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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. andro: Plz give me your Gadu-Gadu... mine is 5550190 and also nice share its working eyahh!! :d _______________________________________________ daj gg plz
  2. Anubis: I try'ed on interlude servers ... 2/10 work's Iggy...: It does work's on some servers, but anyway you need to play on sserver where there is respawn mobs in TOWN'S get it now?
  3. I can't see it but i think its nice... hah like a weapon aeroplane XD
  4. SOrry! I did'nt say it clear ^^ Ok now i did that: 1. Get flaged 2. Hit the RB 3. UR friend anchor's you 4. when your friend's anchor has finish, you can attack having the paralize debuff 5. you killed rb, easy! but its better to attack low lvl's RB'S Oh yes... it don't work for 90% of L2J servers and only for interlude it work's ^^ Sorry for that :/ ... =.=' On which server you play that you got GradePenality? WTF i change servers 20 times and when i hit rb I always get paralize not GradePenality X_x
  5. YEAH!!! Work on L2Mega (interlude) servers hah XD I just get 1000 Fire Epic's (its lika Adena but u need like 200 fire/wind/water/earth for dynasty robe boots or rb jewlelery 5k... 1 more enchant is 500 more epic's ^^) for WOLF with AM+10 (hard to get) and then hah server get DC when i drop it hah XXXDDDDDD I relog and i have wolf in inventory and 1000 fire epics ^^ :P some ppl are noobs
  6. Hah! Today I killed Orfen when i was lvl 85 hah XD (rb lvl 55/50[Dont remember :P]) and my friend help me... u only need: any nuker... like sorceror or whatever, Necromanter And a bit of time ;D So first you need to flag... then you need to hit rb or rf ^^ then you got 2 minutes debuff ( paralize or whatever its called) and then your friend give's you anchor and then the anchor gone you can attack but can't move with that debuff ^^ and i killed a lot of rb's like that ^^ __________________________________________________ How i find it? its easy XD i go to high rate server (l2antique[x5000]) and then i attack orfen (Gm make all RB's lvl 80 that we can attack ^^) and i use Blazing Circe... I use wrong skill :/ then i get that debuff paralize heh :D after 10 seconds i get ANCHORED by Orfen (anchor lvl 9) when the anchor gone i try to use MP potions ... AND I Can!! YEAH now i kil rb (dont attack rf otherwise you will get paralize) and he drop's 4 orfens ^^ what a nice bug is it? I don't tollerate any spam or asking for unhide it or saying THX when people have only 10 post's X_x -1karma if moderator can...
  7. He is 22 :P but he really dont know what the **** he can do about it ;d just if anyone will send him screen shots about about killing in Giran (mobs in giran hah xD) Just ANCHOR* and JAILED for 7 days ;d ________________________________________________________________________ *That noob (GM) give's anchor then put to jail (anchor which u cant cure or whatever
  8. I think he just try it all! Thx for good work and NICE SHARE!!!
  9. Working!!!! Thx a lot ^^
  10. that server is not a lot of bugged ;D but u should try
  11. Some PvP servers have mobs in peace zone like L2Antique (Interlude(5 days ago come to Gracia) and there are mobs 20+ 80 (Special mobs) and then if you play with TH and u attack mob then (dont click/hold CTRL) target any player and press /Attack ^^ I killed a lot of noobs like that! hah XD ;)
  12. I know 1 very good bug;D on my old server l2mega, Gm always put WH, bufers, shops (GM shop's) and all near gk or in the middle of town... IF you will open Private Warehouse and jsut put ancient adena in (dont press ok) then you open Private Workshop and if someone buy it, u click OK and the person you give it 2 adena which he pay's for Ancient Adena will come to you and AA will be in wh ^^ I make 1kkk (My 1st low rate server x7) on that ^^
  13. the enchant bug is working ^^ (everything u need to do is to click 2 times enchant then open Private Store (sell) and then enchant the weapon , if it brokes u can still sell it ^^) ... Fixed on 16/04/2007 :(
  14. well... i don't have my answer... just asking for a program and killer... HTF u think u can enchant automatic very quick? so that if U have blessed enchant armor a grade u can enchant 35 times until it brke or get maximum? its something wrong >.<
  15. again "killeroffline" nothing usefull to say just spam post's =.='
  16. MACRO can't make use item like if i want to choose weapon i can't... an also a comment about you! >.< U take part in every topic and always say NOTHING USEFUL! U just want to earn some post's BUT DONT DO IT THAT WAY!!! the forum is for help and share NOT TO SPAM!!!... Also anyone can help me?
  17. Ok ppl, i have a big problem :/ im bored of enchanting 1 thing all the same time for 5 hours and make it +16 (armor). I'm not looking for any enchant hack or whatever just something that will be able to: choose item then enchant then repeat it until it broke's or if it dont broke make it +30 (max enchant) My serwer is x5000 enchant rate all 75% max +30 safe +5 and i realllyy need something to enchant for me, plz people help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :] I don't want to get banned becasue i have a lot of + items and im hero 2 also am+acu+30 (i payed 10k gc*) so if there is any program to enchant for Gracia pleasseeeeee ;D i really need it. Thanks for help anyway * 10k gc is 10 000 guild coins, 1 guild coin: 1KKK adena.
  18. Ok, I have a big problem about Interlude Client >:( I am playing in L2Antique server and Last time I play'ed on that server i download a Zoom/Wall hack. I could see through the wall's and have ultimate zoom. But I change server and come back to l2antique, And now i can't find that hack. Please help me! But I NEED to see through the wall's becuase always in baium lair there is about 20 pk's and if you got to ToI13 you can attack from there. Anyone know that hack? I use search in here and i didn't find it :'( plz heeeelllpppp
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