tk homehosted :S ? I guess dedi and web domain... Bad things in Scrolls from PvP are - 1) There'll always be players who started first (started PvPing first also) and they would be MaxEnchanted already, so.. newbies dont have chance. 2) Dualboxing, or Friend VS Friend feeding 3) Bishop (or even 2) + Nuker/Fighter Class ownage - infinity scrolls (at least i think so) But yeah, i agree, if not Safe=Max, Blessed scroll 100%, max enchant not higher than 10-13 or so...
  7. Same mobs as now? The one that drops Coke,AA or...? Hopefully mobs will be in new PvP Area. Getting better /
  8. - Interlude, Highrate - Blessed chance 100% (Obtained from Mobs / not some fcking hard RB's) - Enchant rate - low numbers. Meaning: I wanna see Safe+3 Max+10 or a little more, not Safe+3 Max+30 -.- Thanks ;
  9. Crystal Rate is 90% according to this same server's post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=185582.0
  10. Its not me, its US (poor few ppl playing the server, even if i just play b/c im bored). If you start noblessing you are out of spawn procetion i guess (i dont even know does server apply Spawn Protection if you're Respawned) So no, we dont have an option, when you start noblessing, opponent's skill cancel your cast and then he killes you in few hits..
  11. Im not saying you should make the server like i want to. Do what you want, but you can see from upper posts what people like (If like the idea of topic's subject). So i dont see the point in posting your server telling me you cant make a server like I want. We're just discussing if Server is Safe=Max what should be on Donate list, should it be Safe=Max or For example Safe 3 Max 10 with blessed 100% and so on... I dont expect someone to make server like this after 1post. Thats the point of this thread, i wanna see do enough people like the idea of that Easy server (when ppl dont have time in real life), if yes, we can be 100+players and not just 1player (me) as you say. And hopefully after, someone will make server with ideas from this topic. Peace =D <Edit> Btw, good luck with your server, i might try it too since i dont have any to play on
  12. Not a good idea IMO. Make farming HARD or EASY. No point if you get all in 1week. Make it 1day or more than 1week (i dont recommend, no one likes farming anyway >.>) Never got the point in medium farming, you lose time and you cant pvp at all. But.. if its easy (1day, 3days max) farming - they all get gear fast and then PvP unlimited. Or ... hard farming (Takes alot of time) everyone PvPs cause either you dont have gear or you do (all tho it kinda sucks for those who dont have gear, they cant pvp at all vs those who have the gear) - Btw i dont think your server is like info we are talking about cause of Ench Rates and Farming. We're talking about Easy Ench Rates and No Customs (No farming 10++ hours) :D But you can post it at server reviews i guess if you want people to tell you suggs i guess :P
  13. Primeval Island as PvP Zone sucks, after we lose buffs, buffed enemies stay and kill us (you cant teleport or so). Change PvP zone..
  14. I would like to suggest things if you open forum with suggestion section.
  15. Well.. any rates. How much daily on Endless?
  16. Your new server? You mean you are making one? I searched all over hopzones, hopzone, topzone etc and didnt find any, if there are, i dont know why they didnt advertise theirselfs on those sites... Donations could be Max Clan level or so. Or something that changes look and not the balance in game. Btw i played one server where is Hero for 1month 10euros or 5 euros i dont remember exactly... Imo its stupid that there's 50+ heroes but guess what, that server is still on (already 1year+) and haves a lot of population.. Something like that could keep the server on. That kind of things are Server's Staff Team obligation to figure out what should be on donate list.
  17. No way in hell Safe=Max=50. Max like 10 or something like that. Hmm, if you want little work to do, server should have Safe 3 Max 10 with Blessed 100% obtained from mobs or something like that. There isnt, but there should be imo xD
  18. About 5 as i remember, server is not on voting sites as i see..
  19. LoL, you think i wouldn't join if there's a server like that ^^ ? Of course i would. The thing is.. there are no servers similar to this features/rates. I remember playing one Safe=Max it was fun since PvP cant bore me b/c i played a little. If someone opens server like that, im gonna join 100%
  20. Adopt? You mean like make or something? I would make one myself if i had the money and knowledge for it ^^
  21. He's in ur time and you say he's a tard, haha epic +D By the way, i might log in once in a while, i didnt find any server with easy rate =/
  22. Wait a min, the author of this thread is not in staff ^^ ?
  23. So i was wondering which server has most of people daily online after InfiniteAion servers?
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