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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. So my friend tried to install Interlude client, but when he clicks on setup.exe it says another version of l2 installed. He uninstalled all other clients on his pc and msg is still there. Someone know whats the prob? Thanks
  2. Its not about how smart you are, its about how intelligent you are.
  3. guess what, im bored and hun.. actually im just bored >.>
  4. I have around 95 and i just spammed the images rofl
  5. do you really care about that karma so much lol? For me its just a number..
  6. Flavio


    hell no, the links are megaupload, visevid, stagevu etc
  7. Oh lol'd its 12.12 but 2am :P Sorry bout that
  8. Thanks i guess, server status is offline, and it says beta is closed today (time passed)
  9. What the hell, this is just copy paste without updating the text or? Cuz it says the serv is already opened. By the way max enchant? And what means - NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 90% - 70%
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o58cjKYXNaU&feature=related O:D
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcJspaD4rKI&feature=related Looks cool?
  12. Time? lol at your signature, but why there's no double positive that makes a negative?
  13. Flavio


    http://www.moviewatch.in/ Movies, but the links are random
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