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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Is there any other game like Flight Simulator? Like with cool graphics. With Passenger planes, not army ones... Thanks!
  2. So i am looking for a TV show about college/university or whatever life... Something like Greek, Greek is awesome to me. If you dont know whats Greek watch a trailer on youtube, a must watch TV Show! First time i watched i thought it was something about Greece but it isnt, Show is named cause of GREEK system, sororities and stuff are named like Omega Khai, Zeta Beta Zeta, Kappa Tau Gamma and so on. So if you know similar TV shows, please, let me know!
  3. I dont get it, what cable to plug where? My English sucks so.. -.-
  4. Yeah i heard its playable LAN (Internet, its called LAN). I followed the guides i found on google, the one with Tunngle and i cant connect, i dont know why. I want to play with my brother LAN (Got 2 Computers home, connected with cable too) and what i did is: 1. Downloaded and Installed 1.2US Patch 2. Cracked the game afterwards 3. Run the Game 4. Select Lan And here we go, the problem starts here, my PC cant find any servers/games but my Bro's PC can, and i did those 4 steps on BOTH PC's! So whats the problem? Why he can see the game/servers and i cant? We tried like this: I make a server so he can see and connect, but wtf he gots msg after connecting to my server/game: "Connecting to Lobby" and its there like 2-3 minutes and afterwards Msg says "Check if cabble is Unplugged" or something like that... But he can Connect to other server's Lobbies and idk why he cant connect on mine -.- Any solutions or ideas? Thanks a lot!!!
  5. np http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164138.0 See this topic, i watched few awesome movies they suggested me...
  6. Any similar movies? I watched all Fast and Furious movies i really liked them. So any related movies?
  7. I already made a topic like that some time ago... Fired Up only thing that cross my mind atm.
  8. Flavio


    Aion sections are dead lol. I dont see the reason of creating, all are spam topics and so on. Sticky is out dated and not working. At least manage it a bit (like unsticky that one topic)
  9. What this actually does? What is exploit all about? Sorry for undig but i cant see it and i have the posts...
  10. Epic bump. Does it works on InfiniteAion servers? Is it only ClientSide or ServerSide too?
  11. This should be unstickied. Its not updated. I dont think u can sell it for 130k on InfiniteAIon servers.
  12. If the epic graphics and environment comes it will pwn asses!
  13. Flavio


    I know its not bugless, after i said its bugless i said "I mean ..." Ok, thanks.
  14. Flavio


    Infinite Aion is bugless? I mean there is no owrking exploit that is known around here on MxC right? Like something for kinah, exp etc.
  15. Not working anymore right? I think InfiniteAion put protection for CheatEngine, it freezes if you run aion...
  16. Uhm, that makes your server pro
  17. Hmm Akin 30-50 ppl? Maybe first second of the opening :P Akin will have more than 500 i think :P @Nameck Hmm i saw this one somewhere already... What this means: "Enchant chance: Variable with 66% average and +3% from unlock system." ? Maybe gonna try it but still, aint no easy.
  18. Fail servers both. So i've heard.
  19. So you guys know any game like aion? To be MMO RPG. More like aion than wow even if they are talking its same. I like Aion more, graphics too :P
  20. By easy enchant rates i meant like Safe 3, Max 10 Rate 50% or around and blessed 100% or something. So you can get your gear in 1-2day MAX for sure.
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