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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. 1.I did report him, just told him here too. 2.I said sorry for double-post cause i needed everyone to see i fixed the problem, if i just edited they wouldn't see and they would waste their time testing tings for me. For first double-post i did it cause what should i do. Just wait for someone to post and then post a problem/comment? If someone already saw my post and if i edit they wont read it again cause they think they saw all. And do you really think i want to spam in here, on this forum? I have 1k+ posts jezus >.> 3. I dont know, with some editor i guess, cant help you tho, idk
  2. xJustMe http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187620.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187623.0 <Edit> Sorry, didnt notice those spam replies are already posted.
  3. Spamming is forbidden lol. Read the rules. At least you could of say, thanks for share or something o.o Btw guys, if anyone can help.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187629.msg1518794#msg1518794
  4. Can you test and tell me do you get "You have received blabla dmg" msg? Thanks!
  5. The numbers on video are better but w/e. You can set 1-8 locations on your monitor i think. So i guess you should set on position where its not bugging you.
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=110758.0 How the hell to put dmg on screen (positions 1-8). Everything i see after opening systemmsg-e are colors, i mean i can only change colors and in guide there are some lines with text. So.. anyone knows how to set it? _____________________________________________ Second problem with 1other program -.- Topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182584.0 After i install it it asks me to select the directory. I selected D:/Lineage2/System/ And when i click load, it says "Cannot find file, check if you selected the right directory" or something like that. So where the prob -.-?
  7. Yep, interlude. And yeah, i also see avoided attack (white-grey). K, let me know what is it. Btw dmg on screen included in files? Cause its not working either (if its included)!
  8. Sorry for double-posting. Seems i cant see received dmg with your files. I just see my Dmg (blue), Critical Hit! (yellow) but cant see received dmg. Any idea why?
  9. Thanks Finito, just what i was looking for =D Btw didnt understood the commands thing. /Command or .. ?
  10. I guess i want, cant actually understand what means "in mid", dmg in the middle of the screen? Sure, send me if you find it and if you have any pics with that, send me them too! Looks like we're the only ones who think that ^^
  11. Can you send me or something? In middle, you mean like those msgs "Critical" with red/blue/green or whatever color right above the skill bar?
  12. Put something in L2Folder? Or something like that? I could use that if you know the link or something. Whats confusing is that.. nah, its not confusing, it just sucks when you need to scroll with mouse to see what dmg have you given. B/c there all "Skill not ready, reusing" msgs.. Yeah well, until someone do it, im just gonna watch it in video, nothing else :P What means not, and not really in this and your previous comment =D ?
  13. Wouldn't it bee good if Lineage actually had the dmg received / given above character heads? Like in this video, but w/o the icons. Would be much easier to see how much people dmg you. Imo it would be great if they made it somehow smaller than in video or make it as an option (enable/disable) or something like that to not affect the gameplay (i mean if someone finds it annoying).
  14. Roflmao, when you told me for money i thought you're saying about Adena. q.q No way im gonna join with 55% rate, good luck tho!
  15. Add website. IMO Too many customs and overhigh max enchant. GL Tho!
  16. Its Interlude. Features seems nice but i dont like custom currencies on servers. Especially when there's 3 of them like in these features :P
  17. If that means site is not working, try copy / paste the url into new tab (web browser), worked for me.
  18. I hope its not 1month farming, ill give your server a try. You are the only one in staff or..?
  19. Will you answer my question in any of those two posts +D ?
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