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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. I dont know, but thats not English. Btw why did you put [GR] tags and speak "English" in here?
  2. Server is going off 4 ever. They'll change pack and wipe, so lock the thread.
  3. Balanced? Max ingame 20, max from donations +25. //Fail Hero for ever = 1230 heroes with same classes //Fail2
  4. Make a party with who? What if theres no others in the area? Well at least at those other "boring" servers i will have a noblesse instantly instead of farming for it 30minutes and get bored. And these are suggestions, not complaining's..
  5. Server is really boring. - Leveling system sucks (make 1mob lvl 80 and thats it) - No adena zone (high drops) - High prices - Like Noblesse 50GoldBars. WTF is with that, isnt this supposed to be PvP server? I dont wanna spend hours farming for Noblesse jezus. - Server looks nice so far, but there are some serious lol things like these above.
  6. Awesome features, few probs. 1. Make Enchant Max Lower, like + 3/16 as Raule said. 2. Customs, if balanced, then oka +)
  7. Bump. Anyone maded serv by himself? Let me know
  8. Flavio

    Recording L2

    Look up again ^^, When I record / view , there're no names (as i remember lol) @Finito Hmm, I'm pretty sure they did capture the whole screen. Damn cant find any videos, and earlier there was like 1000 of them >.>
  9. Why not just make Gremlins give many exp. Im bored with this leveling system.. It takes 10min, but boring, like its 1h + .
  10. Flavio

    Recording L2

    With Alt+H i cant use my other skills. (The one not in the 1st skillbar row). And there's no Lineage2 Image in corner. SO i think its something different.
  11. I know the download link rofl.. It just im new to whole 'Createing your own server' and etc. I have downloaded right version of JDK but images in the MxC guide (how to make ur own l2serv) are different than installation of JDK i downloaded. Still think its dumb question? How the hell i know who to type in all those files psw, username etc. ? Im new to whole this thing...
  12. Jezus, MxC is definitely dead.
  13. MxC is definitely dead. In 2008/9 people would spam the topic of solutions rofl. Bump. Anyone?
  14. Flavio

    Recording L2

    IN recorder you cant see names.. In videos, there are names..
  15. So i have problems installing Java Dev Kit - Im making my own Lan L2 server so i can do stuff. What i ask for? Someone to help me with TeamViwer or MSN. The Java Dev Kit installation is different than Pictures in Guide "How to set up your own L2 Serv" of Java Dev Kit Installation. Too many fields so idk what to do. Anyone? Thanks!
  16. I was always wondering, with what people are recording Lineage2? Fraps, ok, but how they make PvP videos w/o skill bar, hp/cp/mp indicator, chat and so on? Theres only "Lineage2" text in left or right down corner. Thats a video edit or..? Thanks
  17. I like the features. So everyone starts fresh or there are accounts from before? Good luck!
  18. Yeah, i missed Safe/Max. Fail. You cant even pvp with lag, so i dont even want to enter it >.>
  19. You should add more infos, like safe/max. Btw is it dedicated? Good Luck!
  20. Oh well, GJ to players who craft/enchant their items on their own.
  21. Everything on ebay could be made in-game (you all get it, if its on ebay, its made in game). So i guess there are good players on offi without paying 1000 euros for items. @FallenDream 300Euros week pocket? Jesus, this amount of money in my country is considered as a payment for doing an average(payment) job. >.<
  22. Holy crap. Thats a lot of money. Some people dont have for their shoes >.> And no, i dont mean in-game shoes for mages ^^ Well i would buy something too if i had the money i guess
  23. Post at server previews not here. And web is not on eng, ftw.
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