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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. There are Custom Weapons (looking like hero ones) on l2 official? Damn, i missed it.
  2. Any idea how much people on ^^
  3. You think your custom hero weps are not fail? Dude.. Just an opinion
  4. Staff said they're going to buy dedicated/domain in 1week or so..
  5. Clan Manager Fixed? 25GB's in Inventory, Clan Leader, Noble "I have nothing to say to you" after i click Make my clan lvl blabla or Get xk Rep
  6. Smart decision. I mean Custom Hero weapons? WTF.
  7. No i cant just pay for l2 offi to ask duelist whats reuse time of the skill. If i had the money i'd play on l2 offi long time ago
  8. Yeah im not sure about re-use either. In first place it was kinda weird.. after it worns off they can use it again, its like toggle skill then :)
  9. So, anyone knows on which site i can see skill's retail like stats? Like Duration / Re-use time / Requirements etc. ? If you dont know the site, can you tell me the exact Re-use and Duration time of skill Duelist Spirit? (Warrior > Gladiator > Duelist). Thanks a lot!
  10. I saw that one, its not actually for enchantment but i'll figure it out i guess :X
  11. I need a guide to Fast Enchant on Interlude Highrate server (scrolls and weps are not the problem). I searched the forums but didnt find something understandable =/ Thanks again!
  12. I know, i checked it before you replied, thanks anyway
  13. You wont get 30/40 ppl for sure. Why? Most players dont enter .tk servers/sites, if they enter they dont play on home hosted servers. If you buy domain now maybe you'll get some people, but without voting sites, how do you think player will see your server's info etc? (Only from MxC)? ^^
  14. And can you tell me whats the point then hosting server at home this 1week or so (you said in one or two weeks you are going to buy dedicated/domain) ^^ ?
  15. You didnt update the website (1st post). Its http://www.endlessaion.com/ i guess. It doesn't.
  16. Still not added on voting sites -.- On one you are added, website url is wrong. Its still l2sental.tk
  17. Flavio


    Like we give a sh1t... Come one people, this isnt some love,feelings and lifestyle forum :D
  18. Just to be sure, http://l2sental.tk/ is your adress? Cause it seems down, same thing this morning.. This webpage is not available.
  19. Sure, just remove those annoying crappy msgs :)
  20. [sRB] Nije im isti Safe=Max, lik trazi da bude npr Safe +10 i Max +10 ... :) [/sRB]
  21. I saw on site earlier, i dont like the server at all
  22. Akken can you log and remove the damn PvP Announce msgs? So annoying with lots of pvps >.> Admin told me he'll remove it, i guess he'll forget (maybe). P.S When are you going to be accepted in other votesites? And please hurry with dedicated, the server isn't getting any community.
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