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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. I'm Bored of L2, and i play InfiniteAion, dont have any cash atm >.>
  2. He also wants normal ftp on both clients while dualboxing too. I dont know how the hell to do it but i got it, dont know how and from where.
  3. Flavio


    Guess what, Bump again >.>
  4. Flavio


    Bump... Come one guys, im totally bored!
  5. He said works Only on KvN, at least its buggy enough server so this would work.
  6. IMO [EN] Official Spam Topic, look at the drama, assassina and others make drama who is racists who believes in god etc. LoL freaking tired of this -.-
  7. Anything just cut the arguing and insulting lulz :)
  8. Ahh stop the drama, and stop insulting god, alah, buda or who ever (and each other). Lets normally spam :S
  9. I told i was sorry, report me lol, i really dont care >.> (K if its a joke) /On Its lame but it helps my fingers not to go red from spamming F1 and F2. For example you can kill boss with mage easily without clicking any button by yourself, program does it all ^^
  10. Sorry if its unding but... Its not a virus lol, i downloaded and it works just fine.
  11. I know we are started playing here atm :P
  12. A-Team, like Action Comedy, watched it today ;)
  13. Assassina strikes again lulz :)
  14. Told you we dont want 500+ You said its big population so i guessed its higher then 300-500 online
  15. InfiniteAion, cant start new char lol! I was working on it few hours, + it will be same quests same mobs, ahh boring, now i need to play stupid ranger >.<
  16. Cant see max on server's website. Only Rates and Safe 3
  17. lool played Aion few hours 2-3+ and choosed wrong class, looooololololololol :/ Raule why are you not Global mod ?
  18. Flavio

    Save Money

    I doubt that. Why not mouse? It would be "just a mouse" ...
  19. Flavio

    Save Money

    Always wondered why is the case a pig... Why not an elephant? ^^
  20. I will never play highrated server of some game if I am new to the game lulz >.> Btw you are staff on Atmoix? Since you are bitching the InfiniteAion and adv Atomix ^^
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