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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Is there like a website or something with all L2zones lol? I mean for example if you type: Draggons Valley, the site shows you some pictures of the place (in this case DV). And no, i wont type on google cuz there are no pics of some places. By the way, gimme that site with Item Database + How it loooks on char (you can select class,race etc)
  2. Cant actually rate or say anything cuz i suck at ps, but i kinda dont like it. GJ anyway
  3. You gotta be kidding me? You wanna try it xD ? Good luck!
  4. From all players.. okay! Good luck, thanks for infos
  5. Removed w/o wipe lol? Or you did wipe?
  6. I dont think so, something .. like fighter/mage and the item icon was Wizard Hat and Fighter's one was hmm idk, forgot
  7. Why are you posting w/o even reading the whole post. Btw what means From 3 to 15 rate is 66%.. so what rate is after +15?
  8. Wait a minute, no costums? When i last time logged on there was Magic/Fighter Cap or something for 5k or 500 Coins. Whats that?
  9. Who is stupid enough to donate for/on that server?
  10. oh. Thought that but i wasn't sure. TY FOR INFZOS ME, KK I GO TEST IT
  11. And that was like before... how many days/weeks?
  12. ΧΔ -> What that means.. thats what i meant :P
  13. lol @Fini Idk what that means ΧΔ
  14. +1, even tho i dont know what it means.
  15. Undig sticky topic. Spamming in Spam section. Thats what i've heard so far on mxc
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