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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. I said you're drunk cuz you wrote "Know what he is dion" wth that means =D Anyway, i quited that one log time ago lol. Tarded.. Just tarded
  2. I hate customs anyways. Starting place > PvP zone rofl. "Know what he is dion" what the hell? You're drunk again! Jezus >.< Fck nothing to play now in free time
  3. sup ausska. Finito, you're playing L2Corvus or whatever?
  4. Stop avoiding the question. Do you have dedi or not? If yes, give us the info or company name or something.
  5. Thats gonna be hard i think. But Good luck lol!
  6. They say its fail when someone make Lowrate with L2J Free pack. Many bosses not working and stuff. I suggest you to buy pack if you want lowrate, even tho L2OFF is da best for Low/Mid rates .. even for high? Idk (i think). So idk, do what you want.
  7. Lowrate with L2j Free pack? Dude.. Better make highrated if you're not buying any good pack any time soon!
  8. You're expecting good developers? Hmm, you didnt even bought your pack right? Using free L2JFree. Weird. Anyway good luck!
  9. I used Omegle before few days for the first time. No way i spend even 1more min on such sites.
  10. I said IMO in the front of the sentence :)
  11. Forgot to add one line, thanks for reminding me and no thanks (bout the serv)
  12. Fucking awesome! I see this topic for the first time now, and its like 2months old. Trusted seller i guess. Even rocks.
  13. Any site like Omegle without horny retarded people? Or some site to spend time on. If 'advertising is not allowed' which isnt (i dont consider that as adv but w/e) send me a pm but reply here what site we're talking about. Something fun pl0x, thanks
  14. Made me laugh for a bit, but then i started crying. GL
  15. - Interlude - Highrated - No Customs (no, not even some tattoos) - Safe 3/4 | Max 12/16 | Normal Rate around 75-80% - 30+ / 100 - People online - Somewhat balanced classes - Servers with payed domain and dedicated ONLY! - No Multiskill & Stucksub craps!
  16. Thats a mystery we need to solve and find out it's meaning since i dont think he's coming back on any time soon.
  17. You needn't to say those kind of things. By default: Mutliskill and/or Stucksub - server = just fail Yeah well thats my opinion. Shitty servs
  18. I do not have PS experience but it looks nice, great actually.
  19. lol will you answer my question anytime soon? Btw rofl @ the picture
  20. I guess another StaffMembersOnly (or w/e, donators etc) thing? Cant send adena and i desperately need new signature. Doh, is there anyway someone can take money from me and give it to you?
  21. It works just fine. http://www.l2corvus.com/l2_corvus_patch.zip
  22. Or i can just make shortcuts on my desktop or taskbar.
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