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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Where can I obtain blessed scrolls? Where can I obtain Lifestones? Where can I obtain Codexes? Good luck :) Btw, site is not working, so wheres the patch :S <Edit> now its working :S
  2. Never thought you're so ugly dude =/ Just kidding, nice pics i guess.
  3. Uhh, maybe. But then its 512MB.
  4. Im just asking. Ye weird, i have 2GB o.o So why they put so low RAM on dedi.
  5. I would rather save poor cat from the tree and become hero than pay 150 euros. Its going to be down in matter of time anyway.
  6. I wasted 30secs to read your comment ^^. He made a typo, just wait till he come back online.
  7. That server is full of custom? I already hate that serv. Anyway, normal PvPs, nothing special. I never loved watching Gladi PvPs anyway :P
  8. I saw one topic, the owner of 1 server was complaining about him beeing banned without a reason. Kadar replied b/c of Vote reward system so i really dont know.
  9. I think HopZone.net is banning servers from the list for (b/c) "Vote Reward System". I saw some discussion about it on hopzone forums.
  10. Azizka15, check your msn when you come back =D
  11. I did, he gaved me topic. But i have troubles with it rofl. Im a total newbie, and i guess my IQ is negative ^^
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=77882.0 Coyote's guides about adding stuff to L2j servers. Gotta ask you guys, what am i doing wrong? I really need your help since im new to whole "Your L2Server stuff". After i did all he said for "Adding Buffer to your server" step, the buffer, after clicking "BuffMe" (or w/e) button, says: "You are either not carrying out you quest or dont meet the criteria" Any ideas? P.S I'm trying to install this buffer: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=167734.0 Thanks in advance!
  13. "I tried putting it manual, but i get something about wrong number in armor column i think or something. Tried putting 0 in there. I restarted the server, NPC spawns, but when i click to Buff me button i get msg that im not carrying quest item or i dont meet the criteria." I did try, i got error that i put wrong number in armor column. (I just put the 0 like in most of the rest NPCs in the list). By the way, every NPC i add manually something is wrong, like no enough columns, or there are columns without any number. I dont know am I missing them or the .sql file is missing some numbers. ___ I definitely need someone with TeamViwer and experience to help me, every NPC i input, there's something wrong. So i think the problem is in me ^^ + Forget this topic, i posted a new. Mod lock this one. TY + http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187486.new#new
  14. * Removed Dual Sword necessity for Dances. When i installed the buffer, i still needed to use dual swords, wait for CoV reuse and so on.
  15. So i tried to insert this buffer to my test server (im learning, newbie in all of these things) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145079.0 I did everything like in guide. Im worried about one part tho. Executing Bath File. (.SQL file). When right clicked on l2jdb i have only "Execute SQL file" option... Ok so i tried, and i get error while executing it. __________ [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'int, wit, men, exp, sp, patk, pdef, matk, mdef, atkspd, aggro, matkspd, rhand, l' at line 2 [Err] INSERT INTO npc (id, idTemplate, name, serverSideName, title, serverSideTitle, class, collision_radius, collision_height, level, sex, type, attackrange, hp, mp, hpreg, mpreg, str, con, dex, int, wit, men, exp, sp, patk, pdef, matk, mdef, atkspd, aggro, matkspd, rhand, lhand, armor, walkspd, runspd, faction_id, faction_range, isUndead, absorb_level, absorb_type) VALUES (121212, 31324, "Buffer", 1, "L2Emma", 1, "NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf", 8, 23, 70, "female", "L2Npc", 40, 3862, 1493, 11, 1, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 10, 0, 0, 1, 999, 1, 999, 99, 0, 333, 0, 0, 0, 55, 132, "NULL", 0, 0, 0, "LAST_HIT"); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully -------------------------------------------------- I tried putting it manual, but i get something about wrong number in armor column i think or something. Tried putting 0 in there. I restarted the server, NPC spawns, but when i click to Buff me button i get msg that im not carrying quest item or i dont meet the criteria. So is the problem in inserting that SQL file or something with the files? I use L2jEqual Pack and btw about that "IF you have custom on ur server" step in NPC Buffer topic.. I guess i dont have any customs yet, i just installed the pack.
  16. 1.Try fixing your host file (Default: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc" Make sure host is cleaned up from IP's. It should look like this: # Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host localhost 2. Try turning your Firewall off or adding l2 to exception list. If those methods didnt help you, try googling it.
  17. Couldn't find an ignore list earlier, now i did.
  18. As i said those are not complains, just suggestions. About GB as you see she/he said she/he is going to change it. Btw where i complained? What topics? Im just telling the Server owner/gm (w/e) whats good and whats not. Thats a one from many reasons why this section is created.
  19. On every comment i make he PMs me telling me I'm BR (and im not btw, racism?) and flaming and insulting. Im -beep-ing tired of retarded people here, is there anyway to ban him or block his PMs or w/e? I told him like 10times to piss off but he's keeps being retarded. (In picture: My random comment from some topic, and his retarded pm. Btw there were 5 of PMs doing the same thing but i dont wanna upload 5pics)
  20. What a waste of domain/dedi. Max 35 Max Donation 50 //fail GG
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