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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. too bored to do that, i think i'll just sleep
  2. Tillate - hell no Leviticus - Nah..
  3. haha, and im bored and hungry o.o what a shocker
  4. Flavio


    I forgot where to edit "New posts" and "No new posts" icons for SMF 1.x v. Its free SMF... I was in that page yesterday, where you can edit and create your own styles. Searched on google but no matches o.o That thing, where to find it. What tab
  5. Ah fck, now i cant find where to edit and create new styles (in order to change those pics for "New posts" and "No new posts") on SMF... Anyone knows lol?
  6. Well for example, i have a screen of Soulshot S... Thats like for new posts and for no new posts i want same image but all gray/black (or just gray color i think). If you know what i mean
  7. I dont think we understand each other. To see the image gray even if its colored... Or maybe we do ^^ Nevermind ^^
  8. Thats a good idea actually =D Thanks
  9. Answer my question please =D Or i'll be hungry again Btw how to give that effect in PS to see the image grey even if its colored. If you know what i mean. o.o
  10. So lemme ask you 2 one question, what should i suggest.. When its L2 Forum, what icon should be for "No new posts" and what should we for "New Posts" ? I thought maybe Soulshot S for new posts and A Soulshot for no new posts.. but idk, any suggestions?
  11. Imma play IL L2J Highrated with 'mid-easy' enchant rates =D In few days or a week o.o
  12. WTH are you doing there =D ? By the way, everyone who is staff on GP is banned/will get banned from mxc?
  13. I dont get why people here in PS Misc section accept only good comments. Anyway, they're nice.
  14. Still didn't eat o.o so bored and hungry
  15. bored and hungry. Gonna eat now =D
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