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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. So yeah, if you're rich - you're more successful in-game. Always was and it'll always be like that i guess.
  2. We are not talking just about Gustavs and dvp. If you know those "Guys playing well their characters" post their vids or tell us their name / what server they play on. (I would like to hear only offi servs, not some private craplol serv). The topic is to discuss about all of them, not just Gustavs/dvp. @Finito You should of post it. And yeah, bluevayero is right, in promotion video's for yourself (or whatever're they called) you post only your top frags. If i was making a video i would post some hard successes, not just every 1vs1 pvp. :)
  3. Btw, do it like on Infinitel2 ... When you die in map, you respawn IN map + if you dont have nobl your buffs actually stay. I played L2Reality, everytime you die you spawn in giran lol and have to use damn GK to go on map again, sucks hardly!
  4. Well thats what i thought, if you are rich, you can buy (if ppl are selling) good gear ++ ... You can still own others in same gear with -- enchant they're random or newbie players.
  5. I mean come one, even i tards who are playing on offi can craft their Agrades weps/armors. But whatever, i guess if you're rich, you're 'imba' player.. And about CP potion program, everyone uses it (as i saw on most of the vids).
  6. Edit rocks. Nothing b/c edit is good or? There's few pvps in this video, and on those vids dvp/gustavs i saw like 1000.. This is more of a edit video than pvp. All tho its great idea, i think i saw somewhere the same edit about the dmg and which skill caused the dmg. Great thing!
  7. And you have like a prof Gustavs spent 20k $ for items? Why did he donate for Agrade Dagger/Armor anyway? (He gots any kind, sometimes Maj/DC/SoulSep/AS)
  8. Holy crap. He got to see the doctor after the jail. Kill someone b/c he's in Enemy Alliance. Come one people, its a game -.-
  9. Dont make another fail server imo / Niko ti nece doci na server sa .tk sajtom i lagom..
  10. This just downloads Clients or to exact patch too? I have problem installing wow patches after i installed: 1. WoW (With Original CD) 2. WoW : Burning Crusade (Original CD) 3. WoW : WOTLK (Original CD)
  11. Lol didnt know about, why is he in prison?
  12. "Dude", dont you see what you just quoted? I did use search, i got some vids about horses (wtf). /Watching
  13. Cant find any vids on YT o.O You can post them here if there are some.
  14. Yeah well, ok. Btw Gustavs is more like a PK person, find someone/party and try to kill them. You're right, in dvp videos i see most of Clan War PvPs.
  15. This topic is not for l2 videos, its for L2 Offi Videos of Good players i guess :P Yeah, but still, they say he's best cause they know him from ingame, every tard can say he's best when he makes a pvp video (Since there are only kills in the vid) ^^.
  16. Sure. At least remove those msgs, they annoy me when i see a guy spam kill someone.
  17. Jesus full server of greek kids feeding each other with pvp points. Christ
  18. What updates ? I finished the match.. after like 1min i quited game, when i logged in i had 18 instead of 21... Nevermind..
  19. So since i didnt find anything about best players from Offi (Any server) I know for one only. If you know one, tell us his name, class and post some videos if there is some :) And yeah.. comment other players also +D Gustavs - They're saying he's a best Treasure Hunter Teon ever saw. - Also i heard dvp is "best" too but many others saying he pvps only in S+ grade and killing A,B grades (idk if its true), but i like Gustavs gameplay/style more and he's killing also some Dynasty dudes and chicks so.. =D
  20. I must of missed that, then Freya i guess? I really dont know..
  21. I agree with your bro, IL ftw! Everything after IL looks like star wars as you heard many people said/saying. All tho i didnt play Freya. For PvP Highrated server i vote for interlude =D
  22. Again, i win and after... when i go off and the again on to play the server i have -3 pts... lol twice! WTF is that :P
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