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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. I just got a very big question. I guess you all know Dragon-Network. Well... A lots of people are saying that they have retail and other subclasses. And now the stupid question: Whats the difference between Subclass and RETAIL? -.-'
  2. NeoKid... The Forum is not for to send to google! -.-
  3. I DID checked there but I didnt see the rates (Cant find them)
  4. Thx Haxor, Please lock the topic. Thx! :)
  5. I ALWAYS USE only 3 for 3box :) Deanok iDeanok Chainekken (The Best one for me EVER)
  6. It dont seen to work. Anyway your English skills -1000 man!
  7. ON REAL server L2Faction AvD, when you killed 100 people, you get 2 enchants. for armor and weapon. And its like that: 100-400 PVP's - enchants A 500 - enchants S 600-900 - enchants A ... And like that, just yupe in google L2Faction AvD :)
  8. 1 year ago I started to play there and 3 months ago I changed server. And now when I WANT to click on dragon-network site to download the patch. its only saying: Plz can some1 post a patch? or maybe the server is down beceause they are moving to Hellbound? :( the site name: http://www.dragon-network.net/
  9. I just have 1 question, does on Official, is there 1 server x1? Or there are different servers with different rates? Also, do you need to make a quest for professions? (Yeah xD) Please answer me. :)
  10. 4 spamming posts in the same topic just next to each other... how unfortunate to you >>>BAN!
  11. heh, good story really xD just 1 more question. On L2Paradise, the server is high rate? :/
  12. Yes, it is not mine, it is from my friends database. :) I only add the title's like: PASSIVE,ACTIVE, etc.
  13. I am looking for low rate server LIKE Dragon-Netowrk (rates 10-20) Does any1 know any server like that? It can be Interlude or Gracia Part1 or 2. Please i am looking for one for about 1week.
  14. You said copy it, COPY IT WHERE?!
  15. I DID have the same problem but it was not router! try different server to play on. really :)
  16. You dont want that topic so your wish just happend kids. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27292.0 credits to noobs which close it: gerero sltbnjr archeopterix
  17. How should you get the packets if they are in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE?! L O L!!!!
  18. I am changing the system to WindowsXP straight away so there is no point xD I found that: http://www.lineage2.com/guide/systemneeds.html
  19. The best think what happend in l2 for me was... (The action take place in Dion Castle Town) LvL 42 Necro, Everlast x4 C4... Name: Deanok I guess you know where is the veryy "blank" space in dion, behind the DarkElf guild. I was sitting there and doing a "Carpet" from 1adena, thinking:"Why am I alone everywhere, even in game? Why others got friends, I don't? Maybe it is because I am thinking and looking on everything from different perspective - logic...***" then someone come to me (C grade, nick: Cooler). Then I thought "Omfg another n00b to take collect the adena..." And I said: "If you are that noobs which are collecting free 1a everywhere, then take it all..." But he only sit next to me and started to do the same as I do, (Just to make sure who is it: LightElf Archer, Sex>Girl but he is real boy)so I started to talk to him and that was 4 years ago and now we are very good friends. ***This was the most important thing which I done in my alife... I was just about to think "I don't really need friends, Even if I do, they will only slow me down, they will KEEP ME BACK because they can't move any further... Then I would realise that "Friendship" is nothing to do with me at all... But it didn't happend, why? Because I was young, I didnt know that you can always "see a step forward" P.S. I just wanna to add something, L2 really changed my life, no metter what would you say.
  20. Thx, I hope THOSE will work now... Plz let them work! :(
  21. Yeah I was 1 of them who ask. Thx a lots. I think you should EDIT the the 1st topic with L2Sounds so if its possible moderators can get it sticked.
  22. Your server is different, MOST of the servers are different! Its not my problem that on your server you hasto loose buffs on TvT when u die. Sorry! >.< And some people like ME, want to play on LowRate server. And some people want to play PvP server... Every1 is different :D and not there are not 80% of servers that are fullbuffed. How do YOU know that there is 80% of servers are fullbuffed before TvT. IF LIKE 4/10 OF SERVERS DONT EVEN HAVE TVT! OMFG! Even if it has TvT then i'm 90% sure that you will loose your buffs before you tp there. P.S.IF you mean fullbuffed BEFORE u tp to the TvT and you dont loose your buffs, then that means fullbuffed before TVT. If After you will get buffed on TvT then IT IS NOT FullBuffed but nevermind... BTW, Welcome to MaxCheaters... @OffTopic: I dont want you to think of me that I am hash or something to you, but I love thinking logically, you know, Also I am a bit scared that some children's will buy access for this forum, that what scare me the most. I am not saying that YOU ARE because I dont know you at all... I can only guess about you.
  23. Well thanks anyway. Thats a good music, I was ONLY looking for that :) really thx @Edit: OK I CHANGED MY MIND. WHAT THE F2CK IS THAT SH1T MUSIC!!??!?!! THIS ARE THE REAL SONGS NOT THE SONGS FROM THE LINEAGE2 LOOLLL -10000 KARMA! >.<
  24. Not really... I said that its easier with Antilag but also IF I could run 2x boxes on Computer & Laptop then it would be easier :)
  25. It cant be, when I started to play L2 on server x2, Some1 give me DC robe full set and I sell it in shop for C grade's... (Grocery Shop, Dion) L O L!! How n0000000bbb is that? xD
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