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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. Why did you add so much skills that SE doesn't have? You didn't mention anything about Holy Pomanders so that's the point of adding each one? Also why would SE need a weapon with mental shield SA when SE have Mental SHield as one of his/her buffs? If you are going to make a guide about a class... play it first. Learn it. And then write about it. It's like trying to write a guide about Nukers while playing Daggers... honestly. but on overall, pretty good.
  2. This can't work. The timing between the skills would have to be perfect up to a milisecond otherwise the casting of pray will be interrupted (for example melee fighters who have good atk speed and good accuracy will interupt the pray if there is even a slight delay between the buff) So this cannot be done perfectly unless with a bot. Also you would have to calculate exact time that the skill takes to cast on a specific char, and make it use the skill at that time. If a person is able to do such a thing, he definitely won't need to use that exploit to win a siege because he would have a good lineage 2 knowledge... Does no one uses logic nowadays?
  3. To be honest I think this guide is Sh1t. First of all its clear that you are playing on x10+ server because running around the Mother Tree area to kill some orcs that are lvl 4-5 and lvl up to lvl 12 on them would take some time. I would take quest for newbie shots, lvl on gremlins till 6 , go get newbie guide for buffs +weap and teleport to Elven Forest. Heading a bit to the Elven Village there is an area full of some orcs and dryads. Exp there till 16 then get skills. U should have more then 25k adena by this lvl (if you don't, the rates are unbalanced (exp to adena). Buy no grade 3item set (mage or warrior depending on your class) and some ssn/bssn and head straight to neutral zone. Level there till 19, and make the class quest. - This is the quickest possible way to lvl to if u dont have any sponsors at the beginning of the game. After u finish the quest, speak to any person who deals with changing first class occupation and get 5 d grade shadow weapons. That should be enough and it should last u till lvl 40. Go to newbie guide, get free common jewelery, and buffs. Get some ssd/bssd and go to kamaloka lvl 23 in a party of at least 2 dmg dealers (clerics still have windstrike and stuff) (one of them being at least urself). Ushould be somewhere like 31+ (I done it on x4) if u done it in 2 ppl. now all you need to do is find a clan to sponsor ur d grades + common C (for aca points) and lvl on hardin's private academy till 40 or dragon valley the first 2-3mobs to get 40very quickly if u r 38+after cama (its not worth it on a longer scale) then either do the 3kk 2nd class quest or change ur class by npc. Thats all. And I just written a better guide then you written on my phone's internet. Come on man:/
  4. Name: michaello105 Class: Warcrayer lvl when serv died: 42 Best Memory: When I got a Major Arcana Robe set from some guy who quit a server, and I was wearing it all the time from lvls 24-36 (didn't know about Penalty Grades or anything) and I was crying why am I so slow compared to other people. So I got fed up and sold Major Arcana in normal shop to buy lol D grades... yeah... I loved being a newbie ;D Now that I think about it... it makes me cry :P @Edit: Server: L2Existance C4
  5. This brings back so much memories :D Post more ppl :D
  6. I don't have any redirecting programs installed, I tried to do it with the ipjack (as on the official Insane-Gamers tutorial) but for some reason my ipjack didn't want to start the redirecting process (wtf?). So Anyway, I don't have any redirecting programs on and I did not install/de-install any program since my last server that it worked on. Maybe you could try to connect to that server through your l2net (the IP is in the screen) and tell me if you can connect? (It would take less then a minute or two and its worth trying) Also, if that all fails and we still cannot solve the problem, it may be that there is something wrong with the loop? If thats the case, could you send me your system/host (if you are using l2net ofcourse) for freya?
  7. Recently, after I moved to a new server (The name is in the print screen)I cannot connect my l2net to it. When I try to connect through the IG I get this stupid error; http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9536/printscreenl2net.png "ERROR: crash: starting the login server tunnel" When I try to do OOG it has similar answer, but it doesn't matter because I definitely won't use OOG. My L2.ini has server address and in addition I edited my host file too, but I am definitely sure that the server uses l2.ini address not the host. On my last server I had no problems running it, its just now that I got this problem. I think that maybe there is a problem with my files and it would be nice of someone could send me "clean" freya system + host file that is set up for L2net (this may solve the problem?). I can't find the answer anywhere on google, so please don't "redirect me" to google if you don't know the answer yourself. @EDIT: Can I please ask you people not to use the server name in this topic since the server Admin has an account here, thank you.
  8. Dragon-Network's geodata is worse then that so don't even compare those to together.
  9. 2nd and 1st class change you can buy, our stuff have decided to make 3rd class quest only so people can remember how FUN it was to do it with your friends ;) a little sense of achievement I suppose.
  10. Pheonix Rebirth Server Opened 9 December 2009! Hello! We are here to present you with our new Project called Pheonix Revenge! Its a mid rate server retail like with great stuff and community! Feel free to join us and you will be able to find this server as the server you are going to stay for a long time! This can be your chance to enjoy full, real gameplay with no corruptions! We are currently running on Gracia Final but after Christmas we promise you to move on Gracia Epilogue! Don't miss the chance and be the best of the best! Join us now! Pheonix Rebirth Website http://phoenix.game-ls.com/ Pheonix Rebirth Forum: http://www.forum-ls.com/index.php?/forum/53-phoenix-revenge-mid-rate/ L2 Game LS Website: http://game-ls.com/ General Rates: All other rates: x1 xp/sp: 15x with Vitality System party xp/sp: 1.2x adena: 9x drop: 12x spoil: 7x Enchant Rates: Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +25 Enchant Rate: 66% Features: No GM SHOP OR BUFFER! Max Dualbox Allowed. Nobless/3rd class quests retail like Raids and Epic Raids retail like No GM Corruption System All Dungeons fully working Shout and Trade Global for 1st week NPC for top B Weap/Armor (like Luxury) Mark Trader for 1st and 2nd class Server Multi language (Main: EN) Dependable Anti-bot/cheat system Anti-BOT system that announce banned player Lottery with A grade prize Private Shop/Craft/Buy offline All Fortress working Dark Cloud Mansion Crystal Cavern Olympiad Auto pick up item All herbs working Auto-Learn new skills Champion Mobs Private Shop/Craft/Buy offline TvT Event TvT Custom prize and NPC to exchange the prize Medal Event Server Reboot everyday morning Delevel NPC Wedding Manager Daily Events with GMs and much, MUCH more!! [glow=red,2,300] JOIN US NOW![/glow]
  11. Yeah, it does works on the server I play. Btw, some transformations change yours hero-aura back to normal, I used Oel Mahum Transform.
  12. Really good server, you should try it! Some people have +30 items but they are helping u get them too xD
  13. OK. you have to delete the clan but on LOW RATES... man I can understand on high rates because you have lvl 8 in 1min but on low rate server as I said it does take 7 days to dissolve clan... maybe if you decide to dissolve clan and at the last day you PK all noobs from different clan then that would make sense but what for? What if it wouldn't work lol :D If that was me I would be like X_X with 35k Karma and trying to burn it off... eh... so basically what I wanna say is that this trick would be used in 95% on high rates and that I really don't think it will work...
  14. I will add 1 more :D 20. You killed your family and you try to resurrect them with RES Scroll from the printer :P I think we should add new ones so it get interesting :D
  15. Anyway how is CLAN related to player's karma?! I mean WTF. I haven't tried this bug 'cause of obvious reasons... (look 2 posts up) but I really think that leaving your clan doesnt decrease your karma or (just pretend) dropping +16 weapon in the highest point in L2 making you have 255 rec's (/evaluate). I really think that this is nonsense to be honest.
  16. Oh yeah I can just imagine GM being sooo noooob to put Priest of Dawn in PVP ZONE such as coliseum... huh xD
  17. THIS PATCH was already posted like 1 and a half year ago... I dont believe that people still are uploading the same patch over and over... eh... anyway this is useful on low rates.
  18. I tried on server where l2phx works (I won't say the server ofc all of you know why) and after I send the packets it says "You have been banned for illegal... something xD..." forgot what it says exactly but it has anti-spam protection which is very weird because l2phx works there... Anyway thanks for share, Another L2Core ultimate PVP bug.
  19. Its not worth to delete clan lvl 8 with all clan skills + friends. And anyway on low-rates it takes 7 days to delete clan so I think it would be quicker to ask your clan for help so they can like summon you in Primeval Isle and kill mobs so you dont loose exp and your karma decrease.
  20. I was at frintezza server today (x10) and the anti-bot security is so good! Really I think u cant bot there... I was trying everything but nothing... IP/Protocol of server: What do you think about it? :P
  21. I still dont know what I need to change to start botting :/ I am total newbie at it - just please tell me step by step what to do to connect my bot to Frintezza x10 HB server (I repeat again its L2W OOG)It will be really helpful.
  22. And if I do have this IP and Protocol where do I need to put it? or just I have to add another server for l2walker OOG to connect? If yes is this one right? xD [Frintezza] LoginServerIP = server IP LoginServerPort = server Host ProtocolVersion = 831 ServerList=[1]Frintezza; and change from this line: CountryList=USA;Taiwan;Japan;Korea;Thailand;SEA; to this line?: CountryList=USA;Taiwan;Japan;Korea;Thailand;SEA;Frintezza and thats all? ^^
  23. I always wanted to start botting so there is a server which will be starting this monday (10/08/09) and I wanna start to bot there (Frintezza x10). So before I go botting in Frintezza I go to try out L2Walker OGG 10.9.0 on other Hellbound server. I downloaded L2W from http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64604.0 for Hellbound. I read that topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2153.0 and I am be able to set the BOT out but the problem is - How to connect it to other server? It will be runned from l2.exe not BakeIce. I mean I can only choose the official servers and I wanna know how to connect it to Private server. I think that I will have to change Set.ini which looks like that: It would be really great if someone could explain what I need to do to connect to that server. I just "started" botting so I would like to learn a little bit more about botting. Thanks a lot.
  24. Poedra13... you cant download anyof them LOL!
  25. I never seen a noobest person the YOU! L2phx with WareHouse/pet exploit when u send the packets, when the enchant failed you just don't get the crystals or anythig but the weapon stays the same only the enchant scroll diussapear. AND If GM needs to enchant all he do is just //enchant and type in 65535 and then click like "Armor". You should never been able to get CrystalScrolls no metter how much you will look. Only GM can make it because non of the monsters/raidbosses/grandbosses don't drop Crystal Scrolls, and usually GM make them 0% succes if any1 get them by using any kind of exploit. Enchant theory... FAIL! There is no enchant theory like going somewhere and have 10000% succes enchant or like while Baium has 50%HP succes rate is 100%... Your "Theories" DOES NOT EXIST. Omg get over it! ON INTERLUDE THERE ARE NO ENCHANT BUGS/TRICKS ACCEPT PROPGRAM WHICH SENDS PACKETS eg. L2PHX!!!!! Looks like some1 wanna give a voice without even knowing about the topic... @Edit: Please dont spam the topic with 3/4 words because this is just simple spam. Maybe explain WHY you think this is not working?
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