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About ITobeI

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  1. New fixe for l2 frozen: - Optimized mob to PvP Zone - Decrease hp of farm mob - little decrease chance of skill cancellation - Test of raid antharas - Fixed 11 augmetn skills
  2. New fixes for l2 frozen: - 21/12/2010 - Changed loc of PvP 3 zone - Implemented new loc : PvP 4 Zone - Created a Special Shop ( only in Castle ) - Lttle decrease power of blow attack to robe user - little decrease power of necromancer - fixed 10 augment skill - Implemented Farm mob to PvP Zone ( they drops adena and little % of lifestone ) [ Test ] - Reduced drops of adena by Mobs of Farm Zone and reduce chance of event medal - Increased chance of skill seal of silence - Optimized system Offline player shop.
  3. In these days the staff will organize same event like all vs all or kill gm boss or 3v3 or 4v4 ( other the automatic Event ). The event by staff there will be in Frintezza Zone ( very funny :D ).
  4. New fixes of l2 frozen: - Decrease chance of paralyze with Summon Binding Cubic - Decrease p.def of summon NighShade - little increase power of duelist - Little increade p.def of duelsit - little increase m.def of duelist - Decrease chance of skill: Seal of Chaos Dreaming Spirit Seal of Winter Seal of Suspension Seal of Despair Bluff
  5. In game all player say that bishops are immortal i don't know as it is possible that you die however for optimize the pvp there want time .We are here and every day fix. We have a good fix that is possible change the damage for every specific class and you can see on forum that the staff optimize skill and damage every day for balance ( other same fix for optimize game play ). Ty for your suggestion we listen all plaerys that log in. Best regards, L2 Frozen's Staff
  6. thanks you ^^ welcome to our project
  7. this are the fix of this day: 15/12/2010 - Changed template of Tvt event manager - Changed template of Dm event manager - Changed template of ctf event manager - Fixed: The players can't get up. - Implemented undead's mobs to Livelling zone for healer classes - Fixed: during dm event the players can't party - Little increase of debuffs - Decreased chance of mage bane - decreased chance of mass mage bane - decreased chance of warrior bane and mass warrior bane - Little increase chance of silence - Increased chance of skill Shock Stomp - increased chance of skill Thunder Storm You can see all fix here Best regards, L2 Frozen BlackBird's Staff
  8. You can chage the language of forum in italian , english or russian . You can select the language at the bottom left. 80 ppls on , We increase every day. Thanks to all ^^ Best regards, L2 Frozen BlackBird's Staff
  9. dear snelka, It is up from 3 days , ad the ppl increased every day . We fix every day and you can see all fix on forum . However, Welcome to our server ^^ Best regards, L2 Frozen Blackbird's Staff
  10. welcome to our server^^ L2 Frozen BlackBird's Staff
  11. This are the currently fix of yesterday. For all fix you can see here 13/12/2010 - Reduced power of raid boss: Baium , Galaxia , Ember , Golkonda and Orfen - Reward vote works now - Implemented resist to damage pole of farm mobs - Fixed Dm event . 14/12/2010 it will be implemented. - Reduced chance anchor - reducec chance fear - Reduced chance curse fear - reduced littl chance despair - Fixed ( a player can't heals a raid ) - Increased duration of summon buffs ( 10 minutes ) - Increased price of Scroll EWS and EAS - Implemented Peaceful zone to Livelling Zone - Implemented Peaceful zone to Farm Zone - Increased little delay of aggression - Reduced resist to mage attack of the tanks
  12. mm for first day 70 players on .. i think that is good :D
  13. The server is opened. Sorry for little retard ^^
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