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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. This is not working. It will NEVER WORK! The only thing that makes higher the % is exploit with L2PHX. Picking up a weapon or dropping it or even go to the church, bow x10 times laugh x4 times and enchant the weapon will not work. Also you said that if you are too slow succes rate is 66%. EPIC FAIL! YOU JUST PROVED THAT IT DO NOT WORK!!!! And stop spamming the topics because your posts are CLEAR SPAM. I have no words to say what I think about noobs which think that this bullsh**s are working.
  2. Tower of Ynsolence (Toy) L O L what a nooob!!!!!!!!!! Obviusly on Dragon-network don't work, you get kicked to town :] LAME. ... Tower of Ynsolence WTFOMGROFL
  3. GM's don't need to have the items in his inventory to enchant it. All he do is just typing //enchant and then just type the number in the box and click the icon like armor or weapon.
  4. Thanks I try to do something ^^ but unfortunate DN is going on Kamael so I don't think we can bot there anymore?
  5. Come on any1 can help me?
  6. Ye I have an INFO about this man 1. It is an obvius LIE. 2. He can be GM 3. AS GM he can sell items 4. donate 5. shit server - l2phx+helphx works 6. BULLSHITS! He is lieing for sure, you cannot check his skills can ya?
  7. I wan't to start botting at Dragon-Network. And I have no idea how to start or what I need to you. If would be really nice to post some links such as Guides :) Also it would be helpfull if someone who is playing DN and botting there make a copy of System folder for me if possible. Thank you ;D
  8. Add also Naruto Bleach Because most people are watching it(I am only watching Naruto which ROCKS)
  9. As I said, this doesnt exist. On everyserver its changing :D Also I don't think that any of ADMINS of the servers even CAN do that list.
  10. Sure :D http://www.l2guru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=109805 Here you go :D It will be very hard to write vl of skills and lvl of Lifestones because I think that on most servers its changing and Also It would take long to get skills on every Lifestone xD
  11. Hax0r, on a lot of servers they delete'd the quest (yesterday afternoon it was working at DN, now the quest dissapear ;( )This only shows that they don't know how to play on retail X_X
  12. YOU ARE SO NOOB! DRAGON-NETWORK IS INTERLUDE! it will be Hellbound in about 3 months (it takes 6 months just to move stupid files on hellbound, unbileveble X_X) so I shall say STFU :) And only Arena is on Hellbound so you know @EDIT: I seen it when it has 200 posts so you know
  13. I wanted to post that trick today xD Today it was working at Dragon-Network :) So I think you should hide it for 400-500 posts because its worth it :D
  14. 4 days - not fixed or even a change of the thing. W8ting for mod to do somethin with this topic roflmao
  15. Nice XxRxX now its 500 posts :) and I don't really think its worth it xD
  16. This does'nt work for 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%. There are no enchant tricks accept l2phx with WH/PET. This DOES NOT WORK AND ITS ONLY A LUCK!
  17. It doesn't metter its just the thing that that person with exploit lists can't check it. Also this bug works at a LOTS, LOTS of servers where are TvT's and also the other one which I made with TvT is working too :) And you have 175 karma so you will not be able to seen it because it would be for 200 and you got 175...
  18. Added by a new member of our community No pictures File is .exe WHICH SHOULD NOT BE For me its 100% virus. DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I never played Ghost Sentiel but even if I know how to play with an archer or DarkElf. This is only basics and its only for PvP (I know Lain said that before but this is sad true).FiX your idea was good but the overall effect is 3/10. Some1 which allready was/is playing any PvP server they can see that Archers only : hit>run>hit>run>If Hitted spam CP pots like a demon>hit>run>Critical Hit>stop running>walks to the target>saying "GF noob">Do it again 20/30 times>make a clan>make it lvl 10 from ClanNPC>buy all clan skills>invite some newbie players>And when you are killed you stop playing or play again until you get killed so many times that you leave the server. This is how archers are playing on PvP server. This is how they are playing on low/mid rate: Stun>Hit>Double>run>use HP potion>hit>dash>run>hit>Stun>Critical Hit>(Often especially at official and low rates it happens)ressurect>invite in PT>Exp togother>Become friends>become a member/leader of clan>getting a CH&Castle>Going on PvP again or Resting from everything and sitting at Giran/Aden/Castle/CH/AnyTown/a beautiful place OR gaining more experience. Now back to the topic as I said before it is not good as I would thought from you. Look at my guide: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54299.0 1.Now look whats the difference :) 2.Change it 3.Images, make them normal sizes like in game not x5 bigger ;P 4.Think about how you can improve it even more 5.Be prepared for good opinions about it Just by doing those 5 simple steps you CAN improve your guide, you don't have to if you don't wan't,but I am only trying to help. @Edit: After reading it again cerfully I realise that the guide is really nothing special at all. OK this is very weird indeed look at those difference for vs Duelist: First Try To Use Skill Stun To Stun Him For Some Sec. Use Skill "Hex" To Decrease His P.Def. After This Try To Do Him A Skill Hamstring Shot To Decrease His Speed. And Now Run And Hit If You Have Cp Pots Use Them. And for Pheonix Knight First Try To Do Skill "Hex" To Decrease His P.Def. Use Skill Stun To Stun Him For Some Sec. After This Try To Do Him A Skill Hamstring Shot To Decrease His Speed. And Now Run And Hit If You Have Cp Pots Use Them. THIS IS A HUGE HUGE DIFFERENCE IS IT? I guess you did not know that Duelist got a 2 toogle skills for stun ressists AND ALSO with big CON is the probability that it would land is 5%? Pheonix Knight got too 2 toogle skills for stun resists AND he is tanker so obviously stuns will be even less chance then for Duelist. AND before you even use hex on him (I think its 300 range) you would die because it takes 2 sec for Duelist to run 300 range so before you would cast hex you would die of low P.def and CON. :) Looks like you make something without even thinking about it. GZ man of this useful guide @EDIT2: Because I know you will modify it a lot I just wanna show you how it WAS looking at 1st place.
  20. @UP that was STRONG xD I can't really believe that you make it without any exploits/cheats. There is really really small probability to do it +25. I wish I was gold child. On high rate server I am always enchant like that (:P) if safe is +6 and enchant rate 1/3 of fail and I want to make weapon +25 then I am buying 42 weapons. It takes me about 20 minutes to make weapon for +25 but I know that I will make this weapon for max :D @Offtopic: I seen on many servers people with names like "K4rM2ArR0w5". I think they are copying you (Make other people think that they are the real one from max cheaters?)
  21. Me too fix xD about 5-6 people are doing it :D
  22. @TO MODERATORS: Can some1 clean this topic? 99% of this posts are PURE SPAM without even reading the topic. Look, about 70% of posts in here are with 1-3 words. Please moderator clean the topic!!!
  23. DeMenS0s. The GM's form L2Core log on 1/10000 the year. He cannot "caught" you because: 1. GM's don't know how to check logs 2. He get CriticalError too so it is not working :D Also HE DON'T GIVE EQ! And as far as I remebmer it is not fixed and also HOW THE f2CK you can see it with 173 posts? I seen it before when it was 1/2 pages then it was 200 post count. P.S. L2INC sucks P.S.2. Looks like topic is full with spammers. I wish moderators could do theirs job and clean the topic.
  24. Thx, I am going to test it now xD @God: where did you het that info :F? Edit: I think we need to pay for account/game? X_X
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