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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. Its good for a new players at L2. The topic should get Stick'y. Also, how long does it takes you to do IT ALL? :P like 1h or 30min? (Just asking) P.S. at L2 there is AutoTutorial how to create a character XD
  2. Mine is N-game, :D I played it when I was like 10 years old. Good game XD but GTA:SA is veryyyy good 2 :)
  3. there is no "correct" moments. It will broke anyway. the "Correct" moments are the LUCK'est moments. ROFL there is only 2 enchants bugs with PETS and WH - nothing else! WAKE UP CHILDREN! @Edit: WebMonster is right.
  4. There is ALSO something important too. At the top Left corner its saying: "Connections". if you are playing in the game. it should show you your character name in there. If it doesnt then L2PHX dont work. or IF you are on "1-blank" or 9-blank(connection) then it will dont work for sure. Check if u got character name in that box. the topic wasnt answered... Another Spamer? X_X
  5. how do you know :D?
  6. ... AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition... I think that the NEW AVAST is better then this - Avast got automatic Patcher (need a question from a Administrator to install new version). Also I really think that Antivirus is not that needed. I didn't have antivirus for about 2 years and AFTER 2 years i downloaded Avast. and scan my computer (2 viruses downloaded from MaxCheaters, L2PHX and something else)
  7. 150x - PvP Server, selling up to S Grade. ALso the topic should be moved to Spam Topic.
  8. What DOES IT DOING (not how to add to weapon) read why i WRITE.
  9. OK people, I searched in Google, the whole forum and didnt found ANYTHING, My friend found a Elemental Stone (Fire) and he is sorcerer. He found it in the Hunters (I dont think it metters) and we really don't know How to use it or What is it. Can someone please explain that to me? WARNING: This topic is not spam topic, I just want and answer. I dont wanna see posts like "Wrong Section, some1 move it" because its useless count's of post. IF it's wrong let just moderators know so he can move it. I just want a normal answer and IF i get it can ANY1 who can close the topic, do it. Also to Moderators:Can i change my Name (Narnia) ??
  10. THIS IS NOT EASY X_X Anyway you need to kill HALISHA, also as you said: "...orc fullbuffed, if your server is a highrate just take fullbuffs from npcs, if not take prophet and dancer with you..." at High-Rate servers you CAN get easly S grades. P.S. 1st Topic :D? P.S2. Change the topic to acceptable name: [share]Easy S-grade farming
  11. Grisom: what is better for you, Interlude or (when it will be) GraciaFinal?
  12. this is spam! X_X Also you cannot talk to ANY NPC while you are Chaotic Character [PK] so this bug will not work - some1 close it.
  13. I think the topic should be STICK'ed , I did it with other game (WarRock) and it work's well :) but I dont wanna be that person which gonna log on on that account :P
  14. there is HUNTERS village and [HUNTERS_TOWN] not HUNTER village XD
  15. I dont thin he will give any prize... "Cough" Noob "Cough"
  16. Sorry but i needed to say that: HAVE U EVER SEARCH THIS FORUM IN DEVELOPED?! IS IT THAT HARD TO USE SEARCH? I'm on that forum for about 3 months and I seen 3 times how to change GLOW OF HERO ... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36795.0 Thats the 1st link I searched in this forum. P.S. qeseras - posted after 20 seconds XD
  17. Not really - after Interlude(Im not sure) all the skills has been put into categories, so Psychycal and Magical skills are not the same - so INT will work only for Magical and STR only for Psychycial
  18. Some moderator move the topic to "exploits" because this is not a BOT is it? - in Exploits there is already something like that, but without CT2pt2. you should move topic there.
  19. U should use +DEX - 3CON, +2dex - 2STR, +2INT -2MEN, the (+2INT) is because MEN is needed for WindRider 'cause of a lots of Manacosts which skills takes.
  20. I think he really deserve +1 Karma :) That is hard work.
  21. you cannot even see it its 300 posts.. Why it has 300posts?! I mean THIS IS NOT AN EXPLOIT! ITs only a Share is it?
  22. Wrong section- can some moderator move it? ... Also I think you didn't give them the "Host" file. Thats why :D
  23. Deanok

    ANIME !!

    Naruto! :] Thats the best one for me ^^ Also my favorite character is Shikamaru Nara (that Lazy one)
  24. if yes, it should be hidden for like 50 posts 'cause of all the GM's at here.
  25. you cannot even downlaod system patch :(
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